WEBVTT 00:39:42.520 --> 00:39:45.800 We hear about agents and even autonomous agents. 00:39:45.800 --> 00:39:47.960 How different is this from a program? 00:39:52.440 --> 00:39:53.520 By autonomous agents, 00:39:53.520 --> 00:39:59.240 we understand systems that can iteratively perform certain actions. 00:39:59.240 --> 00:40:00.680 They can sense the environment, 00:40:00.680 --> 00:40:03.800 they can set up plans, and then they can execute and act 00:40:03.800 --> 00:40:07.600 on the environment, collect back feedback and do all this iteratively. 00:40:07.600 --> 00:40:11.120 So, that is what makes it different from a typical program. 00:40:11.120 --> 00:40:14.120 The concept has existed since the seventies. 00:40:14.120 --> 00:40:17.920 But what's interesting is that only recently have 00:40:17.920 --> 00:40:24.040 we found a way to make them really autonomous by providing LLMs. 00:40:24.040 --> 00:40:27.200 So, in this case, LLMs can be used as a brain 00:40:27.200 --> 00:40:31.560 for this type of agents, can actually plan for them, can collect 00:40:31.560 --> 00:40:35.960 and analyze the feedback that agents receive from the environment. 00:40:35.960 --> 00:40:38.680 Can you give us situations, examples, 00:40:38.680 --> 00:40:43.240 where you've seen, we've seen those autonomous agents in action? 00:40:43.240 --> 00:40:46.080 So again, this is a very, very new development. 00:40:46.080 --> 00:40:51.240 But you can think of using autonomous agents to control other software. 00:40:51.240 --> 00:40:54.520 For example, an autonomous agent can create configuration files, 00:40:54.520 --> 00:40:58.320 can launch software, can receive results from those 00:40:58.320 --> 00:41:02.360 computations done by other software, can analyze them. 00:41:02.360 --> 00:41:06.720 And if doesn't like it, change again the configuration and run it again. 00:41:06.720 --> 00:41:09.520 So, in some sense, it can replace a lot of human work 00:41:09.520 --> 00:41:11.960 and become really an agent. 00:41:11.960 --> 00:41:15.360 It's both fascinating, but also a bit scary. 00:41:15.360 --> 00:41:17.680 Do you think there's a line we should draw somewhere 00:41:17.680 --> 00:41:20.600 to protect society, mankind? 00:41:20.600 --> 00:41:22.840 One is we need to prevent an autonomous agent 00:41:22.840 --> 00:41:25.240 from being able to modify itself, 00:41:25.240 --> 00:41:30.320 to change its own code, change its own program. 00:41:30.320 --> 00:41:33.240 And the second point is, we want to limit 00:41:33.240 --> 00:41:35.960 the ability of the agents to do goal settings. 00:41:35.960 --> 00:41:38.960 We still want humans to control overarching goals. 00:41:38.960 --> 00:41:41.680 Any other technology that has been created so far 00:41:41.680 --> 00:41:45.960 has been capable of spreading intelligence, transmitting intelligence. 00:41:45.960 --> 00:41:47.440 This is the first time we’ve created 00:41:47.440 --> 00:41:50.600 technology that can create intelligence. And this can be a little scary.