WEBVTT 442f7789-264b-4250-b922-f91310b4a0e9-0 00:00:00.560 --> 00:00:02.760 Pattabi, Marco, welcome. Pattabi, to you first. 6ec7fa7f-291b-4c1d-8d93-2153d585fd17-0 00:00:02.800 --> 00:00:06.367 Tell me about the opportunities and challenges when it comes to 6ec7fa7f-291b-4c1d-8d93-2153d585fd17-1 00:00:06.367 --> 00:00:08.040 renewable project development. f6a98ce3-1077-445f-84d6-40740ea50894-0 00:00:09.200 --> 00:00:12.716 Georgie, the renewable project development challenges are about f6a98ce3-1077-445f-84d6-40740ea50894-1 00:00:12.716 --> 00:00:13.760 the same worldwide. c907f3c1-2055-4ca6-85b6-d97c7f4a1eb1-0 00:00:13.800 --> 00:00:17.644 Generally speaking, it is getting access to land and c907f3c1-2055-4ca6-85b6-d97c7f4a1eb1-1 00:00:17.644 --> 00:00:18.080 sites. eb396eb7-c697-463e-8ffb-fcc0ba52b10f-0 00:00:18.640 --> 00:00:21.308 Second one, being interconnection: being able to eb396eb7-c697-463e-8ffb-fcc0ba52b10f-1 00:00:21.308 --> 00:00:24.575 actually connect to transmission lines, and then everything eb396eb7-c697-463e-8ffb-fcc0ba52b10f-2 00:00:24.575 --> 00:00:27.680 around the supply chain has been upside down these days. c1465af2-041f-4b73-82cc-2e061ec792c0-0 00:00:28.320 --> 00:00:30.887 To that, I would probably now add financing as well because c1465af2-041f-4b73-82cc-2e061ec792c0-1 00:00:30.887 --> 00:00:33.284 interest rates are up and so project costs have gone up c1465af2-041f-4b73-82cc-2e061ec792c0-2 00:00:33.284 --> 00:00:34.440 overall, as a result of it. 39bacbed-06ae-4d98-8253-a7f829b28d04-0 00:00:34.440 --> 00:00:36.640 So, all of those are the big challenges today 5faa9991-74ac-41fe-ae65-15e2d012ec41-0 00:00:36.640 --> 00:00:37.680 on renewable development. 0d5d6e1d-7f74-4671-8ca7-2a0658a96691-0 00:00:38.600 --> 00:00:41.185 Marco, what is ACWA Power's vision for the future of the 0d5d6e1d-7f74-4671-8ca7-2a0658a96691-1 00:00:41.185 --> 00:00:44.042 energy sector and what are you doing to play your part in that 0d5d6e1d-7f74-4671-8ca7-2a0658a96691-2 00:00:44.042 --> 00:00:44.360 future? 93951a6e-7b7c-4279-b801-a0266b5dcf1e-0 00:00:44.920 --> 00:00:47.360 We're very excited about everything that is going on. 2c1d42ff-f365-4727-80d7-83552482dd13-0 00:00:47.360 --> 00:00:51.255 I always say that renewables today are not developed out of 2c1d42ff-f365-4727-80d7-83552482dd13-1 00:00:51.255 --> 00:00:51.840 ideology. d4a79add-c615-4f38-a084-e125820233df-0 00:00:52.160 --> 00:00:55.760 They're developed because it's the cheapest, fastest, most d4a79add-c615-4f38-a084-e125820233df-1 00:00:55.760 --> 00:00:56.920 secure energy form. 2779c6b7-62d3-42ab-be51-b5129336b2a2-0 00:00:57.280 --> 00:00:59.620 And so everybody wants to build a lot of that, and we are right 2779c6b7-62d3-42ab-be51-b5129336b2a2-1 00:00:59.620 --> 00:00:59.840 there. eceb5b1c-2bc3-4fe0-8c14-c6e9c32f11d1-0 00:01:00.200 --> 00:01:01.080 We're an enabler. eb3611c9-b4fe-4976-a572-cd667a7635af-0 