WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.291 --> 00:00:02.752 Rob, good to see you. Vikas, nice to be with you. 2 00:00:03.628 --> 00:00:08.383 Rob, you've described AI as the opportunity of a lifetime for 3 00:00:08.383 --> 00:00:09.259 businesses. 4 00:00:09.300 --> 00:00:11.845 What do you think makes the opportunity so compelling? 5 00:00:12.595 --> 00:00:15.265 I don't think technology has ever been this accessible. 6 00:00:15.557 --> 00:00:19.269 I look at the work we're doing with clients right now, and it's 7 00:00:19.269 --> 00:00:22.272 not years, it's not weeks, and sometimes it's days. 8 00:00:22.814 --> 00:00:26.192 And this is an opportunity to completely change how you do 9 00:00:26.192 --> 00:00:26.693 business. 10 00:00:27.277 --> 00:00:29.279 It's the productivity that it can bring. 11 00:00:29.863 --> 00:00:32.365 It's how you can augment your developers. 12 00:00:33.241 --> 00:00:37.746 AI is going to touch every business, every government, in 13 00:00:37.746 --> 00:00:41.124 every part, which is why now is the moment. 14 00:00:41.499 --> 00:00:43.752 It is the opportunity of a lifetime to take advantage of. 15 00:00:45.170 --> 00:00:49.340 And Rob, we're here at Davos and there's a lot of dialogue around 16 00:00:49.340 --> 00:00:50.633 both the opportunity. 17 00:00:50.633 --> 00:00:53.136 There's so many stories about the impact of AI. 18 00:00:53.470 --> 00:00:56.639 There are also a lot of stories about the worries and 19 00:00:56.639 --> 00:01:00.143 challenges. So put yourself in the shoes of a CEO or a CIO. 20 00:01:00.143 --> 00:01:02.979 If you're considering an AI transformation, what are the 21 00:01:02.979 --> 00:01:04.981 factors that you should be considering? 22 00:01:05.940 --> 00:01:08.026 Let's go big picture for a moment. 23 00:01:08.068 --> 00:01:12.072 There's a there's an old macro investing equation that says GDP 24 00:01:12.072 --> 00:01:15.867 growth comes from population growth plus productivity growth 25 00:01:15.867 --> 00:01:16.910 plus debt growth. 26 00:01:17.994 --> 00:01:20.330 Well, population is not growing in many countries around the 27 00:01:20.330 --> 00:01:21.831 world if you look at the next 20 years. 28 00:01:22.123 --> 00:01:25.960 So that means the only way we're going to grow as a global 29 00:01:25.960 --> 00:01:28.296 economy is by driving productivity. 30 00:01:29.130 --> 00:01:31.883 AI is going to be that catalyst to drive productivity. 31 00:01:32.425 --> 00:01:33.343 How is it going to do it? 32 00:01:33.551 --> 00:01:38.640 It's going to make everybody more effective, faster at doing 33 00:01:38.640 --> 00:01:39.474 their job. 34 00:01:39.974 --> 00:01:44.145 We've seen three major use cases for AI so far: customer service, 35 00:01:44.145 --> 00:01:45.939 every company has customers. 36 00:01:45.939 --> 00:01:48.733 They're trying to figure out how do I serve them better, how do I 37 00:01:48.733 --> 00:01:50.235 make it a more intimate experience? 38 00:01:50.318 --> 00:01:51.569 You can do that with AI. 39 00:01:52.153 --> 00:01:53.738 Second is digital labor. 40 00:01:53.988 --> 00:01:58.743 How do I augment my employees to make them 50% more productive in 41 00:01:58.743 --> 00:02:03.081 doing repetitive tasks. Again, accessible to every customer. 42 00:02:03.581 --> 00:02:04.749 Now I say third is code. 43 00:02:05.291 --> 00:02:07.293 Most companies have software developers. 44 00:02:07.710 --> 00:02:09.045 They're building products. 45 00:02:09.045 --> 00:02:10.463 They're building technology. 