WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.166 --> 00:00:00.750 Welcome. 2 00:00:00.750 --> 00:00:04.379 Today we have Sir Alok Sharma, Liz Yee, and Veronica Chau. 3 00:00:05.130 --> 00:00:09.175 Liz, Rockefeller Foundation recently announced a ton of 4 00:00:09.175 --> 00:00:10.135 climate work. 5 00:00:10.635 --> 00:00:13.054 Can you tell us a bit about that and what motivated it? 6 00:00:13.430 --> 00:00:15.015 Thanks so much for the question, Naomi. 7 00:00:15.015 --> 00:00:18.476 The Foundation just recently announced its climate strategy 8 00:00:18.476 --> 00:00:19.853 for the next five years. 9 00:00:19.853 --> 00:00:22.856 We announced a billion dollars focused on climate, in 10 00:00:22.856 --> 00:00:26.026 particular, because we were a Foundation grounded in the 11 00:00:26.026 --> 00:00:29.404 principles and focused on trying to support the world's most 12 00:00:29.404 --> 00:00:32.198 vulnerable and ensure the well-being of humanity. 13 00:00:32.198 --> 00:00:35.952 So, in that regard, we felt that climate was the most 14 00:00:35.952 --> 00:00:38.663 challenging crisis of our current time. 15 00:00:39.122 --> 00:00:42.125 In so doing, we wanted to focus on three things. 16 00:00:42.125 --> 00:00:44.669 First, our programs, which is what we've always been known 17 00:00:44.669 --> 00:00:44.836 for. 18 00:00:45.211 --> 00:00:48.631 But in order to actually deliver on that vision, we also 19 00:00:48.631 --> 00:00:52.093 committed to make our endowment net zero, as well as our 20 00:00:52.093 --> 00:00:54.929 operations net zero by 2050. Programmatically, 21 00:00:55.430 --> 00:00:58.933 we wanted to continue to focus on the core drivers that were 22 00:00:58.933 --> 00:01:02.270 important to be able to uplift humanity and make sure that 23 00:01:02.270 --> 00:01:04.314 people had access to opportunities. 24 00:01:04.481 --> 00:01:08.193 So we're continuing to focus on ensuring that populations have 25 00:01:08.193 --> 00:01:11.821 access to clean energy and that we support a just transition. 26 00:01:12.155 --> 00:01:15.283 We're also recognizing that, in this climate crisis, food and 27 00:01:15.283 --> 00:01:17.535 nutrition access is a really key challenge. 28 00:01:17.535 --> 00:01:20.955 And so we'll continue to work on ensuring that people have access 29 00:01:20.955 --> 00:01:24.000 to good food that is good for them, as well as the planet. 30 00:01:24.626 --> 00:01:27.837 Since the food system causes 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, 31 00:01:27.837 --> 00:01:28.838 that felt critical. 32 00:01:29.464 --> 00:01:32.383 The third area that we will focus on is climate and health 33 00:01:32.383 --> 00:01:35.470 and recognizing that we don't know all of the challenges that 34 00:01:35.470 --> 00:01:38.348 climate warming will bring, but that we recognize 35 00:01:38.348 --> 00:01:41.851 we need to be able to understand that, and ensure that vulnerable 36 00:01:41.851 --> 00:01:44.521 populations have access to quality healthcare and 37 00:01:44.521 --> 00:01:45.146 opportunity. 38 00:01:45.313 --> 00:01:47.148 And then the last is the finance systems. 39 00:01:47.982 --> 00:01:51.194 Climate finance is flowing, certainly, but not at the scale 40 00:01:51.194 --> 00:01:54.572 and the speed that we need, and also not in an equitable way. 41 00:01:54.823 --> 00:01:57.742 And so through that lens, we will look at how we can 42 00:01:57.742 --> 00:02:01.371 re-architect finance systems and also ensure that climate finance 43 00:02:01.371 --> 00:02:03.581 is distributed equitably across people. 44 00:02:03.873 --> 00:02:06.751 Alok, I would love to go deeper on climate finance with you. 45 00:02:07.460 --> 00:02:10.296 What do you see as the challenges and opportunities in 46 00:02:10.296 --> 00:02:13.174 mobilizing capital for climate impact, especially among 47 00:02:13.174 --> 00:02:14.384 vulnerable communities? 48 00:02:15.009 --> 00:02:18.138 Well Naomi, firstly, thank you so much for having me on this. 49 00:02:18.138 --> 00:02:21.182 And can I just say that I think what Liz sort of set out in 50 00:02:21.182 --> 00:02:24.102 terms of Rockefeller's strategy is absolutely brilliant. 51 00:02:24.185 --> 00:02:27.480 And you know, the biggest challenge that we have in the 52 00:02:27.480 --> 00:02:30.817 coming years and the coming decades is to deal with this 53 00:02:30.817 --> 00:02:34.279 chronic threat of climate change. And it is getting worse. 