00:01:01.080 --> 00:01:04.413 For every dollar that we invest, we mobilize ten dollars of eb3611c9-b4fe-4976-a572-cd667a7635af-1 00:01:04.413 --> 00:01:06.080 equity and financial partners. e2403512-60db-40c4-a956-a7b79ed087c9-0 00:01:06.080 --> 00:01:08.997 So we really believe that we bring together technology e2403512-60db-40c4-a956-a7b79ed087c9-1 00:01:08.997 --> 00:01:12.233 partners and everything, all the ecosystem that is needed to e2403512-60db-40c4-a956-a7b79ed087c9-2 00:01:12.233 --> 00:01:13.560 develop these renewables. 6bc4ae7a-ec45-4b45-918d-a14647e86607-0 00:01:13.560 --> 00:01:16.320 So that's what we're doing for the environment today. 5e252a7a-5b9f-4999-9775-975ef54aeb35-0 00:01:16.480 --> 00:01:19.632 We're doing more on green hydrogen and water desalination 5e252a7a-5b9f-4999-9775-975ef54aeb35-1 00:01:19.632 --> 00:01:22.838 because those can also be integrated with renewable energy 5e252a7a-5b9f-4999-9775-975ef54aeb35-2 00:01:22.838 --> 00:01:26.099 in order to achieve a greater decarbonization of the energy 5e252a7a-5b9f-4999-9775-975ef54aeb35-3 00:01:26.099 --> 00:01:26.480 sector. c9041a05-c6d1-4858-8e36-18c7fc743cf4-0 00:01:26.560 --> 00:01:27.520 What are you doing with those? a0db9443-f69c-4552-b252-81156b7229e4-0 00:01:27.560 --> 00:01:28.240 Tell me a bit more. c3607b22-f968-4706-82bf-4711aa95c52c-0 00:01:28.720 --> 00:01:32.453 So, in green hydrogen or green ammonia, we are the first mover, c3607b22-f968-4706-82bf-4711aa95c52c-1 00:01:32.453 --> 00:01:32.920 I think, 8d7e60fb-1095-4fd2-bd3a-91ef1da95e80-0 00:01:32.920 --> 00:01:37.093 together with our partners, Air Products and NEOM in Saudi 8d7e60fb-1095-4fd2-bd3a-91ef1da95e80-1 00:01:37.093 --> 00:01:41.762 Arabia, we're developing an $8.5 billion project where we already 8d7e60fb-1095-4fd2-bd3a-91ef1da95e80-2 00:01:41.762 --> 00:01:46.077 invested more than a billion and a half, is going to come to 8d7e60fb-1095-4fd2-bd3a-91ef1da95e80-3 00:01:46.077 --> 00:01:48.200 production by the end of 2026. be9b4fc6-d274-46f3-8b06-dca3b90e7fa5-0 00:01:48.200 --> 00:01:51.560 It's the largest in the world fully dedicated for export. ba2b81b1-bcef-478f-914f-dfd2ac3fa022-0 00:01:51.560 --> 00:01:54.960 To give you an idea, 600 tons per day of capacity. 123bf85e-aea7-4c12-844a-38e56b725c57-0 00:01:54.960 --> 00:01:57.906 The largest green hydrogen project in the United States, 123bf85e-aea7-4c12-844a-38e56b725c57-1 00:01:57.906 --> 00:01:59.560 three, so it's 200 times bigger. fd571211-bbbe-490d-9c7d-43ccda85af88-0 00:01:59.720 --> 00:02:03.045 We just broke ground on the second project in Uzbekistan to fd571211-bbbe-490d-9c7d-43ccda85af88-1 00:02:03.045 --> 00:02:06.259 decarbonize the fertilizer sector for export into Europe, fd571211-bbbe-490d-9c7d-43ccda85af88-2 00:02:06.259 --> 00:02:08.920 which is very relevant now with CBAM coming up. 83f01779-c687-43f3-ab94-ad7c2e534938-0 00:02:09.800 --> 00:02:12.684 You need to decarbonize the system if you want to continue 83f01779-c687-43f3-ab94-ad7c2e534938-1 00:02:12.684 --> 00:02:13.760 to import into Europe. 