WEBVTT 00:00:00.375 --> 00:00:01.584 Tom, Douglas, welcome. 00:00:01.668 --> 00:00:04.170 Tom, If I could start with you, just tell me if you would, the 00:00:04.170 --> 00:00:06.506 work that you're doing at UBS, because it's pretty unique. 00:00:06.881 --> 00:00:09.342 Thank you, and great to to be here today. 00:00:10.010 --> 00:00:12.178 UBS is the world's largest wealth manager. 00:00:12.178 --> 00:00:14.973 We have about $5 trillion worth of capital under management, 00:00:14.973 --> 00:00:17.017 about a million high-net-worth individuals. 00:00:17.350 --> 00:00:21.813 And 95% of our clients around the world say that they want to 00:00:21.813 --> 00:00:25.775 use their wealth to try and solve some of the pressing 00:00:25.775 --> 00:00:26.276 social, 00:00:26.276 --> 00:00:28.987 and obviously, we're here at COP, so environmental problems 00:00:28.987 --> 00:00:31.656 the world's facing. My team is a response to that, really. 00:00:31.656 --> 00:00:33.742 And this is not a new thing, this is something that's been 00:00:33.742 --> 00:00:35.035 happening for the last two decades. 00:00:35.326 --> 00:00:38.413 We have about 150 people dedicated to supporting our 00:00:38.413 --> 00:00:41.666 clients to maximize their impact, to really think about 00:00:41.666 --> 00:00:45.045 how they can do that in a measurable way that really does 00:00:45.045 --> 00:00:45.795 drive change. 00:00:46.463 --> 00:00:49.716 So clearly the appetite is there. Doug, last time we spoke 00:00:49.716 --> 00:00:53.053 on BCG's podcast, you spoke about how banks can be more than 00:00:53.053 --> 00:00:56.347 just intermediaries, they can actually be agents of change. 00:00:56.723 --> 00:00:58.641 Explain that it was a bit more, if you would. 00:00:58.683 --> 00:00:58.892 Yeah. 00:00:58.892 --> 00:00:59.476 I think banks have, probably more than any other industry, an 00:00:59.476 --> 00:01:02.729 I think banks have, probably more than any other industry, an 00:01:02.729 --> 00:01:05.565 opportunity to create positive social impact. 00:01:05.565 --> 00:01:08.276 I mean, Tom was talking about wealth management. 00:01:08.526 --> 00:01:12.989 But, in addition to that, in a retail bank, the opportunity for 00:01:12.989 --> 00:01:17.202 financial inclusion. In the corporate bank, the opportunity 00:01:17.202 --> 00:01:20.705 to integrate social considerations into bonds and 00:01:20.705 --> 00:01:25.085 into loans. Just like there's a Scope 1, 2, and 3 for climate, 00:01:25.085 --> 00:01:27.962 we think of Scope 1, 2, or 3 for social. 00:01:28.296 --> 00:01:30.590 Scope 1, what you can do with your employees. 00:01:30.590 --> 00:01:33.968 Scope 2, what you can do with your direct clients, and Scope 00:01:33.968 --> 00:01:37.013 3, what you can do with the customers of your clients. 00:01:37.013 --> 00:01:39.307 And you have opportunities across all three areas. 00:01:39.557 --> 00:01:43.311 One of the issues in this space is measurement, especially 00:01:43.311 --> 00:01:43.770 social. 00:01:44.521 --> 00:01:46.314 Yours is a very data-led approach, isn't it? 00:01:46.731 --> 00:01:49.692 Look, at the end of the day, you're not going to achieve net 00:01:49.692 --> 00:01:50.985 zero or (my SDG pin here), 00:01:51.069 --> 00:01:54.197 meet the Sustainable Development Goals, unless you prove that you 00:01:54.197 --> 00:01:56.116 are, which requires impact transparency. 00:01:56.116 --> 00:01:57.033 And what do we mean by that? 00:01:57.033 --> 00:02:00.662 We mean, when you make a donation or an investment to 00:02:00.662 --> 00:02:04.207 drive impact in an attributed way, can you prove it? 00:02:04.207 --> 00:02:04.874 Is it causal? 00:02:05.208 --> 00:02:08.294 The best example is probably we're all back here at COP 00:02:08.294 --> 00:02:11.840 because vaccines went through a clinical trial like nobody would 00:02:11.840 --> 00:02:15.176 take those things if we didn't believe in that efficacy and 00:02:15.176 --> 00:02:15.468 proof. 00:02:16.052 --> 00:02:18.680 We then need to measure who is being impacted. 00:02:18.680 --> 00:02:21.391 And I think particularly in relation to the social impacts, 00:02:21.391 --> 00:02:23.893 we just had a a fantastic roundtable talking about just 00:02:23.893 --> 00:02:26.771 transition, what are the social impacts of climate change going 00:02:26.771 --> 00:02:28.523 to be for communities of disadvantage? 00:02:28.523 --> 00:02:31.776 And if we're not driving capital into those communities, at 00:02:31.776 --> 00:02:35.071 scale, then we're not going to see the kinds of sustainable 00:02:35.071 --> 00:02:38.032 change towards both the Sustainable Development Goals 00:02:38.032 --> 00:02:40.076 and net zero that we all want to see. 00:02:40.076 --> 00:02:43.788 Ultimately, that's about really clear impact measurement and one 00:02:43.788 --> 00:02:47.292 of the things that me and my team are working on is using our 00:02:47.292 --> 00:02:50.753 global footprint and the fact that we are one of the largest 00:02:50.753 --> 00:02:54.090 global banks, with the wealth management industry at $103 00:02:54.090 --> 00:02:57.594 trillion worth of capital. 