WEBVTT e16d96b6-805f-47a1-afc1-ffbb9722d3aa-0 00:00:00.440 --> 00:00:02.760 Vujo, Luca, welcome Vujo to you. 0cbb797d-83a4-4d64-a5fe-dde2d9954138-0 00:00:02.760 --> 00:00:06.000 First, Sasol have made some firm climate commitments. 460e4a9c-961e-4b77-9436-373fb42a42e9-0 00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:07.880 Would you just talk to me a little bit about them? 58d7a62c-acd9-4b4b-996e-76492477782b-0 00:00:08.600 --> 00:00:09.240 Thanks, Georgie. 27a9756a-174f-4e03-87a7-31707d84f69a-0 00:00:09.240 --> 00:00:11.680 We certainly have made firm commitments. 67877377-6047-4bd4-967e-43f4f4c483b8-0 00:00:12.480 --> 00:00:19.057 They include cutting our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% 67877377-6047-4bd4-967e-43f4f4c483b8-1 00:00:19.057 --> 00:00:22.520 by 2030 off our 2017 baseline. 72b05d01-24dd-4bf4-acbf-8ffd5851c5bf-0 00:00:23.840 --> 00:00:28.882 And that really is focused around the scope one and scope 2 72b05d01-24dd-4bf4-acbf-8ffd5851c5bf-1 00:00:28.882 --> 00:00:33.000 emissions, cutting our scope 3 missions in that. ef4c5482-20a8-41cb-bbab-18fdc1ffe9ee-0 00:00:33.520 --> 00:00:38.932 By 20% and really focusing ourselves on the ultimate ef4c5482-20a8-41cb-bbab-18fdc1ffe9ee-1 00:00:38.932 --> 00:00:42.200 ambition of being net 0 by 2050. 9e1b5606-93f4-4a85-a1cb-dae8320e098a-0 00:00:42.640 --> 00:00:47.559 So that's essentially what the targets, the targets are and we 9e1b5606-93f4-4a85-a1cb-dae8320e098a-1 00:00:47.559 --> 00:00:52.400 do believe especially when one is regards to our business and 9e1b5606-93f4-4a85-a1cb-dae8320e098a-2 00:00:52.400 --> 00:00:56.539 the carbon intensity particularly of the South South 9e1b5606-93f4-4a85-a1cb-dae8320e098a-3 00:00:56.539 --> 00:01:00.600 African value chain that these are are significant. 40617389-c9a8-47c4-8202-8997bf16efa7-0 00:01:01.000 --> 00:01:06.632 And and we have already been working over time because we if 40617389-c9a8-47c4-8202-8997bf16efa7-1 00:01:06.632 --> 00:01:11.988 you take going back to 2004, we've already cut 11,000,000 40617389-c9a8-47c4-8202-8997bf16efa7-2 00:01:11.988 --> 00:01:17.160 tonnes of CO2 of our of our operations in South Africa. d067d1e8-de3e-4e34-adaa-c6b80acbd887-0 00:01:17.400 --> 00:01:22.504 And so with that in mind, we do believe that we can be confident d067d1e8-de3e-4e34-adaa-c6b80acbd887-1 00:01:22.504 --> 00:01:26.823 about attaining the the objectives we've set ourselves d067d1e8-de3e-4e34-adaa-c6b80acbd887-2 00:01:26.823 --> 00:01:30.200 in the spread of 2030 and ultimately 2050. d696bdf5-097d-471e-82f7-9cb165719e36-0 00:01:30.880 --> 00:01:34.752 Confidence, an important word, broaden it out if you would for d696bdf5-097d-471e-82f7-9cb165719e36-1 00:01:34.752 --> 00:01:38.440 me, Luca, to the transition in South Africa more generally. 871f9732-7fca-4ed3-9090-563bc88c7142-0 00:01:38.560 --> 00:01:40.720 Is there confidence that this is achievable? ab7def0b-e346-4872-b2a6-62e8db3fe812-0 00:01:41.800 --> 00:01:45.836 Well, South Africa is not short of challenges for sure, but ab7def0b-e346-4872-b2a6-62e8db3fe812-1 00:01:45.836 --> 00:01:50.073 having worked with a coalition of 30 companies in South Africa ab7def0b-e346-4872-b2a6-62e8db3fe812-2 00:01:50.073 --> 00:01:54.177 to unpack what net 0 pathway could look like, we have to say ab7def0b-e346-4872-b2a6-62e8db3fe812-3 00:01:54.177 --> 00:01:58.482 South Africa is also not short of capabilities, both people and ab7def0b-e346-4872-b2a6-62e8db3fe812-4 00:01:58.482 --> 00:02:01.980 companies and we need to acknowledge that this is a ab7def0b-e346-4872-b2a6-62e8db3fe812-5 00:02:01.980 --> 00:02:02.720 transition. 