WEBVTT 00:25:39.280 --> 00:25:41.800 And to start with, Leonid, one question: 00:25:41.800 --> 00:25:43.800 Is GenAI really new? 00:25:43.800 --> 00:25:45.160 What's different 00:25:45.160 --> 00:25:49.520 with traditional or predictive AI that we've been talking for a long time? 00:25:49.800 --> 00:25:52.560 Well, I think it's very important not 00:25:52.560 --> 00:25:56.520 to underestimate, but at the same time not to overhype this technology. 00:25:56.520 --> 00:25:57.560 It's clearly a breakthrough 00:25:57.560 --> 00:26:02.200 from the consumer point of view and from what it is possible now to do with this. 00:26:02.200 --> 00:26:04.480 But at the same time, it's important to remember that it's 00:26:04.480 --> 00:26:06.920 actually based on the same statistical principles, 00:26:06.920 --> 00:26:08.440 the same statistical learning theory 00:26:08.440 --> 00:26:10.800 as the rest of AI and machine learning. 00:26:10.800 --> 00:26:13.200 And in fact, when we talk about generation, 00:26:13.200 --> 00:26:15.880 it is very similar to the task of prediction. 00:26:15.880 --> 00:26:18.480 Let's say if we think about demand forecast, 00:26:18.480 --> 00:26:21.160 we're predicting the number that, for example, 00:26:21.160 --> 00:26:22.400 we’re going to have next month, 00:26:22.400 --> 00:26:24.480 here we’re predicting the next word. 00:26:24.480 --> 00:26:27.200 So in this sense, conceptually it is very similar, 00:26:27.200 --> 00:26:29.120 but at the same time to achieve that success, 00:26:29.120 --> 00:26:34.400 if a really important breakthrough has been made, and, 00:26:34.400 --> 00:26:38.640 first of all, it's a new way of learning, which is called self-supervised learning. 00:26:38.640 --> 00:26:41.240 It's a way to learn from the data without supervision, 00:26:41.240 --> 00:26:43.200 without labelled examples. 00:26:43.200 --> 00:26:46.880 Second, it's a new architecture, neutral network architecture. 00:26:46.880 --> 00:26:50.280 It’s called Transformers that has been invented in 2017. 00:26:50.280 --> 00:26:54.960 And then there is clearly an idea of transfer learning, 00:26:54.960 --> 00:26:58.920 the concept that allows you to train on one data on one task 00:26:58.920 --> 00:27:01.560 and then transfer that knowledge to other tasks. 00:27:01.960 --> 00:27:03.760 And can you give us examples Leonid, 00:27:03.760 --> 00:27:07.160 on what this is bringing or changing in industries? 00:27:07.160 --> 00:27:09.680 Well, I can give you example from my experience, 00:27:09.680 --> 00:27:13.120 you know, I work a lot on predictive maintenance type of problems. 00:27:13.120 --> 00:27:16.640 In those type of problems, we use numerical prediction to calculate 00:27:16.640 --> 00:27:18.680 the probability of the failure of the equipment, 00:27:18.680 --> 00:27:21.120 but what we get is really just a number. 00:27:21.120 --> 00:27:23.440 What's important for maintenance screws is 00:27:23.440 --> 00:27:26.760 to understand where this number came from and what to do about it. 00:27:26.760 --> 00:27:29.400 And so, generative AI will be able to provide 00:27:29.400 --> 00:27:33.880 the textual explanation of our model, 00:27:33.880 --> 00:27:39.080 plus literally provide us step-by-step instructions on how to fix that problem. 00:27:39.080 --> 00:27:41.760 Another example could be within banking or 00:27:41.760 --> 00:27:46.160 insurance industry where we try to predict a risk scores for customers. 00:27:46.160 --> 00:27:49.200 In that case, of course, we're always hunting for more and more data, 00:27:49.200 --> 00:27:50.720 more and more information. 00:27:50.720 --> 00:27:53.480 And 80 % of the world information is unstructured. 00:27:53.480 --> 00:27:58.120 So this type of algorithm allows us to bring that information towards numerical 00:27:58.120 --> 00:28:01.280 algorithms that actually predict risk scores. 00:28:01.560 --> 00:28:04.480 IPhone has changed our lives and the lives of many. 00:28:04.520 --> 00:28:07.320 Would you say that GenAI will be of the same magnitude and 00:28:07.320 --> 00:28:10.880 that we are going to live another type of iPhone moment? 00:28:10.880 --> 00:28:15.120 When we're speaking about generative AI, it really depends on 00:28:15.120 --> 00:28:19.960 If you are in the industry, for example, in car-manufacturing or 00:28:19.960 --> 00:28:23.680 in oil and gas industry, where your main business actually building cars 00:28:23.680 --> 00:28:27.720 or extracting oil generators, generative AI will definitely help you, 00:28:27.720 --> 00:28:32.040 will help you reduce your cost, will help you improve your productivity, 00:28:32.040 --> 00:28:34.080 but it will not change overall your process. 00:28:34.080 --> 00:28:36.600 You'll still need to build those cars. 00:28:36.600 --> 00:28:40.280 But at the same time, if you are in creative industry or 00:28:40.280 --> 00:28:44.240 industry that manages information, that builds on information, 00:28:44.240 --> 00:28:45.840 generative AI can be transformative for you.