WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.083 --> 00:00:03.461 Allison, so like the last two or three days, I probably was over 2 00:00:03.461 --> 00:00:06.464 100 conversations on, OK, we're deploying all this tech. 3 00:00:06.881 --> 00:00:08.466 AI is just one of the components. 4 00:00:09.134 --> 00:00:11.678 And then we asked to talk about the architecture and the tech 5 00:00:11.678 --> 00:00:14.180 solutions, etc., and what does it take to rewire all of these 6 00:00:14.180 --> 00:00:14.472 things. 7 00:00:14.723 --> 00:00:18.268 But every single conversation very quickly goes into, I got to 8 00:00:18.268 --> 00:00:21.479 rethink the processes, I got to drive change management. 9 00:00:21.479 --> 00:00:23.648 How do I get my employees to pull this off? 10 00:00:24.899 --> 00:00:25.900 Is it a theme you're seeing? 11 00:00:25.984 --> 00:00:29.904 It's an absolute theme that I'm seeing and I hear over and over 12 00:00:29.904 --> 00:00:33.408 people spend a lot of time thinking about algorithms and 13 00:00:33.408 --> 00:00:36.161 tech and much less about people and process. 14 00:00:36.161 --> 00:00:40.457 As you know, we at BCG talk about the 10/20/70. 10% should 15 00:00:40.457 --> 00:00:43.877 be focused on the algorithms, 20% on the tech. 16 00:00:44.210 --> 00:00:47.422 But really the vast majority of effort and energy needs to go 17 00:00:47.422 --> 00:00:50.884 into people and process. And you know... Where do you even start, 18 00:00:50.884 --> 00:00:52.635 like what are all the components. 19 00:00:52.635 --> 00:00:56.347 I mean what I hear a lot today is we're struggling on deploying 20 00:00:56.347 --> 00:00:59.893 and scaling because we don't have the people with the skills 21 00:00:59.893 --> 00:01:01.061 that we really need. 22 00:01:01.269 --> 00:01:04.606 And so then my question back is, well, do you know what skills 23 00:01:04.606 --> 00:01:05.440 you really need? 24 00:01:05.440 --> 00:01:08.026 Do you know where in your organization they might be and 25 00:01:08.026 --> 00:01:10.737 do you know how to think about the future if you don't have 26 00:01:10.737 --> 00:01:13.490 them today, how are you going to go prepare for that future? 27 00:01:13.490 --> 00:01:16.451 So we do a lot of work with folks around strategic workforce 28 00:01:16.451 --> 00:01:19.537 planning and actually doing an assessment today of what skills 29 00:01:19.537 --> 00:01:22.499 do you have, so that you can actually figure out how you're 30 00:01:22.499 --> 00:01:23.625 going to fill the gaps. 31 00:01:23.625 --> 00:01:27.295 And oh, by the way, you can't just go to the open market to 32 00:01:27.295 --> 00:01:28.088 fill the gap. 33 00:01:28.296 --> 00:01:30.882 There aren't enough people with the skills that you need. 34 00:01:31.091 --> 00:01:33.676 So you got to really seriously think about upskilling and 35 00:01:33.676 --> 00:01:34.177 reskilling. 36 00:01:34.302 --> 00:01:36.346 And the sooner you get started on that journey, the sooner 37 00:01:36.346 --> 00:01:38.556 you're going to have a workforce that has the skills that you 38 00:01:38.556 --> 00:01:38.723 need. 39 00:01:38.723 --> 00:01:41.142 And what do you say to those who say this is overwhelming? 40 00:01:41.142 --> 00:01:42.185 This seems like a lot of work. 41 00:01:42.185 --> 00:01:43.436 I was hoping for a silver bullet. 42 00:01:43.436 --> 00:01:45.897 I download an app and we're done with this. 43 00:01:45.897 --> 00:01:47.524 I would say, no. 44 00:01:47.524 --> 00:01:51.486 This is a huge opportunity to not only rethink skills, but 45 00:01:51.486 --> 00:01:55.365 rethink roles, career paths, operating models, processes, 46 00:01:55.365 --> 00:01:55.657 etc. 47 00:01:55.865 --> 00:01:59.077 It's a call to action to jump start the progress of your 48 00:01:59.077 --> 00:02:00.286 organization forward. 49 00:02:00.745 --> 00:02:03.623 And I think for the winners, like that energy comes out, 50 00:02:03.623 --> 00:02:03.915 right? 51 00:02:03.915 --> 00:02:04.791 They're not scared of this. 52 00:02:04.791 --> 00:02:07.669 They're actually leaning in and seeing it as a wonderful 53 00:02:07.669 --> 00:02:08.878 catalytic moment, right. 54 00:02:09.087 --> 00:02:11.840 It's going to make all the difference in the outcomes. 55 00:02:12.173 --> 00:02:14.801 So can't wait to get started with more clients around this. 56 00:02:14.801 --> 00:02:15.593 I'm looking forward to it.