WEBVTT 6118f26c-515f-4370-81dd-c4feb8112086-0 00:00:00.360 --> 00:00:03.400 Kate, Rich, we are now a week into COP28. 7c524595-683b-40f5-b532-5b79b7fc3fd5-0 00:00:03.800 --> 00:00:05.600 What are your impressions so far? 7180b33b-6986-4d5c-bc5d-85cd3dda5ad1-0 00:00:05.600 --> 00:00:06.400 What have you made of it? 0a6d2c35-5f44-46fe-8fc5-2c4eebae09fb-0 00:00:06.440 --> 00:00:08.080 What are you excited about, Kate? 0f1b578f-56d2-4730-94bf-62b221b36a54-0 00:00:08.720 --> 00:00:09.040 Yeah. 1bd49f8a-568d-47d9-98dc-70d680ea54ad-0 00:00:09.040 --> 00:00:11.744 So one thing I've been reflecting on is, you know, 1bd49f8a-568d-47d9-98dc-70d680ea54ad-1 00:00:11.744 --> 00:00:15.138 Google has been attending COPs for quite some time, really with 1bd49f8a-568d-47d9-98dc-70d680ea54ad-2 00:00:15.138 --> 00:00:18.107 a dual purpose, first to endorse strong outcomes to the 1bd49f8a-568d-47d9-98dc-70d680ea54ad-3 00:00:18.107 --> 00:00:20.600 negotiations, bringing that voice of business. cdb59ed1-82d9-42dc-b0fd-93b971758347-0 00:00:20.920 --> 00:00:23.481 And also to share what are we seeing from a technology cdb59ed1-82d9-42dc-b0fd-93b971758347-1 00:00:23.481 --> 00:00:24.040 perspective. a2ffe287-0503-48a4-8529-bceb7ce630c3-0 00:00:24.040 --> 00:00:27.400 How can technology accelerate progress on climate action? 175d1128-a1dd-4c9f-8b2e-832e9a4a6cc7-0 00:00:27.960 --> 00:00:31.721 And frankly, for me personally, I've been working on COPs since 175d1128-a1dd-4c9f-8b2e-832e9a4a6cc7-1 00:00:31.721 --> 00:00:34.953 2009, and I've been struck by not only the presence of 175d1128-a1dd-4c9f-8b2e-832e9a4a6cc7-2 00:00:34.953 --> 00:00:38.480 technology companies, but also just of business in general. 9284493b-4dd7-499f-88b1-df7cde7f1e42-0 00:00:39.280 --> 00:00:41.623 And I think that's so crucial because a lot of the 9284493b-4dd7-499f-88b1-df7cde7f1e42-1 00:00:41.623 --> 00:00:42.680 conversations are tough ce0cdb11-e594-4d89-9660-ad4cf6900202-0 00:00:42.680 --> 00:00:44.240 right now. We're off track. a3a6c74d-8db0-46eb-bfb6-f356371cb985-0 00:00:44.720 --> 00:00:47.874 The stocktake is not where we want it to be, but business is a3a6c74d-8db0-46eb-bfb6-f356371cb985-1 00:00:47.874 --> 00:00:49.840 really coming forward with solutions. 7f094065-ec9c-4505-b155-2a8e4f8a1ec9-0 00:00:49.840 --> 00:00:52.486 And I was on stage yesterday with the CEO of Schneider 7f094065-ec9c-4505-b155-2a8e4f8a1ec9-1 00:00:52.486 --> 00:00:52.920 Electric. b16cf4cd-984f-460c-937d-48715a81cde2-0 00:00:53.160 --> 00:00:56.271 We were announcing a new consortium where we're bringing b16cf4cd-984f-460c-937d-48715a81cde2-1 00:00:56.271 --> 00:00:59.436 together the semiconductor supply chain, that whole value b16cf4cd-984f-460c-937d-48715a81cde2-2 00:00:59.436 --> 00:01:02.820 chain, so we can drive forward decarbonization of electricity b16cf4cd-984f-460c-937d-48715a81cde2-3 00:01:02.820 --> 00:01:04.840 together through business solutions. 