WEBVTT 00:00:00.125 --> 00:00:04.004 I'm Manveen Rana here at Davos 2024, and I'm joined by Paul 00:00:04.004 --> 00:00:07.549 Farrell, who is the Executive Vice President and Chief 00:00:07.549 --> 00:00:09.509 Strategy Officer at BorgWarner. 00:00:09.718 --> 00:00:10.427 Welcome, Paul. 00:00:10.427 --> 00:00:11.219 Thanks for joining us. 00:00:11.219 --> 00:00:12.554 Thank you very much. 00:00:12.804 --> 00:00:15.640 Tell us about the world of e-mobility at the moment. 00:00:15.640 --> 00:00:19.227 I mean, how much has changed recently, and where do you think 00:00:19.227 --> 00:00:20.270 we need to get to? 00:00:20.645 --> 00:00:22.647 Yeah, it's a great question. 00:00:22.689 --> 00:00:24.691 I mean it's the space, it's changing a lot, right. 00:00:24.691 --> 00:00:26.192 There's really been a lot of growth. 00:00:27.193 --> 00:00:30.905 Just to put it into context, if you go back just three years, so 00:00:30.905 --> 00:00:34.325 2020, 3% of vehicles produced, light vehicles produced were 00:00:34.325 --> 00:00:36.119 electric vehicles, just in 2020. 00:00:36.411 --> 00:00:39.414 We fast forward just to last year, that's now up to 12%. 00:00:39.414 --> 00:00:43.084 So really significant gains in a relatively short period of time. 00:00:44.085 --> 00:00:47.255 So you know I think we've moved from early adopters and we're 00:00:47.255 --> 00:00:50.467 starting to get into it being more of a mainstream technology. 00:00:50.467 --> 00:00:53.928 So and we expect that growth to continue in the coming years. 00:00:54.095 --> 00:00:57.057 What do you think the challenges have been? You know, why has it 00:00:57.057 --> 00:01:00.060 been so slow for people to adopt and what are the challenges that 00:01:00.060 --> 00:01:00.602 still exist? 00:01:00.602 --> 00:01:01.728 How do you get past that 12%? 00:01:01.895 --> 00:01:05.273 Yeah, I think, I mean there were a lot of challenges early on, 00:01:05.273 --> 00:01:08.485 that's clearly evolved, but there's still those challenges 00:01:08.485 --> 00:01:09.402 that still exist. 00:01:09.402 --> 00:01:11.905 And if you take a step back and you think about the internal 00:01:11.905 --> 00:01:14.407 combustion engine, it's been around for over a century, right. 00:01:14.407 --> 00:01:17.744 All the infrastructure and just consumer adoption, all that is 00:01:17.744 --> 00:01:19.579 people are comfortable with that. 00:01:20.163 --> 00:01:22.624 And so now in a very short period of time, we're trying to 00:01:22.624 --> 00:01:23.374 make a big change. 00:01:23.374 --> 00:01:25.502 Maybe it still feels like it when you're driving down the 00:01:25.502 --> 00:01:27.420 road that it's the same, but it's quite different. 00:01:27.420 --> 00:01:30.924 So in the auto industry itself, changes to the products you have 00:01:30.924 --> 00:01:33.927 to engineer, changes the production processes, changes 00:01:33.927 --> 00:01:35.053 all the supply chain. 00:01:35.053 --> 00:01:38.139 So it's a big shift all while you're still doing all the other 00:01:38.139 --> 00:01:39.557 things you were doing before. 00:01:39.933 --> 00:01:43.186 So there's a big change in the auto space. Consumers. 00:01:43.186 --> 00:01:46.773 So, consumers have to get comfortable with one: slightly 00:01:46.773 --> 00:01:49.192 higher price points, at least for now. 00:01:49.984 --> 00:01:51.820 And also with charging, you know, that's an area where 00:01:51.820 --> 00:01:53.988 everybody's still like, all right, is this really going to work? 00:01:54.864 --> 00:01:57.784 And so that's on the consumer side. And then you've got the 00:01:57.784 --> 00:02:01.287 infrastructure question, which ties back into charging and other things. 00:02:01.287 --> 00:02:04.874 So all those things have to come together and it ebbs and flows, right? 00:02:05.208 --> 00:02:08.419 So I think it's natural that you would have these mismatches in 00:02:08.419 --> 00:02:11.297 supply and demand, but I think the trend's very clear and 00:02:11.297 --> 00:02:13.591 where, you know, you ask where we need to go. 00:02:14.592 --> 00:02:18.138 You know, the EU just recently put out regulations last summer 00:02:18.138 --> 00:02:21.683 that said, all right, by 2035, all new vehicles will have zero 00:02:21.683 --> 00:02:22.475 CO2 emissions. 00:02:22.475 --> 00:02:24.435 So they've probably set the bar. 00:02:24.644 --> 00:02:27.814 Others, that trend has been in place for a long time, improving 00:02:27.814 --> 00:02:29.107 fuel economy, reducing CO2. 00:02:29.858 --> 00:02:32.569 But I think that's the direction different spaces will go, or 00:02:32.569 --> 00:02:34.487 different regions will go faster or slower. 00:02:34.696 --> 00:02:38.867 But that's clearly the ultimate, I'd say, endpoint in terms of 00:02:38.867 --> 00:02:40.785 decarbonizing transportation. 00:02:41.286 --> 00:02:43.580 Have the infrastructure changes been fast enough? 00:02:44.372 --> 00:02:47.667 I think that's actually probably one of the bigger lags. 00:02:47.667 --> 00:02:51.004 You know, you can see it with Tesla, for example, where they 00:02:51.004 --> 00:02:53.590 have an established infrastructure and it works 00:02:53.590 --> 00:02:54.257 fairly well. 00:02:54.841 --> 00:02:59.387 But if you you don't have a Tesla, there's anxiety there, right? 