682aef94-fc6c-421b-bdf3-282f0d033c95-0 00:02:02.800 --> 00:02:06.558 So to phase out coal we also need to scale up alternative 682aef94-fc6c-421b-bdf3-282f0d033c95-1 00:02:06.558 --> 00:02:10.251 solutions, the proven ones in the short term renewables, 682aef94-fc6c-421b-bdf3-282f0d033c95-2 00:02:10.251 --> 00:02:14.269 biofuels, some gas as well and start scaling up progressively 682aef94-fc6c-421b-bdf3-282f0d033c95-3 00:02:14.269 --> 00:02:18.221 the early stage green tech like green hydrogen, PTX, SAF and 682aef94-fc6c-421b-bdf3-282f0d033c95-4 00:02:18.221 --> 00:02:22.174 there we see really incredible potential in South Africa and 682aef94-fc6c-421b-bdf3-282f0d033c95-5 00:02:22.174 --> 00:02:23.600 incredible capability. 96c865fa-0c3d-4fdc-9728-5758ab2061b5-0 00:02:23.920 --> 00:02:27.262 We take the example of Sasol with 70 years of engineering 96c865fa-0c3d-4fdc-9728-5758ab2061b5-1 00:02:27.262 --> 00:02:30.143 capabilities in upgrading molecules and producing 96c865fa-0c3d-4fdc-9728-5758ab2061b5-2 00:02:30.143 --> 00:02:32.160 synthetic fuels with Fisher traps. 9614b2d6-841a-45db-af20-e99fd5b835a9-0 00:02:32.760 --> 00:02:35.458 So we do believe they are actually a great potential in 9614b2d6-841a-45db-af20-e99fd5b835a9-1 00:02:35.458 --> 00:02:37.000 South Africa to to achieve this. 720f6f80-835b-4891-b24d-3e9d883547f8-0 00:02:37.240 --> 00:02:40.075 Well, yeah, if you would just talk to me through a few more of 720f6f80-835b-4891-b24d-3e9d883547f8-1 00:02:40.075 --> 00:02:42.550 the projects that are helping you achieve your climate 720f6f80-835b-4891-b24d-3e9d883547f8-2 00:02:42.550 --> 00:02:43.000 ambitions. 7e9f1ea6-1f57-4059-8282-ded23ddb7511-0 00:02:43.880 --> 00:02:48.229 I think the, the first point Georgie to to raise in relation 7e9f1ea6-1f57-4059-8282-ded23ddb7511-1 00:02:48.229 --> 00:02:52.080 to our 2030 targets, I mean we've been focused around 7e9f1ea6-1f57-4059-8282-ded23ddb7511-2 00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:53.720 bringing in renewables. 836e6c03-eea0-4b67-9c59-6b52e7bd310b-0 00:02:54.080 --> 00:03:00.009 We believe that renewables would contribute about 6, about 6% of 836e6c03-eea0-4b67-9c59-6b52e7bd310b-1 00:03:00.009 --> 00:03:01.560 that 30% equally. 14c603d5-359a-46d5-a8a4-16bc2627260c-0 00:03:02.760 --> 00:03:08.654 Energy efficiencies really just bringing efficiencies in our 14c603d5-359a-46d5-a8a4-16bc2627260c-1 00:03:08.654 --> 00:03:14.935 processes including a reduction in the in the usage of coal will 14c603d5-359a-46d5-a8a4-16bc2627260c-2 00:03:14.935 --> 00:03:21.216 add another 12% to getting us to that 30% and and of course they 14c603d5-359a-46d5-a8a4-16bc2627260c-3 00:03:21.216 --> 00:03:27.400 equally will be a focus around boiler 10 downs bring in another 14c603d5-359a-46d5-a8a4-16bc2627260c-4 00:03:27.400 --> 00:03:28.560 another 