130e599a-0006-467f-b50e-62535c098f9a-0 00:01:05.200 --> 00:01:06.840 So I've been finding that really heartening. ef6a4c60-fe92-4d39-a659-39e00d8fbd50-0 00:01:06.840 --> 00:01:09.771 And then of course we've been talking a lot about AI, about ef6a4c60-fe92-4d39-a659-39e00d8fbd50-1 00:01:09.771 --> 00:01:12.800 the unlock opportunity that AI has to accelerate the existing ef6a4c60-fe92-4d39-a659-39e00d8fbd50-2 00:01:12.800 --> 00:01:13.240 solutions 4d1604f3-37a2-4148-935e-463bb0129608-0 00:01:13.240 --> 00:01:16.520 we have, up to 10% emissions reductions by 2030. 0e5e7eda-b23b-4760-8be3-d3a12c89505e-0 00:01:18.400 --> 00:01:22.192 So just to build on Kate's points, I found this first week 0e5e7eda-b23b-4760-8be3-d3a12c89505e-1 00:01:22.192 --> 00:01:26.177 to be really encouraging and not just my own impressions, but 0e5e7eda-b23b-4760-8be3-d3a12c89505e-2 00:01:26.177 --> 00:01:29.905 talking to so many across government, business, NGOs. The 0e5e7eda-b23b-4760-8be3-d3a12c89505e-3 00:01:29.905 --> 00:01:33.890 number of important agreements on loss and damage, on climate 0e5e7eda-b23b-4760-8be3-d3a12c89505e-4 00:01:33.890 --> 00:01:37.233 finance, on food and agriculture, on heavy-emitting 0e5e7eda-b23b-4760-8be3-d3a12c89505e-5 00:01:37.233 --> 00:01:38.839 industries, on methane... 35faf794-858b-4592-baa1-60f374cb858b-0 00:01:39.080 --> 00:01:40.600 and these are meaningful things. 2c215f86-0a6d-404d-9e33-fd18f2e23fb3-0 00:01:40.600 --> 00:01:43.897 And I think we see in this first week when we bring the whole 2c215f86-0a6d-404d-9e33-fd18f2e23fb3-1 00:01:43.897 --> 00:01:47.088 community together, we bring government, we bring business, 2c215f86-0a6d-404d-9e33-fd18f2e23fb3-2 00:01:47.088 --> 00:01:49.801 we bring NGOs and philanthropists, and we put them 2c215f86-0a6d-404d-9e33-fd18f2e23fb3-3 00:01:49.801 --> 00:01:50.280 together. 3471984a-d2a8-4a40-80b0-8195adcd6757-0 00:01:50.600 --> 00:01:52.360 And we don't try to get to unanimity. 612d643a-eae5-4098-815f-d012238b3c38-0 00:01:52.360 --> 00:01:55.240 We try to get to a strong coalition of the willing. 762a7721-839d-4286-ac08-1c54d2247b91-0 00:01:55.840 --> 00:01:58.920 We can really push quite substantially. 79f7d7cd-dbc8-40a8-92fb-8ec76731df8d-0 00:01:59.160 --> 00:02:01.760 And it's also an enormous opportunity for learning. f14ab085-47eb-43f1-8134-c88eae2875ef-0 00:02:01.760 --> 00:02:02.080 I don't know. 60cf0a07-c1c8-49b5-a176-04a3a8eb50a6-0 00:02:02.080 --> 00:02:05.040 I feel like every day I'm finding stuff I didn't know. c89dfed5-950c-4ad6-9eec-33636dd9254d-0 00:02:05.520 --> 00:02:09.618 I think the challenge, if we're honest, is the next week is when c89dfed5-950c-4ad6-9eec-33636dd9254d-1 00:02:09.618 --> 00:02:13.780 all...nearly all of us leave the room and we're at the government c89dfed5-950c-4ad6-9eec-33636dd9254d-2 00:02:13.780 --> 00:02:17.626 negotiators, which we know has a lot of history and a lot of c89dfed5-950c-4ad6-9eec-33636dd9254d-3 00:02:17.626 --> 00:02:18.320 challenges, 5dea451a-de36-4afc-808e-5a2863c66f12-0 00:02:18.600 --> 00:02:21.647 and whether they're going to be able to set aside the 5dea451a-de36-4afc-808e-5a2863c66f12-1 00:02:21.647 --> 00:02:25.033 differences that have really caused us to come up short and 5dea451a-de36-4afc-808e-5a2863c66f12-2 00:02:25.033 --> 00:02:28.249 the past 27 COPs and to get the kind of breakthroughs in 5dea451a-de36-4afc-808e-5a2863c66f12-3 