54 00:02:34.279 --> 00:02:36.531 And you talked about vulnerable communities. 55 00:02:37.198 --> 00:02:40.201 You know, we're in a position right now where millions, 56 00:02:40.201 --> 00:02:43.371 billions of people, lives, livelihoods, infrastructure, and 57 00:02:43.371 --> 00:02:44.914 countries are being affected. 58 00:02:45.373 --> 00:02:49.836 And we've seen some improvements in terms of finance flows. 59 00:02:50.044 --> 00:02:53.256 There is more money flowing, but the reality is that 60 00:02:53.256 --> 00:02:56.509 it is not flowing at scale overall, and it's certainly not 61 00:02:56.509 --> 00:02:59.220 reaching the most climate-vulnerable communities 62 00:02:59.220 --> 00:02:59.762 out there. 63 00:03:00.221 --> 00:03:02.682 And I think one of the things that we do need to be doing is 64 00:03:02.682 --> 00:03:03.975 looking at more innovative ways. 65 00:03:03.975 --> 00:03:08.271 And this is where Rockefeller has been doing a lot of work on 66 00:03:08.271 --> 00:03:12.609 concessional finance, on foreign exchange risk areas, working, 67 00:03:12.609 --> 00:03:16.237 supporting, brilliant individuals like Mia Mottley, 68 00:03:16.237 --> 00:03:18.072 with her Bridgetown agenda. 69 00:03:18.364 --> 00:03:19.782 And that's what we need to do. 70 00:03:19.782 --> 00:03:22.827 We need to have the catalyst, the really vital catalyst, 71 00:03:22.827 --> 00:03:26.331 provided by the philanthropies, working with governments to then 72 00:03:26.331 --> 00:03:29.375 unleash the billions, the trillions that are needed from 73 00:03:29.375 --> 00:03:30.418 the private sector. 74 00:03:32.253 --> 00:03:33.796 Veronica, anything to add to that? 75 00:03:34.297 --> 00:03:37.467 Well, just completely agree with everything Alok was saying. 76 00:03:38.259 --> 00:03:41.763 The positive signs that gives me hope is that the world is waking 77 00:03:41.763 --> 00:03:43.139 up to these opportunities. 78 00:03:43.473 --> 00:03:46.434 In a survey that we just completed of over 100 climate 79 00:03:46.434 --> 00:03:49.812 investors in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation, we 80 00:03:49.812 --> 00:03:51.522 found overall signs of optimism. 81 00:03:51.689 --> 00:03:55.568 Investors see the opportunity. Things like, in Latin America, 82 00:03:55.568 --> 00:03:59.155 they see it as the next market to take off. Nature-based 83 00:03:59.155 --> 00:04:01.366 solutions are top of their agenda. 84 00:04:01.366 --> 00:04:04.911 So there is a sentiment, but exactly what Alok was saying, 85 00:04:04.911 --> 00:04:06.829 they'll need creative solutions. 86 00:04:06.996 --> 00:04:09.624 They'll need creative capital to unlock these opportunities. 87 00:04:09.624 --> 00:04:11.876 And that's where I think what the Rockefeller Foundation is 88 00:04:11.876 --> 00:04:13.711 doing, putting that capital up, is so essential. 89 00:04:14.295 --> 00:04:17.966 COP28, it's early so far, but any reflections on signs of 90 00:04:17.966 --> 00:04:21.803 optimism, or anything you really hope to see in the next few 91 00:04:21.803 --> 00:04:22.136 days? 92 00:04:23.388 --> 00:04:26.391 Well, let me just sort of kick off on this. 93 00:04:26.391 --> 00:04:30.144 We're into day four, am I right? 94 00:04:30.144 --> 00:04:30.728 Day four. 95 00:04:30.728 --> 00:04:32.355 It feels like day 40 already. 96 00:04:33.398 --> 00:04:36.985 But we've actually had some really positive announcements on 97 00:04:36.985 --> 00:04:40.655 money for loss and damage, the pledges there, some of the big 98 00:04:40.655 --> 00:04:43.157 money, in terms of private sector finance. 99 00:04:43.491 --> 00:04:46.911 But I'll just make this one particular point, which is that 100 00:04:46.911 --> 00:04:50.206 we also know that when all of these pledges are made, the 101 00:04:50.206 --> 00:04:53.126 money doesn't always flow as quickly as it should. 102 00:04:53.501 --> 00:04:57.338 And we know that between 2013 and 2021, all the money that was 103 00:04:57.338 --> 00:05:01.050 pledged by developed countries, around only half of it, has 104 00:05:01.050 --> 00:05:04.679 actually reached the most climate-vulnerable people in the 105 00:05:04.679 --> 00:05:05.054 world. 106 00:05:05.305 --> 00:05:08.099 So I'm all for pledges, I'm all for big commitments. 107 00:05:08.099 --> 00:05:12.687 We need those, but please get the money flowing, at scale. 