WEBVTT 1 00:00:05.640 --> 00:00:07.430 Shifting work is so much more 2 00:00:07.430 --> 00:00:10.201 than just whether you go to the office or not. 3 00:00:10.201 --> 00:00:13.100 line:15% We've never, never had such 4 00:00:13.100 --> 00:00:16.600 line:15% a clean-sheet opportunity like this 5 00:00:16.600 --> 00:00:20.770 line:15% to boldly, broadly, and intentionally 6 00:00:20.770 --> 00:00:23.610 line:15% rethink what we do and how we do it. 7 00:00:23.610 --> 00:00:25.060 line:15% And we encourage all of you 8 00:00:25.060 --> 00:00:27.513 line:15% to seize this moment in time now.