00:02:28.249 --> 00:02:29.040 collaboration. feec8e29-5dfa-44ce-aa39-b8b7c359fd6d-0 00:02:29.280 --> 00:02:30.640 That part we don't know. 8cb26a68-e16a-4127-9abc-a11df4eb1fdc-0 00:02:30.640 --> 00:02:33.534 But I think we can feel really good about the way the whole 8cb26a68-e16a-4127-9abc-a11df4eb1fdc-1 00:02:33.534 --> 00:02:36.091 global community is coming together to take on these 8cb26a68-e16a-4127-9abc-a11df4eb1fdc-2 00:02:36.091 --> 00:02:36.960 challenges so far. cf4a2c63-0588-42c2-9e16-4868db59c55c-0 00:02:37.160 --> 00:02:39.160 And I think that's reflected in the mood we're seeing. 0c0437e7-2697-4708-bfe2-387def9f5dc5-0 00:02:39.400 --> 00:02:41.393 I know it's about community and working together and 0c0437e7-2697-4708-bfe2-387def9f5dc5-1 00:02:41.393 --> 00:02:41.920 collaboration. ab2d3cf0-39bc-4b40-a6a9-ef8a5c9218ea-0 00:02:41.920 --> 00:02:44.560 Kate, there, spoke about the appetite of business. 1f216653-66cc-4c68-89db-e9a4147e028a-0 00:02:44.560 --> 00:02:47.570 Now, I haven't been covering COP as long as you have, Kate, but 1f216653-66cc-4c68-89db-e9a4147e028a-1 00:02:47.570 --> 00:02:50.393 it does to me seem like this year there's a real push for a 1f216653-66cc-4c68-89db-e9a4147e028a-2 00:02:50.393 --> 00:02:51.240 bit from business. f385025a-4d76-47dc-bef7-07195680149c-0 00:02:51.240 --> 00:02:53.120 Is that, is that what you're seeing there, Rich? cc1eda02-0777-4e61-87d0-dfa9e1e9a4e3-0 00:02:53.480 --> 00:02:57.284 Yeah, I I think we started in Glasgow by recognizing that to cc1eda02-0777-4e61-87d0-dfa9e1e9a4e3-1 00:02:57.284 --> 00:03:00.651 get the kind of action we wanted, it couldn't just be cc1eda02-0777-4e61-87d0-dfa9e1e9a4e3-2 00:03:00.651 --> 00:03:01.400 governments. 7b8d2ce2-4bc2-41c9-9cfe-99b6680daf05-0 00:03:01.400 --> 00:03:04.799 It's business and government that have to step forward and 7b8d2ce2-4bc2-41c9-9cfe-99b6680daf05-1 00:03:04.799 --> 00:03:06.240 step forward and step up. c4a4930d-dd30-4e49-aacb-9b36a53f67f7-0 00:03:06.680 --> 00:03:10.473 I think this one is taking that to a whole different level, and c4a4930d-dd30-4e49-aacb-9b36a53f67f7-1 00:03:10.473 --> 00:03:11.600 that's encouraging. 4bfdee02-0e02-4f2b-8b8f-dd6c86a87d16-0 00:03:11.960 --> 00:03:14.836 It doesn't mean though we're anywhere close to declaring 4bfdee02-0e02-4f2b-8b8f-dd6c86a87d16-1 00:03:14.836 --> 00:03:15.240 victory. 5a35df27-5c84-4a2c-881b-0803455119f6-0 00:03:15.280 --> 00:03:19.043 I mean the things that we see written here...you know going to 5a35df27-5c84-4a2c-881b-0803455119f6-1 00:03:19.043 --> 00:03:22.567 regenerative agriculture three times the size of France by 5a35df27-5c84-4a2c-881b-0803455119f6-2 00:03:22.567 --> 00:03:24.360 2030, that's a big commitment. cad8730f-6522-482c-a5d4-bd885ede5bf9-0 00:03:24.640 --> 00:03:26.200 But now we've got to make it real. 81f7e580-641f-4c7e-8051-1b38fd8f0055-0 00:03:26.200 --> 00:03:28.200 And that's going to take policy. fb446730-1347-42cf-83cc-b5e34f72c34a-0 00:03:28.240 --> 00:03:30.920 It's going to take businesses across the entire value chain. a4962629-2c83-4c22-bba7-d078a44989d0-0 00:03:31.040 --> 00:03:33.837 It's going to take a focus on the farmer and really making a4962629-2c83-4c22-bba7-d078a44989d0-1 00:03:33.837 --> 00:03:34.880 this work for farmers. 