WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.083 --> 00:00:02.375 I really do believe that digital inclusion 2 00:00:02.375 --> 00:00:05.000 is an absolute imperative today. 3 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:08.000 A third of the world's population, ~three billion, 4 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:11.291 suffer from what I call the digital divide. 5 00:00:11.291 --> 00:00:14.375 And while the pandemic had a lot of challenges, 6 00:00:14.375 --> 00:00:16.416 there was a silver lining in the sense 7 00:00:16.416 --> 00:00:20.041 that more and more of our daily activities did go online. 8 00:00:20.041 --> 00:00:21.625 And when I say daily activities, 9 00:00:21.625 --> 00:00:23.916 I don't just mean learning, working, 10 00:00:23.916 --> 00:00:28.916 I also mean things like banking, healthcare, even identity. 11 00:00:29.000 --> 00:00:32.625 But for those who are not part of this digital inclusion, 12 00:00:32.625 --> 00:00:34.375 they enter into what I call 13 00:00:34.375 --> 00:00:37.166 a worsening cycle of disenfranchisement. 14 00:00:37.166 --> 00:00:41.166 And it's really up to us to bring everything together. 15 00:00:41.166 --> 00:00:44.333 I really do believe that to make progress 16 00:00:44.333 --> 00:00:47.333 and continued progress on this important issue, 17 00:00:47.333 --> 00:00:50.208 we need all different parties to come together. 18 00:00:50.208 --> 00:00:52.833 Multi-stakeholder engagement is critical 19 00:00:52.833 --> 00:00:55.416 given the size of the challenge we face. 20 00:00:55.416 --> 00:00:56.708 And when I say stakeholders, 21 00:00:56.708 --> 00:01:00.833 I mean all, government, public companies, private companies 22 00:01:00.833 --> 00:01:03.375 and other societal organizations. 23 00:01:03.375 --> 00:01:06.916 To give you a sense of the magnitude, we need $2 trillion 24 00:01:06.916 --> 00:01:09.875 over the next five years to really raise access 25 00:01:09.875 --> 00:01:14.416 from 50% to 80% in terms of digital inclusion. 26 00:01:14.416 --> 00:01:15.833 And it's not just funding. 27 00:01:15.833 --> 00:01:19.041 There are so many other issues that need to be tackled, 28 00:01:19.041 --> 00:01:22.041 be it digital skills and literacy, 29 00:01:22.041 --> 00:01:25.083 ensuring that people have the right devices, 30 00:01:25.083 --> 00:01:28.000 and really being part of the ecosystem of services 31 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:30.000 that can be delivered to all. 32 00:01:30.000 --> 00:01:32.375 I'm really excited that over the last year 33 00:01:32.375 --> 00:01:35.208 we've partnered with WEF and UNDP to create 34 00:01:35.208 --> 00:01:37.875 what we call the Digital Inclusion Navigator. 35 00:01:37.875 --> 00:01:41.666 It's part of the EDISON Alliance for digital inclusion. 36 00:01:41.666 --> 00:01:44.541 And it's a live platform that really brings together 37 00:01:44.541 --> 00:01:48.000 curated facts, as well as lessons learned, 38 00:01:48.000 --> 00:01:49.750 what people can apply in real time.