46 00:02:10.713 --> 00:02:13.341 If you can make them 30 to 40% more productive, 47 00:02:14.217 --> 00:02:16.970 it completely changes how fast you can release products and 48 00:02:16.970 --> 00:02:18.012 engage your customers. 49 00:02:18.388 --> 00:02:21.141 So those are the use cases that I'm seeing in the real world 50 00:02:21.141 --> 00:02:21.391 today. 51 00:02:21.808 --> 00:02:24.769 And a lot of the talk around AI is around generative AI. 52 00:02:25.186 --> 00:02:28.064 At BCG, we like to talk about the left brain and the right 53 00:02:28.064 --> 00:02:30.817 brain, so both the generative, as well as the predictive 54 00:02:30.817 --> 00:02:31.568 elements of AI. 55 00:02:31.568 --> 00:02:34.279 How do you feel those will balance each other out, or how 56 00:02:34.279 --> 00:02:36.739 do you think those are complementary to each other? 57 00:02:37.198 --> 00:02:40.869 I do think people mix these, maybe intentionally, maybe 58 00:02:40.869 --> 00:02:44.330 unintentionally. Maybe it matters, maybe it doesn't. 59 00:02:44.330 --> 00:02:46.875 But I would say the generative AI is exactly what it sounds 60 00:02:46.875 --> 00:02:47.083 like. 61 00:02:47.584 --> 00:02:51.546 You're generating new content, so it's incredibly effective for 62 00:02:51.546 --> 00:02:55.508 some of the use cases I talked about for doing summarization of 63 00:02:55.508 --> 00:02:56.134 documents. 64 00:02:56.593 --> 00:03:00.889 But let's not forget, we spent the better part of a decade 65 00:03:00.889 --> 00:03:05.185 before on core machine learning, deep learning, predictive 66 00:03:05.185 --> 00:03:05.935 analytics. 67 00:03:05.935 --> 00:03:10.023 This is about how do I make a prediction about what might 68 00:03:10.023 --> 00:03:10.523 happen. 69 00:03:11.149 --> 00:03:15.069 The existence of generative AI has not reduced the need for 70 00:03:15.069 --> 00:03:15.778 prediction. 71 00:03:16.196 --> 00:03:18.698 If anything, I'd say it's made it more important. 72 00:03:18.698 --> 00:03:22.202 So when we're working with clients, we say maybe don't 73 00:03:22.202 --> 00:03:24.120 start with the technology yet. 74 00:03:24.162 --> 00:03:27.165 Let's start with the use case, then let's figure out the right 75 00:03:27.165 --> 00:03:28.416 technology to bring to it. 76 00:03:28.583 --> 00:03:32.295 It's part of why what we've done with watsonx is making all types 77 00:03:32.295 --> 00:03:33.463 of models available. 78 00:03:33.796 --> 00:03:37.383 Machine learning models, open source models, some models built 79 00:03:37.383 --> 00:03:37.759 by IBM. 80 00:03:38.343 --> 00:03:40.386 We think there is a model for every job. 81 00:03:40.845 --> 00:03:42.388 The question is, can you figure out what that is? 82 00:03:42.972 --> 00:03:46.935 And similarly, what do you think is the relationship between AI 83 00:03:46.935 --> 00:03:49.646 and cloud, hybrid cloud, quantum computing. 84 00:03:50.271 --> 00:03:54.525 AI is probably perfect for this era of what we call hybrid 85 00:03:54.525 --> 00:03:54.984 cloud. 86 00:03:55.360 --> 00:03:57.904 If you go back five years, everybody was thinking how do I 87 00:03:57.904 --> 00:03:59.113 move everything to one cloud. 88 00:03:59.530 --> 00:04:01.991 I don't talk to any client now that says that's their 89 00:04:01.991 --> 00:04:02.492 imperative. 90 00:04:02.533 --> 00:04:06.829 The imperative now is how am I going to operate my business 91 00:04:06.829 --> 00:04:08.498 across multiple clouds? 