48904f4a-a0dc-462b-86d5-0df960de23ac-0 00:02:14.160 --> 00:02:18.069 On water desalination, we just launched at Red Sea Global where 48904f4a-a0dc-462b-86d5-0df960de23ac-1 00:02:18.069 --> 00:02:21.857 we are providing the utilities to the Red Sea Global Company, 48904f4a-a0dc-462b-86d5-0df960de23ac-2 00:02:21.857 --> 00:02:24.240 basically the big tourist destination. d0ae2c24-239e-47e2-9655-6e279be4da71-0 00:02:24.560 --> 00:02:28.554 All the utilities in water desalination, there is 100% d0ae2c24-239e-47e2-9655-6e279be4da71-1 00:02:28.554 --> 00:02:30.080 fueled by renewables. 9c787bd7-80f2-481c-b2f5-68d3cd883680-0 00:02:30.440 --> 00:02:33.917 In other projects in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, 30% of 9c787bd7-80f2-481c-b2f5-68d3cd883680-1 00:02:33.917 --> 00:02:37.160 the capacity of the energy demand is renewable energy. f35a49a8-cf61-46dd-bba5-f8c2de755083-0 00:02:37.720 --> 00:02:39.800 Pattabi, so much innovation happening in this space. d6518e98-625e-4530-99ea-60a805a009d9-0 00:02:39.800 --> 00:02:41.120 What is exciting you the most? 5f78b1b7-e1f1-49f3-a194-56ffde8e94e7-0 00:02:41.680 --> 00:02:44.787 Well, what excites me the most is the scale of the projects 5f78b1b7-e1f1-49f3-a194-56ffde8e94e7-1 00:02:44.787 --> 00:02:45.720 that are going on. 51b8cf13-8e7f-434a-b811-f87d200c6a92-0 00:02:46.160 --> 00:02:49.400 You know, I come from Texas, we say everything is big in Texas. 621e3604-b740-44b2-8c93-b67911bd7b77-0 00:02:49.520 --> 00:02:51.840 Yeah, everything is bigger in the Middle East it looks like. 79870dd8-6856-4f57-a4cf-94250cf30574-0 00:02:51.920 --> 00:02:55.176 So the sheer scale of what we're looking at and then the level of 79870dd8-6856-4f57-a4cf-94250cf30574-1 00:02:55.176 --> 00:02:58.235 innovation that's happening from a technology standpoint, all 79870dd8-6856-4f57-a4cf-94250cf30574-2 00:02:58.235 --> 00:02:58.680 exciting. 4a42ad80-e77f-4a4a-9dae-0ff10ef0448c-0 00:02:58.960 --> 00:03:01.103 Not to put a damper though on things, but what are some of the 4a42ad80-e77f-4a4a-9dae-0ff10ef0448c-1 00:03:01.103 --> 00:03:03.076 challenges that you're facing at the moment, Marco, and I 4a42ad80-e77f-4a4a-9dae-0ff10ef0448c-2 00:03:03.076 --> 00:03:05.185 suppose, what are some of the challenges you're foreseeing in 4a42ad80-e77f-4a4a-9dae-0ff10ef0448c-3 00:03:05.185 --> 00:03:05.560 the future? 3df135e0-c1a8-46d2-8018-6142eeb620c0-0 00:03:06.240 --> 00:03:09.160 So, it's different country from country. 11a4a3c6-07b0-491a-9bb4-95d864a0e514-0 00:03:09.640 --> 00:03:13.386 I would say here in the Gulf, the returns tend to be quite 11a4a3c6-07b0-491a-9bb4-95d864a0e514-1 00:03:13.386 --> 00:03:13.640 low. 7e12a72f-8598-4baf-ad66-60c172b7fa60-0 00:03:13.680 --> 00:03:16.720 So you have to be extremely efficient on your supply chain. 