6a12c34b-bc77-470d-bd95-42793a1e8457-0 00:03:34.880 --> 00:03:37.120 They have to be the power behind this. a7877921-80e5-44c7-b9a0-b0e4b4d234ec-0 00:03:37.560 --> 00:03:38.840 That's a ton of hard work. a9e8fd61-6ed4-4f63-b62c-a7815e6d4caa-0 00:03:39.080 --> 00:03:42.218 But I do think these COPs, by drawing the whole community a9e8fd61-6ed4-4f63-b62c-a7815e6d4caa-1 00:03:42.218 --> 00:03:45.195 together, have created a different spirit of energy in a9e8fd61-6ed4-4f63-b62c-a7815e6d4caa-2 00:03:45.195 --> 00:03:46.440 this first week of COP. 321f8271-20ce-4bd9-9ab2-884350d0147a-0 00:03:46.560 --> 00:03:49.071 And now we have to hope that translates into the second week 321f8271-20ce-4bd9-9ab2-884350d0147a-1 00:03:49.071 --> 00:03:49.360 of COP. 5afb4da4-7423-47c5-b3cc-7786ef9eed3e-0 00:03:49.600 --> 00:03:49.880 OK. ee4f9319-c048-407f-9b8a-e278c266a6c2-0 00:03:49.880 --> 00:03:53.054 You've both been talking a lot, together actually, and with ee4f9319-c048-407f-9b8a-e278c266a6c2-1 00:03:53.054 --> 00:03:56.388 other people about AI and the role it has to play. What's been ee4f9319-c048-407f-9b8a-e278c266a6c2-2 00:03:56.388 --> 00:03:58.239 coming out of those conversations? a6bcd072-86f6-46c4-89b1-625b9ddcdb7f-0 00:03:58.560 --> 00:04:01.927 Yeah, I think, Rich, you know, one thing that I found really a6bcd072-86f6-46c4-89b1-625b9ddcdb7f-1 00:04:01.927 --> 00:04:05.460 noteworthy about the discussions we've been in is that AI isn't a6bcd072-86f6-46c4-89b1-625b9ddcdb7f-2 00:04:05.460 --> 00:04:06.840 the solution unto itself. 73c3074e-9ee9-498c-8dc2-3bb53aeaa182-0 00:04:06.960 --> 00:04:09.960 It's all about how AI can accelerate the existing 73c3074e-9ee9-498c-8dc2-3bb53aeaa182-1 00:04:09.960 --> 00:04:11.040 solutions we have. 02df343f-1f38-4d0e-8655-af2a7540e6f9-0 00:04:11.040 --> 00:04:14.209 And we know that's so critical in what we call this decisive 02df343f-1f38-4d0e-8655-af2a7540e6f9-1 00:04:14.209 --> 00:04:15.560 decade for climate action. 0a5e0cc0-3202-4e03-aa1a-0ca3f6cccaa1-0 00:04:15.760 --> 00:04:19.083 You know we're seeing from the stock take is we're not on track 0a5e0cc0-3202-4e03-aa1a-0ca3f6cccaa1-1 00:04:19.083 --> 00:04:21.160 for that 43% reduction we need by 2030. 33d84920-e033-414b-adf7-dea20f289152-0 00:04:21.440 --> 00:04:23.520 But AI can help us to accelerate. d10ef231-eb38-4a28-9c46-03bfd67e66ee-0 00:04:23.520 --> 00:04:27.316 It can help us to better predict wind energy 36 hour in advance d10ef231-eb38-4a28-9c46-03bfd67e66ee-1 00:04:27.316 --> 00:04:28.800 to make it more valuable. e848c70d-befa-467d-af3e-bc38b37ed797-0 00:04:28.800 --> 00:04:32.597 It can help us reduce contrails from aviation in ways that could e848c70d-befa-467d-af3e-bc38b37ed797-1 00:04:32.597 --> 00:04:34.000 be deployed this decade. 475b0115-87ca-4507-9675-bd802e47b12a-0 00:04:34.160 --> 00:04:36.686 It can enable us to better sequence traffic lights in 475b0115-87ca-4507-9675-bd802e47b12a-1 00:04:36.686 --> 00:04:39.120 cities to reduce emissions and improve air quality. f0946f04-ce94-48e6-923f-6d4c2ae1011a-0 00:04:39.440 --> 00:04:42.439 So I think that's really what's giving people some hope is f0946f04-ce94-48e6-923f-6d4c2ae1011a-1 00:04:42.439 --> 00:04:44.880 seeing that there are real practical solutions. 