108 00:05:13.438 --> 00:05:14.605 It's a great question, Naomi. 109 00:05:14.605 --> 00:05:18.484 I actually am really optimistic about what's happened so far 110 00:05:18.484 --> 00:05:18.818 here. 111 00:05:19.444 --> 00:05:22.363 I think Alok said it really well. There are a number of 112 00:05:22.363 --> 00:05:25.616 positive finance announcements that have happened, and it came 113 00:05:25.616 --> 00:05:28.870 out strong right on that first day, of the things that we know 114 00:05:28.870 --> 00:05:31.998 we needed in terms of the $30 billion to climate finance to 115 00:05:31.998 --> 00:05:33.958 crowd in that private sector capital. 116 00:05:34.167 --> 00:05:34.917 Things are moving. 117 00:05:34.917 --> 00:05:38.004 And I think, Veronica, you were exactly right on the report. By 118 00:05:38.004 --> 00:05:40.757 demonstrating and having that quantitative knowledge that 119 00:05:40.757 --> 00:05:43.718 private investment, which has always been an obstacle in this 120 00:05:43.718 --> 00:05:45.178 space, is starting to come in. 121 00:05:45.178 --> 00:05:46.220 So that gives me hope. 122 00:05:46.471 --> 00:05:49.932 I think the other thing that has given me hope is that we now 123 00:05:49.932 --> 00:05:53.478 have a Food Day, we now have a Health Day, we now have a Gender 124 00:05:53.478 --> 00:05:53.686 Day. 125 00:05:54.020 --> 00:05:57.899 All of those things that haven't happened in the past, and those 126 00:05:57.899 --> 00:06:01.694 voices that aren't always at the table, at the volume that they 127 00:06:01.694 --> 00:06:03.446 should be, are happening now. 128 00:06:03.446 --> 00:06:04.989 And so that brings me extreme hope. 129 00:06:05.281 --> 00:06:08.201 From the Foundation's perspective, one of the things 130 00:06:08.201 --> 00:06:11.454 that we were very focused on this year, in particular, was 131 00:06:11.454 --> 00:06:12.538 climate and health. 132 00:06:12.830 --> 00:06:18.044 And recognizing that we are the human face of climate change. 133 00:06:18.378 --> 00:06:19.629 And getting it right. 134 00:06:19.629 --> 00:06:23.508 And recognizing that only half a percent of funding each year 135 00:06:23.508 --> 00:06:27.053 goes to health and that the world is continuing to warm. 136 00:06:27.220 --> 00:06:30.932 We actually support, one of our grantees, is a large women's 137 00:06:30.932 --> 00:06:31.974 network in India. 138 00:06:32.350 --> 00:06:35.144 And these women are actually unable to hold the tools in 139 00:06:35.144 --> 00:06:35.728 their hands. 140 00:06:35.728 --> 00:06:37.021 They're unable to go to work. 141 00:06:37.438 --> 00:06:40.817 Their pregnancies are being challenged because of extreme 142 00:06:40.817 --> 00:06:41.067 heat. 143 00:06:41.067 --> 00:06:45.154 And their lives are already hard in terms of making ends meet at 144 00:06:45.154 --> 00:06:45.446 home. 145 00:06:45.446 --> 00:06:49.158 And so ensuring that we provide solutions, that we bring those 146 00:06:49.158 --> 00:06:52.703 voices to the table that we actually recognize that we need 147 00:06:52.703 --> 00:06:55.123 to focus on health, is a critical issue. 148 00:06:55.123 --> 00:06:57.792 And that was why the Foundation said we're going to commit $100 149 00:06:57.792 --> 00:06:58.626 million to the space. 150 00:06:58.835 --> 00:07:02.338 We're going to figure out how to do it and make sure that we help 151 00:07:02.338 --> 00:07:04.632 transform and elevate resourcing to health 152 00:07:04.632 --> 00:07:05.550 that needs to happen. 153 00:07:06.342 --> 00:07:08.261 Now maybe just one final reflection. 154 00:07:08.636 --> 00:07:10.430 This COP is huge. 155 00:07:10.555 --> 00:07:12.223 It's sprawling. 156 00:07:12.890 --> 00:07:16.936 And, yet, I think it's a perfect representation of the deployment 157 00:07:16.936 --> 00:07:18.062 challenge at hand. 158 00:07:18.646 --> 00:07:22.358 The vastness of the scale of this COP is a reminder of the 159 00:07:22.358 --> 00:07:25.945 vastness of the scale now, of the amount of finance that 160 00:07:25.945 --> 00:07:29.657 actually needs to be put to work today, to decarbonize, to 161 00:07:29.657 --> 00:07:33.494 promote resilience, and reach the most vulnerable communities. 162 00:07:33.494 --> 00:07:35.163 So that's what I'll be taking away from this one. 163 00:07:36.205 --> 00:07:37.957 Thank you so much all for joining us. 164 00:07:38.249 --> 00:07:38.916 Thanks, Naomi. 165 00:07:38.916 --> 00:07:39.792 Thanks for having us.