WEBVTT 00:00:00.625 --> 00:00:02.293 Steve, Wendy, welcome. Steve to you, first. 00:00:02.293 --> 00:00:06.006 Tell me more, if you would, about the New York Climate 00:00:06.006 --> 00:00:10.010 Exchange: how you started, the work you do, your ambitions. 00:00:10.010 --> 00:00:12.053 Brand new, day six on the job. 00:00:12.137 --> 00:00:17.308 So, cut me a little slack. The Exchange was really created over 00:00:17.308 --> 00:00:18.852 the last two years. 00:00:18.852 --> 00:00:21.938 It was the vision of the of the city of New York to create a 00:00:21.938 --> 00:00:24.941 climate campus that would focus attention around the city. 00:00:25.608 --> 00:00:28.653 It's going to be part think tank, part do tank, part 00:00:28.653 --> 00:00:31.448 incubator for climate technology, part academic 00:00:31.448 --> 00:00:34.743 institution. We'll actually host students on the island. 00:00:34.743 --> 00:00:36.286 So we're going to cover a lot of territory. 00:00:36.786 --> 00:00:40.707 We're going to focus both on New York, but what New York does or 00:00:40.707 --> 00:00:43.710 focuses on, is relevant to the rest of the world. 00:00:43.710 --> 00:00:46.337 So we have both a local and a global scope. 00:00:47.088 --> 00:00:47.964 In the short term, 00:00:48.048 --> 00:00:49.591 let's just look at the year ahead. 00:00:49.591 --> 00:00:51.009 What are your priorities there? 00:00:52.135 --> 00:00:55.305 It's a city with 520 miles of coastline. 00:00:55.972 --> 00:00:59.434 That means I'm relevant to other coastal cities in the US, around 00:00:59.434 --> 00:00:59.976 the world. 00:00:59.976 --> 00:01:02.687 Some of the conversations I've been having here at COP, there 00:01:02.687 --> 00:01:05.440 are folks who are saying, "if you're going to focus on coastal 00:01:05.440 --> 00:01:07.901 resilience, we want to be a part of that conversation." 00:01:07.901 --> 00:01:10.320 They're coming from island communities, not just big 00:01:10.320 --> 00:01:11.780 cities, so that'll be one thing. 00:01:12.197 --> 00:01:15.617 Technology incubation is going to be another key area for us, 00:01:15.617 --> 00:01:19.204 but one of the things I'm really excited about: climate literacy, 00:01:19.204 --> 00:01:22.624 helping to train middle school students, high school students 00:01:22.624 --> 00:01:24.042 to think about the future. 00:01:24.334 --> 00:01:26.920 This is relevant to their college choice, relevant to 00:01:26.920 --> 00:01:28.505 their job choices in the future. 00:01:28.588 --> 00:01:30.423 We want to build that knowledge base. 00:01:31.257 --> 00:01:34.469 Wendy, why should the private sector be partnering with 00:01:34.469 --> 00:01:36.930 organizations like the NYCE, in your mind? 00:01:37.555 --> 00:01:41.851 Well, corporations are our route to scaling and commercializing 00:01:41.851 --> 00:01:44.479 the technologies we need for net zero. 00:01:44.854 --> 00:01:49.192 They are frankly our only route for getting the magnitude of the 00:01:49.192 --> 00:01:51.486 technology in place that we need. 00:01:51.861 --> 00:01:55.949 And so, what the New York Climate Exchange offers is a 00:01:55.949 --> 00:01:59.994 very dynamic ecosystem where we are bringing business, 00:01:59.994 --> 00:02:04.040 philanthropy, government, communities all together to 00:02:04.040 --> 00:02:08.753 accelerate the pace at which we can scale the technologies that 00:02:08.753 --> 00:02:09.379 we need. 00:02:09.629 --> 00:02:12.715 It's a place where you've got access to those technologies. 00:02:12.966 --> 00:02:16.052 You can facilitate access to the IP rights. 00:02:16.344 --> 00:02:19.139 You've got access to the financing that's needed in the 00:02:19.139 --> 00:02:20.682 right places at the right time. 00:02:21.141 --> 00:02:24.978 And so it's a really unique ecosystem that can accelerate 00:02:24.978 --> 00:02:27.897 everything we're trying to do for net zero. 00:02:28.940 --> 00:02:30.692 Wendy, Steve, thank you so much.