7ea89992-092c-4e93-a742-35965046c26f-0 00:03:17.000 --> 00:03:20.331 That is because the scale we have here in the region is 7ea89992-092c-4e93-a742-35965046c26f-1 00:03:20.331 --> 00:03:24.078 massive, and there's a lot of competition to reach and achieve 7ea89992-092c-4e93-a742-35965046c26f-2 00:03:24.078 --> 00:03:27.588 basically a position in this market. For other markets, in 7ea89992-092c-4e93-a742-35965046c26f-3 00:03:27.588 --> 00:03:28.600 emerging markets, 7666e944-a075-4207-a4eb-681b55eda99d-0 00:03:28.600 --> 00:03:32.030 I'm talking and thinking now about Africa, Southeast Asia, 7666e944-a075-4207-a4eb-681b55eda99d-1 00:03:32.030 --> 00:03:33.600 the problem there is scale. 917d7dbd-4465-4fc3-91be-74f0f27527c2-0 00:03:34.000 --> 00:03:37.304 So it's very difficult to achieve really the scale that we 917d7dbd-4465-4fc3-91be-74f0f27527c2-1 00:03:37.304 --> 00:03:40.608 have in Saudi Arabia, or the Emirates, or Central Asia now 917d7dbd-4465-4fc3-91be-74f0f27527c2-2 00:03:40.608 --> 00:03:41.000 for us. f43c3945-9b44-4c88-a382-fc8c0ffcccf4-0 00:03:41.400 --> 00:03:43.951 And so what we're trying to do is to work with the local f43c3945-9b44-4c88-a382-fc8c0ffcccf4-1 00:03:43.951 --> 00:03:46.682 governments on-site, trying to see how we can accelerate the f43c3945-9b44-4c88-a382-fc8c0ffcccf4-2 00:03:46.682 --> 00:03:49.636 pace of development. f43c3945-9b44-4c88-a382-fc8c0ffcccf4-3 00:03:49.636 --> 00:03:52.546 Finally and overall, what are you hoping that will come out of f43c3945-9b44-4c88-a382-fc8c0ffcccf4-4 00:03:52.546 --> 00:03:55.411 this COP, with regards to this sector and what it addresses? f43c3945-9b44-4c88-a382-fc8c0ffcccf4-5 00:03:55.411 --> 00:03:55.680 2d1cef03-807e-4c90-ba3a-55ae4bddc975-0 00:03:55.680 --> 00:03:57.280 Yeah, let me start off. a757c2a5-493b-406b-936e-2ee3f3014fd3-0 00:03:57.280 --> 00:03:59.360 I'd love to hear Marco's perspectives as well. d1946b8c-3050-4e77-b01f-da4f6ada2adf-0 00:03:59.880 --> 00:04:02.456 Energy Day is coming up on Tuesday, but there's a lot of d1946b8c-3050-4e77-b01f-da4f6ada2adf-1 00:04:02.456 --> 00:04:04.897 obviously discussions and negotiations that have been d1946b8c-3050-4e77-b01f-da4f6ada2adf-2 00:04:04.897 --> 00:04:07.519 happening over the course of the last six to nine months. 83a0e0d1-9d77-4975-a427-1fa9f76050b6-0 00:04:07.800 --> 00:04:10.160 The big things remain the big things. 491b538e-ac6e-40c9-bb32-cff0a9a9de60-0 00:04:10.160 --> 00:04:13.957 So tripling renewables, doubling energy efficiency, near-zero 491b538e-ac6e-40c9-bb32-cff0a9a9de60-1 00:04:13.957 --> 00:04:17.877 methane in the oil and gas value chain, and then Scope 1 and 2 491b538e-ac6e-40c9-bb32-cff0a9a9de60-2 00:04:17.877 --> 00:04:21.552 net zero by the oil and gas players across their full value 491b538e-ac6e-40c9-bb32-cff0a9a9de60-3 00:04:21.552 --> 