92 00:04:08.623 --> 00:04:11.251 Public, private, edge. 93 00:04:11.751 --> 00:04:15.546 And AI is all about how do you federate access to data across 94 00:04:15.546 --> 00:04:16.714 those environments. 95 00:04:17.048 --> 00:04:19.342 You may have applications across those environments. 96 00:04:19.342 --> 00:04:23.805 So to some extent, AI will be accelerated by the existence of 97 00:04:23.805 --> 00:04:26.391 hybrid cloud, not just cloud alone. 98 00:04:26.391 --> 00:04:28.559 Let me switch gears here for a minute. 99 00:04:28.559 --> 00:04:31.771 Rob, you've been an AI practitioner for a long time. 100 00:04:32.563 --> 00:04:36.067 What was the moment when you first thought to yourself: Ha! 101 00:04:36.067 --> 00:04:37.527 this could be really big? 102 00:04:38.736 --> 00:04:41.906 I think it always comes to life with a client, and the one that 103 00:04:41.906 --> 00:04:45.034 I saw, this was actually back to your point on the early days, 104 00:04:45.034 --> 00:04:46.327 more machine learning, was 105 00:04:46.327 --> 00:04:48.830 Bradesco, one of the largest banks in the world. 106 00:04:49.372 --> 00:04:53.209 When I saw that they were doing 200,000 customer inquiries a 107 00:04:53.209 --> 00:04:56.963 month without ever touching a human, which means they could 108 00:04:56.963 --> 00:05:00.633 put all their people on the harder tasks, I was like, this 109 00:05:00.633 --> 00:05:04.554 is going to completely change everything because now they can 110 00:05:04.554 --> 00:05:06.472 get higher Net Promoter Scores. 111 00:05:07.849 --> 00:05:10.143 Their employees are doing the kind of work that they want to 112 00:05:10.143 --> 00:05:11.602 do, not the work that they have to do. 113 00:05:12.020 --> 00:05:13.396 So that was the aha moment for me. 114 00:05:13.396 --> 00:05:16.274 And I take that case and now it's even better with generative 115 00:05:16.274 --> 00:05:16.399 AI. 116 00:05:17.025 --> 00:05:19.027 So that was the aha moment for me. 117 00:05:19.360 --> 00:05:21.321 And fast forward to today. 118 00:05:21.321 --> 00:05:24.240 And you know, IBM has been announcing so much around 119 00:05:24.240 --> 00:05:26.826 watsonx, what's your proudest customer moment, 120 00:05:26.826 --> 00:05:29.412 more recently? We announced the partnership with Dun & Bradstreet 121 00:05:29.412 --> 00:05:30.997 they're a data company. 122 00:05:31.164 --> 00:05:33.291 They're trying to figure out how do they make their data more 123 00:05:33.291 --> 00:05:33.666 accessible. 124 00:05:34.167 --> 00:05:37.545 There's probably no better partnership for us than working 125 00:05:37.545 --> 00:05:40.798 with a data company to bring their data to life with AI. 126 00:05:41.424 --> 00:05:44.385 They're also using watsonx to transform their operations. 127 00:05:44.886 --> 00:05:47.805 We're also building a go-to-market with them where we 128 00:05:47.805 --> 00:05:51.142 can feature Dun&Bradstreet data as part of how we go to 129 00:05:51.142 --> 00:05:51.517 market. 130 00:05:51.517 --> 00:05:55.229 So I think it's an example of the kind of partnerships that 131 00:05:55.229 --> 00:05:58.316 happen in this AI and hybrid cloud era, which are 132 00:05:58.316 --> 00:05:59.108 multifaceted. 133 00:05:59.400 --> 00:06:02.153 It's not just a customer vendor, it's how do we actually be 134 00:06:02.153 --> 00:06:02.945 partners together. 135 00:06:03.988 --> 00:06:06.741 Rob, thank you for a wonderful and thought-provoking 136 00:06:06.741 --> 00:06:07.408 conversation. 137 00:06:07.408 --> 00:06:08.159 Thank you, Vikas.