12%. fc1a36ac-aecd-445f-ac88-078bf47ed61a-0 00:03:28.560 --> 00:03:33.947 So, so we've got a clear plan around how we can go about this fc1a36ac-aecd-445f-ac88-078bf47ed61a-1 00:03:33.947 --> 00:03:39.594 in respect of 2030 doesn't make it easy, it's it's a challenging fc1a36ac-aecd-445f-ac88-078bf47ed61a-2 00:03:39.594 --> 00:03:44.200 environment looking into affordability and all that. ba078d66-d79c-4d06-a907-8fab04f9904b-0 00:03:44.200 --> 00:03:48.201 But we do believe that there are clear plans that could lead us ba078d66-d79c-4d06-a907-8fab04f9904b-1 00:03:48.201 --> 00:03:50.640 into attaining those those objectives. 0e8bbf75-fe32-43dc-94cb-bc1e441d153e-0 00:03:51.040 --> 00:03:54.176 Luca, can you tell me more about how companies are financing the 0e8bbf75-fe32-43dc-94cb-bc1e441d153e-1 00:03:54.176 --> 00:03:55.480 transition in South Africa? 930d81a8-04ce-4e3b-a64f-0606ab7b3e4e-0 00:03:55.800 --> 00:03:58.743 George, this is an excellent question, particularly in the 930d81a8-04ce-4e3b-a64f-0606ab7b3e4e-1 00:03:58.743 --> 00:04:01.837 context of the Global S Some of the companies in the Global S 930d81a8-04ce-4e3b-a64f-0606ab7b3e4e-2 00:04:01.837 --> 00:04:04.631 have much more challenged balance sheet compared to the 930d81a8-04ce-4e3b-a64f-0606ab7b3e4e-3 00:04:04.631 --> 00:04:05.280 Global North. 289dda14-42b9-4ccc-b18b-5200c021c5b8-0 00:04:06.160 --> 00:04:09.205 And so it is with the countries themselves who cannot put in 289dda14-42b9-4ccc-b18b-5200c021c5b8-1 00:04:09.205 --> 00:04:12.051 place incentive mechanisms like we have in the US or the 289dda14-42b9-4ccc-b18b-5200c021c5b8-2 00:04:12.051 --> 00:04:12.800 European Union. 133782d5-e102-4b34-99df-5ec6bc1e5078-0 00:04:12.800 --> 00:04:17.064 So we need mechanisms beyond jet PS, we need more grants, we need 133782d5-e102-4b34-99df-5ec6bc1e5078-1 00:04:17.064 --> 00:04:21.200 carbon credits and we need more importantly off takes from more 133782d5-e102-4b34-99df-5ec6bc1e5078-2 00:04:21.200 --> 00:04:25.270 advanced economies to the global South in the places where the 133782d5-e102-4b34-99df-5ec6bc1e5078-3 00:04:25.270 --> 00:04:27.920 premium can be afforded in early stages. 1ef55ef6-5d9b-4d64-83e9-f499742cbb4a-0 00:04:28.360 --> 00:04:29.680 VUO, how is it at Sasol? 66a8c2cb-6f15-4d1e-8bee-2b68f72a2b33-0 00:04:30.200 --> 00:04:35.096 Well in in the spread of Sasol, firstly our focus is on using 66a8c2cb-6f15-4d1e-8bee-2b68f72a2b33-1 00:04:35.096 --> 00:04:40.150 our own resources in respect of the the period leading to 20-30 66a8c2cb-6f15-4d1e-8bee-2b68f72a2b33-2 00:04:40.150 --> 00:04:44.494 and that's that calls on us really getting our current 66a8c2cb-6f15-4d1e-8bee-2b68f72a2b33-3 00:04:44.494 --> 00:04:49.469 foundation business operating more efficiently to generate the 66a8c2cb-6f15-4d1e-8bee-2b68f72a2b33-4 00:04:49.469 --> 00:04:51.760 capital we require to invest. cef28afb-21fc-43ef-b9a5-58aaeac5c8f2-0 00:04:52.000 --> 00:04:56.014 But also, of course, we do need an appropriate carbon pricing cef28afb-21fc-43ef-b9a5-58aaeac5c8f2-1 00:04:56.014 --> 00:05:00.029 regime in South Africa that can equally enable us to make the cef28afb-21fc-43ef-b9a5-58aaeac5c8f2-2 00:05:00.029 --> 00:05:02.360 investments that we intend to make.