81% of which says it wants to have 00:02:57.594 --> 00:02:58.845 impact alongside that. 00:02:58.845 --> 00:02:59.888 That's not happening today. 00:02:59.888 --> 00:03:02.932 And one of the reasons that's not happening is because people 00:03:02.932 --> 00:03:04.267 don't fully trust the data. 00:03:04.767 --> 00:03:07.604 But if we could have a simple, almost a bond rating for impact, 00:03:07.604 --> 00:03:09.814 that was like, this is definitely causal, this is 00:03:09.814 --> 00:03:12.692 definitely targeting inequality, this is definitely at-scale, or 00:03:12.692 --> 00:03:14.402 here's the work that needs to be done. 00:03:14.569 --> 00:03:18.114 We think one of the killer apps that will really start to move 00:03:18.114 --> 00:03:19.032 capital at scale. 00:03:19.032 --> 00:03:21.868 Because as I said earlier, we know investors care. 00:03:21.951 --> 00:03:24.204 Yeah, you know, investors care. 00:03:24.204 --> 00:03:27.165 Look, Doug, you've been doing a lot of research into this space. 00:03:27.165 --> 00:03:30.043 You've surveyed hundreds of leaders and what have you found? 00:03:30.960 --> 00:03:34.756 So I think a few key outcomes of this survey that we did. 00:03:34.756 --> 00:03:39.093 I think one is: we asked about the relative importance of the 00:03:39.093 --> 00:03:42.055 focus of a bank on climate versus social. 00:03:42.555 --> 00:03:45.099 And I think historically, they've thought of social being 00:03:45.099 --> 00:03:45.767 very important. 00:03:45.767 --> 00:03:49.687 I think more recently, there's been more emphasis on climate. 00:03:49.687 --> 00:03:53.441 But looking forward, again the bankers are saying that we need 00:03:53.441 --> 00:03:55.068 to redouble focus on social. 00:03:55.526 --> 00:03:59.364 I think the second point is that what is driving the focus on 00:03:59.364 --> 00:04:02.825 social is a little bit different than it is on climate. 00:04:02.825 --> 00:04:06.454 We surveyed them and they said the number one factor driving 00:04:06.454 --> 00:04:09.082 their climate programs is about regulation, 00:04:09.082 --> 00:04:13.795 and particularly in Europe. The number one factor in the social 00:04:13.795 --> 00:04:16.839 side of things is the other stakeholder. 00:04:16.839 --> 00:04:20.301 So it's about the employees and it's about the clients, right. 00:04:20.510 --> 00:04:24.097 And I think the third thing is that more and more bankers are 00:04:24.097 --> 00:04:27.517 saying we are going to be addressing social issues, not as 00:04:27.517 --> 00:04:31.145 part of a traditional CSR or DEI program, but integrating into 00:04:31.145 --> 00:04:34.732 the core of our business and integrating into the core of our 00:04:34.732 --> 00:04:35.608 business model. 00:04:36.109 --> 00:04:37.026 Does that resonate? 00:04:37.068 --> 00:04:37.235 00:04:37.235 --> 00:04:40.822 At the end of the day, trying to solve these huge social issues 00:04:40.822 --> 00:04:44.242 with a few donations off the side as part of your CSR program 00:04:44.242 --> 00:04:45.493 isn't going to cut it. 00:04:45.493 --> 00:04:48.371 We have to integrate them into the way the entire economy 00:04:48.371 --> 00:04:48.705 works. 00:04:48.746 --> 00:04:51.958 Ultimately, that's what we've been talking about is the need 00:04:51.958 --> 00:04:55.044 to transition to an impact economy which actually includes 00:04:55.044 --> 00:04:57.839 net zero, that properly prices not just the negative 00:04:57.839 --> 00:05:01.092 externalities of the planet in investment decisions, which is 00:05:01.092 --> 00:05:04.053 what COP is all about, but also the social and economic 00:05:04.053 --> 00:05:05.263 contribution of people. 00:05:05.555 --> 00:05:09.100 I believe that there will be no net zero without it being 00:05:09.100 --> 00:05:09.934 community-led. 00:05:10.101 --> 00:05:11.311 You have to take communities with you. 00:05:11.311 --> 00:05:13.896 And we see that both in terms of you know, the potential 00:05:13.896 --> 00:05:16.065 political backlash against some of these things. 00:05:16.065 --> 00:05:18.568 If communities elect governments and they're not happy with 00:05:18.568 --> 00:05:20.695 what's happening and understanding the upsides and 00:05:20.695 --> 00:05:23.156 the opportunities for them, then you'll get backlash there. 00:05:23.406 --> 00:05:26.701 But also, just at a practical level, you know, avoided 00:05:26.701 --> 00:05:30.413 deforestation is one of the most important parts to net zero. 00:05:30.663 --> 00:05:34.042 It's communities trying to feed themselves that are deforesting 00:05:34.042 --> 00:05:36.711 more mangroves and rainforests than anything else. 00:05:36.961 --> 00:05:40.006 And unless we find ways for them to prosper in those landscapes, 00:05:40.006 --> 00:05:42.967 then we are not going to achieve the goals we want to achieve. 00:05:43.343 --> 00:05:46.596 So, social and community is inextricably linked with the 00:05:46.596 --> 00:05:47.764 pathway to net zero. 00:05:48.389 --> 00:05:50.058 Tom, Douglas, thank you so much. 00:05:50.308 --> 00:05:51.017 Thanks, Georgie.