00:04:21.920 chain. bcd35606-5ab5-4fbe-bbbd-5b2ced37d057-0 00:04:21.920 --> 00:04:25.300 And then there's some new and exciting things hopefully that bcd35606-5ab5-4fbe-bbbd-5b2ced37d057-1 00:04:25.300 --> 00:04:28.737 come out around getting clarity on hydrogen trade and having, bcd35606-5ab5-4fbe-bbbd-5b2ced37d057-2 00:04:28.737 --> 00:04:32.173 you know, the ability to be able to move hydrogen derivatives bcd35606-5ab5-4fbe-bbbd-5b2ced37d057-3 00:04:32.173 --> 00:04:34.280 around the world in a consistent way. 2751ef48-cd15-41fb-a069-4293c414af5e-0 00:04:34.280 --> 00:04:38.445 So, those are some of the big things that are needed and of 2751ef48-cd15-41fb-a069-4293c414af5e-1 00:04:38.445 --> 00:04:42.332 course hard-to-abate sectors and their role in how they 2751ef48-cd15-41fb-a069-4293c414af5e-2 00:04:42.332 --> 00:04:45.040 reformulate their energy value chains. 2668edf1-b64d-4016-8e51-283cb68cc765-0 00:04:45.240 --> 00:04:47.440 So those are my hopes and expectations. f7b4f47c-d46d-4188-84b0-a0fed09cb319-0 00:04:47.440 --> 00:04:48.440 I'd love to hear your thoughts. e2709256-6e60-418b-9c1f-2160e8e63244-0 00:04:49.080 --> 00:04:53.524 I think I concur on the role of green hydrogen in hard-to-abate e2709256-6e60-418b-9c1f-2160e8e63244-1 00:04:53.524 --> 00:04:54.080 sectors. 11e8d156-7c95-4c14-9e20-7f5ffee354b6-0 00:04:54.080 --> 00:04:57.937 As I mentioned, you know there's no debate today on renewable 11e8d156-7c95-4c14-9e20-7f5ffee354b6-1 00:04:57.937 --> 00:04:59.680 energy for power generation. 7ae4d3af-a08f-4efb-901b-404602e8678a-0 00:04:59.680 --> 00:05:00.440 That's happening. 6e41c8f3-a5a6-4f98-98e7-2534d1729fac-0 00:05:00.720 --> 00:05:03.698 I think where we need to focus is the hard-to-abate where you 6e41c8f3-a5a6-4f98-98e7-2534d1729fac-1 00:05:03.698 --> 00:05:06.485 need a green hydrogen or green ammonia as a solution on a 6e41c8f3-a5a6-4f98-98e7-2534d1729fac-2 00:05:06.485 --> 00:05:08.840 global trade that is something that is emerging. c9030ee0-9dff-407e-a8f3-f285fb764dca-0 00:05:09.040 --> 00:05:12.505 So we need to work together both on the regulation, the c9030ee0-9dff-407e-a8f3-f285fb764dca-1 00:05:12.505 --> 00:05:16.526 definition, and try to find the scheme that is best to basically c9030ee0-9dff-407e-a8f3-f285fb764dca-2 00:05:16.526 --> 00:05:20.548 achieve export projects from the most competitive market here in c9030ee0-9dff-407e-a8f3-f285fb764dca-3 00:05:20.548 --> 00:05:24.508 these areas, from North Africa, Middle East, but also Southeast c9030ee0-9dff-407e-a8f3-f285fb764dca-4 00:05:24.508 --> 00:05:28.468 Asia into the final demand that is mainly we see Europe, Japan, c9030ee0-9dff-407e-a8f3-f285fb764dca-5 00:05:28.468 --> 00:05:28.840 Korea. 31905aae-6ad0-4b04-a9ad-0382778ce9eb-0 00:05:29.480 --> 00:05:31.440 Marco, Pattabi, thank you so much for your time. 4200f5c5-fc8d-457a-80f1-6f5a819455ea-0 00:05:32.200 --> 00:05:32.800 Thank you.