WEBVTT 01:00:08.639 --> 01:00:10.280 Woolworths Group is a food and 01:00:10.280 --> 01:00:12.880 everyday needs business, retail business. 01:00:12.880 --> 01:00:14.239 Predominantly though, 01:00:14.239 --> 01:00:16.119 food is at the heart of what we do 01:00:16.119 --> 01:00:17.920 and so, we have the largest 01:00:17.920 --> 01:00:21.519 supermarket business across Australia and New Zealand. 01:00:22.480 --> 01:00:25.119 Food waste is incredibly important to Woolworths Group. 01:00:25.360 --> 01:00:29.199 Food waste globally, almost a third gets wasted and 01:00:29.199 --> 01:00:32.039 we've equally got people that are going hungry. 01:00:32.039 --> 01:00:35.599 The whole food system itself is going to have to shift 01:00:35.599 --> 01:00:38.480 and is going to have to do things completely differently. 01:00:40.480 --> 01:00:43.320 And so, there's this real opportunity to digitalize that, 01:00:43.320 --> 01:00:44.760 make it more efficient, 01:00:44.760 --> 01:00:47.719 get more of the produce to market, quicker. 01:00:49.159 --> 01:00:51.679 Refresh Food is a marketplace, a digital platform, 01:00:51.679 --> 01:00:54.119 which enables farmers to upload produce really, 01:00:54.119 --> 01:00:56.800 really quickly on the go and helps those farmers 01:00:56.800 --> 01:00:59.519 match that product with buyers out in the market. 01:00:59.760 --> 01:01:01.440 The vision for Refresh Food is to 01:01:01.440 --> 01:01:02.960 eliminate upstream food waste 01:01:02.960 --> 01:01:05.079 and give farmers an opportunity to sell 01:01:05.079 --> 01:01:06.760 and ultimately get a return for more 01:01:06.760 --> 01:01:08.360 of their produce that they grow. 01:01:09.719 --> 01:01:12.039 By digitising the way people transact and 01:01:12.039 --> 01:01:14.599 creating new connections across the ecosystem, 01:01:14.599 --> 01:01:17.119 Refresh creates a more efficient marketplace, 01:01:17.119 --> 01:01:19.639 creating more matches between buyers and sellers, 01:01:19.639 --> 01:01:21.079 reducing the produce that 01:01:21.079 --> 01:01:23.280 doesn't find a home and goes to waste. 01:01:24.280 --> 01:01:28.039 Our Scope 3 is 93% of our total emissions. 01:01:28.280 --> 01:01:29.920 None of that is within our control, 01:01:29.920 --> 01:01:32.039 that sits within our supply base. 01:01:32.039 --> 01:01:36.480 Partnering with BCG and BCG X was just seamless. 01:01:36.480 --> 01:01:38.920 What I loved about the whole process 01:01:38.920 --> 01:01:41.440 and the whole approach was that the two teams were 01:01:41.440 --> 01:01:44.840 just working so incredibly well together as one. 01:01:45.480 --> 01:01:47.480 BCG partnered with Woolworths on the 01:01:47.480 --> 01:01:50.760 end-to-end journey, everything from identifying 01:01:50.760 --> 01:01:54.320 and validating the initial idea, all the way through to 01:01:54.320 --> 01:01:56.679 building the first version of solution, 01:01:56.679 --> 01:02:00.159 getting first customers, hiring the team that would take it 01:02:00.159 --> 01:02:03.239 forward and launching it into market. 01:02:03.239 --> 01:02:06.920 BCG have a tried and tested methodology when bringing 01:02:06.920 --> 01:02:09.199 start-ups and new ventures and 01:02:09.199 --> 01:02:12.199 how we married that with a big corporate. 01:02:12.199 --> 01:02:14.360 the BCG team sort of led us on that journey. 01:02:15.199 --> 01:02:17.000 At BCG X, we are big believers in the 01:02:17.000 --> 01:02:19.719 power of getting out of the boardroom and into the market. 01:02:19.719 --> 01:02:23.480 Our strategic designers were able to work with farmers to 01:02:23.480 --> 01:02:25.159 co-design solutions that would be 01:02:25.159 --> 01:02:27.239 adopted in their context. 01:02:28.760 --> 01:02:31.599 What I loved about the process with BCG 01:02:31.599 --> 01:02:33.559 was the discovery process 01:02:33.559 --> 01:02:35.480 that we went through to find out 01:02:35.480 --> 01:02:38.199 what the exact customer need was. 01:02:39.800 --> 01:02:42.239 So, I think it was a great cohesive team 01:02:42.239 --> 01:02:43.840 that BCG put together 01:02:43.840 --> 01:02:47.400 with product developers, designers, engineers 01:02:47.400 --> 01:02:49.840 who all worked seamlessly together 01:02:49.840 --> 01:02:52.199 to resolve the customer problems. 01:02:52.920 --> 01:02:55.119 We ended up being able to launch Refresh Food 01:02:55.119 --> 01:02:57.159 much, much quicker than I ever thought 01:02:57.159 --> 01:02:58.320 was going to be possible, 01:02:58.320 --> 01:03:00.079 and we've got something that's out there in market 01:03:00.079 --> 01:03:02.599 that is for the greater good and is actually 01:03:02.599 --> 01:03:04.480 making a difference which I think is super cool. 01:03:05.199 --> 01:03:08.599 It's allowing farmers to move and sell their excess produce 01:03:08.599 --> 01:03:11.480 and the likes of Foodbank, Ozharvest, Fairshare, 01:03:11.480 --> 01:03:13.039 and able to get the produce and 01:03:13.039 --> 01:03:15.960 get it into the stomachs of people that need it. 01:03:15.960 --> 01:03:19.679 We've done 600,000 meals in the last four months and 01:03:19.679 --> 01:03:21.360 we're well on the way to exceeding 01:03:21.360 --> 01:03:23.400 a million in the next three or four months. 01:03:23.400 --> 01:03:25.920 We see this as an industry solution and 01:03:25.920 --> 01:03:29.880 we've set it up as a profit-for-purpose business and 01:03:29.880 --> 01:03:31.840 one in which we're looking to partner, 01:03:31.840 --> 01:03:34.159 actually, with our competitors out in the marketplace 01:03:34.159 --> 01:03:36.440 because we all need to lean in 01:03:36.440 --> 01:03:38.800 and solve the food waste issue 01:03:38.800 --> 01:03:39.920 in Australia, together. 01:03:39.920 --> 01:03:41.400 We can't do it on our own. 01:03:44.320 --> 01:03:46.880 Better together for a better tomorrow.