00:02:59.387 --> 00:03:02.515 And even just in terms of uptime, reliability, are also challenges. 00:03:02.849 --> 00:03:04.726 And so that's where I think there's a lot of work to do. 00:03:04.726 --> 00:03:08.438 The vehicle manufacturers are now putting out a lot of new models 00:03:08.438 --> 00:03:11.024 There's a lot they're starting to pick from. 00:03:11.274 --> 00:03:13.735 But still people have to get comfortable that, OK, I spent a 00:03:13.735 --> 00:03:14.777 lot of money on this car. 00:03:14.777 --> 00:03:17.697 Can I actually use it in a practical way, day in and day out? 00:03:17.822 --> 00:03:20.825 So I think that's an area where you'll see a big uptick and a 00:03:20.825 --> 00:03:22.785 big emphasis, just in the coming years. 00:03:22.785 --> 00:03:25.705 I mean, you see it with the IRA in the U.S. and I'm sure it's 00:03:25.705 --> 00:03:27.498 similar in other parts of the world. 00:03:27.749 --> 00:03:30.960 And for you at BorgWarner, how are you sort of combating these 00:03:30.960 --> 00:03:34.255 challenges, whether it's sort of the consumer and how they view 00:03:34.255 --> 00:03:36.090 it or whether it is infrastructure. 00:03:37.300 --> 00:03:39.260 So for us, we're propulsion companies. 00:03:39.260 --> 00:03:42.222 So whether we like it or not, we're in the middle of all of this. 00:03:43.264 --> 00:03:46.684 So we're a company that has over 100 years of history very much 00:03:46.684 --> 00:03:48.853 tied to the internal combustion engine. 00:03:49.103 --> 00:03:50.980 And so it's a big shift also for us. 00:03:51.814 --> 00:03:54.317 And we started that journey a little over eight years ago. 00:03:55.235 --> 00:03:57.737 And I actually came to BorgWarner with one of the 00:03:57.737 --> 00:04:00.573 acquisitions that was really foundational to support that 00:04:00.573 --> 00:04:02.533 journey, that electrification journey. 00:04:03.660 --> 00:04:07.163 But in 2021, we announced our Charging Forward strategy which 00:04:07.163 --> 00:04:10.291 is really focused on, one is growing our portion of our 00:04:10.291 --> 00:04:13.461 business that supports the electric vehicle space, both 00:04:13.461 --> 00:04:17.090 organically and through M&A, and also reducing our exposure 00:04:17.090 --> 00:04:19.968 to combustion vehicles or the combustion business. 00:04:20.385 --> 00:04:22.262 And so we've been making steady progress on that. 00:04:22.262 --> 00:04:25.139 We've been very successful I think in leveraging the assets 00:04:25.139 --> 00:04:27.267 we had and growing the business organically. 00:04:27.558 --> 00:04:30.979 And then we've made in the last three years, six acquisitions 00:04:30.979 --> 00:04:34.023 and also announced a JV, all supporting that strategy. 00:04:34.315 --> 00:04:37.193 And then in parallel, we spun off a portion of our business 00:04:37.193 --> 00:04:40.238 last last summer to reduce our exposure on the combustion side. 00:04:40.238 --> 00:04:43.825 So it's a very high priority for us as you would imagine. 00:04:44.367 --> 00:04:48.246 Again I think we're making good progress, a lot of work to do, 00:04:48.246 --> 00:04:49.664 big focus on execution. 00:04:49.706 --> 00:04:52.292 You know now the rubber is really hitting the road but we 00:04:52.292 --> 00:04:55.295 really feel like we're well positioned for the e-mobility future. 00:04:55.378 --> 00:04:58.089 And if you think about the change that's already occurred 00:04:58.089 --> 00:05:00.758 in the last five years, where would you like to see this 00:05:00.758 --> 00:05:02.010 industry end up in five years' time? 00:05:02.010 --> 00:05:05.388 Five years...so what are we looking at? Or ten. Ten? 00:05:05.388 --> 00:05:08.433 Well, we can pick 2030 or something, right? 00:05:08.474 --> 00:05:12.687 2030, yeah. You know, I think as we look out, we would expect 00:05:12.687 --> 00:05:15.106 you'll get different views, right? 00:05:15.106 --> 00:05:18.860 And it's hard to predict the future, but you know, probably 00:05:18.860 --> 00:05:22.864 close to 50%, high 40s of EV penetration, it won't all be done. 00:05:22.864 --> 00:05:25.074 And even at the same time, if you look at all the vehicles 00:05:25.074 --> 00:05:27.410 that are on the road today, there's a lot of vehicles on the 00:05:27.410 --> 00:05:29.078 road that have internal combustion engines. 00:05:29.078 --> 00:05:33.207 So there's a lot of work to do to continue to support those vehicles. 00:05:33.207 --> 00:05:36.961 Half in the future will have an internal combustion engine in 00:05:36.961 --> 00:05:40.214 2030, but that, you know, in terms of growth and just 00:05:40.214 --> 00:05:43.676 transition and technology, electrification is clearly the 00:05:43.676 --> 00:05:46.054 major trend and a top priority for us. 00:05:46.471 --> 00:05:47.013 That's great. 00:05:47.055 --> 00:05:50.224 Thanks so much for joining us here to tell us all about the 00:05:50.224 --> 00:05:51.309 future of e-mobility.