3996ceb2-0c6f-4059-a5d2-c59d368cceb5-0 00:04:45.040 --> 00:04:47.397 They build on the existing technology stack, and they can 3996ceb2-0c6f-4059-a5d2-c59d368cceb5-1 00:04:47.397 --> 00:04:49.917 accelerate progress, which is what we really need to do right 3996ceb2-0c6f-4059-a5d2-c59d368cceb5-2 00:04:49.917 --> 00:04:50.080 now. ece5a7f6-65c1-4a0d-a106-fabb5d08f0bf-0 00:04:50.480 --> 00:04:51.840 So, I couldn't agree more. 3638ea95-e7cf-4293-b2bd-4ac00989f10f-0 00:04:51.840 --> 00:04:54.640 The other thing for me that's been energizing is our report 3638ea95-e7cf-4293-b2bd-4ac00989f10f-1 00:04:54.640 --> 00:04:57.160 had created a lot of examples that we had identified. a1f44180-45c7-4ef3-9d89-72ef53011707-0 00:04:57.160 --> 00:04:59.938 But whenever we go to these sessions, we pick up new stuff a1f44180-45c7-4ef3-9d89-72ef53011707-1 00:04:59.938 --> 00:05:00.880 that we didn't hear. 9ead58c6-a10e-4105-90b8-64e9e74f49be-0 00:05:01.040 --> 00:05:04.676 Johan Rockström on the panel we were on talking about how AI was 9ead58c6-a10e-4105-90b8-64e9e74f49be-1 00:05:04.676 --> 00:05:08.201 going to improve climate science and make it more able to know 9ead58c6-a10e-4105-90b8-64e9e74f49be-2 00:05:08.201 --> 00:05:10.440 what the real impacts were going to be. c9501486-4167-432f-9d0b-421c2393991d-0 00:05:10.680 --> 00:05:13.386 And, I mean, this is all about the science and getting that c9501486-4167-432f-9d0b-421c2393991d-1 00:05:13.386 --> 00:05:14.560 science to the next level. 816eaa0a-07a4-40bf-a3e3-b576b2d956de-0 00:05:14.880 --> 00:05:17.120 AI is going to be an incredibly important tool for that. a3b23551-186b-4446-bb9d-6719dfcdd100-0 00:05:17.120 --> 00:05:19.734 And so I found those other examples that we hadn't a3b23551-186b-4446-bb9d-6719dfcdd100-1 00:05:19.734 --> 00:05:22.707 identified, you know, as energizing as the ones that the, a3b23551-186b-4446-bb9d-6719dfcdd100-2 00:05:22.707 --> 00:05:25.679 that you and our teams I guess had identified absolutely. 0838d735-7b89-47a8-a8a1-45ca2292befd-0 00:05:25.680 --> 00:05:28.457 And another insight that we got is it's even reaching the 0838d735-7b89-47a8-a8a1-45ca2292befd-1 00:05:28.457 --> 00:05:29.320 negotiation halls. f015a74e-888a-47fc-8a32-564600105e82-0 00:05:29.320 --> 00:05:32.556 So we heard that there might be mention of the opportunity for f015a74e-888a-47fc-8a32-564600105e82-1 00:05:32.556 --> 00:05:34.200 AI in the text of the agreement. dae237c3-8696-4a4d-9040-7d4869e5c2c1-0 00:05:34.200 --> 00:05:35.840 So, we're going to watch that space too. 9d32db11-4c87-4a67-92fc-2b13d53af566-0 00:05:35.840 --> 00:05:37.240 That would be really fantastic. 2369e9a5-0093-4be7-906e-fa12a4ec7991-0 00:05:37.640 --> 00:05:37.880 Indeed. 1c09e5b6-7f51-4a1b-bbc5-642272043288-0 00:05:38.080 --> 00:05:38.600 We will. f9aaef88-d6f2-4ef0-bb59-f2a46e8d9bf6-0 00:05:38.600 --> 00:05:40.360 Thank you both so much as always. 223f94f0-e0d7-4edb-b249-ca31c5397d7c-0 00:05:41.000 --> 00:05:41.440 Thank you.