WEBVTT 287d9a69-bd5f-4aab-a667-c01ec87a6224-0 00:00:05.560 --> 00:00:08.552 Over the last century, we've seen amazing advancements in 287d9a69-bd5f-4aab-a667-c01ec87a6224-1 00:00:08.552 --> 00:00:10.720 health care for the population worldwide. 03f3dc04-0d76-4b74-90e0-d92aededd4f6-0 00:00:11.320 --> 00:00:15.000 However, we have now reached a tipping point in terms of the 03f3dc04-0d76-4b74-90e0-d92aededd4f6-1 00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:18.499 cost of health care and the provisions we have to deliver 03f3dc04-0d76-4b74-90e0-d92aededd4f6-2 00:00:18.499 --> 00:00:18.680 it. 68f7e056-9ad3-42a8-9a57-2ad98c41e2d5-0 00:00:20.840 --> 00:00:23.400 In the next coming years, we'll have to deal with two issues. 9dbdf630-894b-4b45-86c4-d8db9f1b6d17-0 00:00:23.720 --> 00:00:26.120 One is that we'll have to operate with resource 9dbdf630-894b-4b45-86c4-d8db9f1b6d17-1 00:00:26.120 --> 00:00:26.720 constraints. 313f6ad0-fb3a-46bf-a3f9-2961f86f67cb-0 00:00:27.000 --> 00:00:30.635 Two is that we'll have to face a rising burden of chronic 313f6ad0-fb3a-46bf-a3f9-2961f86f67cb-1 00:00:30.635 --> 00:00:31.200 diseases. ddda26a4-2713-4e3d-ac48-16102f6474f1-0 00:00:32.080 --> 00:00:33.800 What does equitable access mean? c88249fd-62b3-4ef8-bf67-abe43c33bb02-0 00:00:34.000 --> 00:00:36.981 It means that all populations would have the same access to c88249fd-62b3-4ef8-bf67-abe43c33bb02-1 00:00:36.981 --> 00:00:38.720 health care services and products. dfbcaff0-3eb6-42d2-adc0-c984046d313d-0 00:00:39.000 --> 00:00:40.400 But today it's not the case. 707f63a2-77ed-4fe8-b229-f9125398dade-0 00:00:40.600 --> 00:00:44.323 We have underserved populations in high income and in low income 707f63a2-77ed-4fe8-b229-f9125398dade-1 00:00:44.323 --> 00:00:45.240 countries alike. 8c9a3166-a04a-4901-ac0d-ed174bb5d57b-0 00:00:45.680 --> 00:00:49.263 To give you an example, it's estimated that by 2030 the world 8c9a3166-a04a-4901-ac0d-ed174bb5d57b-1 00:00:49.263 --> 00:00:51.980 is going to be short of 10 million health care 8c9a3166-a04a-4901-ac0d-ed174bb5d57b-2 00:00:51.980 --> 00:00:55.275 professionals, seven of which will be in Middle East and 8c9a3166-a04a-4901-ac0d-ed174bb5d57b-3 00:00:55.275 --> 00:00:55.680 Africa. 26e9a358-034e-432d-ac6b-9eb88ad6b469-0 00:00:56.680 --> 00:01:00.668 To give you another example, even in the OECD countries, we 26e9a358-034e-432d-ac6b-9eb88ad6b469-1 00:01:00.668 --> 00:01:04.789 observe variations in health outcomes, variations of maternal 26e9a358-034e-432d-ac6b-9eb88ad6b469-2 00:01:04.789 --> 00:01:05.919 mortality of 10X. 883d68b5-8fa9-41ba-b387-48bb6cc5e1be-0 00:01:09.040 --> 00:01:11.920 So what does it take to truly unlock and get the value out of 883d68b5-8fa9-41ba-b387-48bb6cc5e1be-1 00:01:11.920 --> 00:01:13.640 digital technologies in health care? d1f739bf-b9d9-4681-b3b8-f97b6a27dc15-0 00:01:14.080 --> 00:01:17.694 Through 40 interviews and many conversations, we have uncovered d1f739bf-b9d9-4681-b3b8-f97b6a27dc15-1 00:01:17.694 --> 00:01:21.138 five main enablers to better leverage digital, deliver value d1f739bf-b9d9-4681-b3b8-f97b6a27dc15-2 00:01:21.138 --> 00:01:22.720 for our health care systems. 05fda3ff-8e78-47cd-9e7b-a34bc6fe1fbc-0 00:01:23.640 --> 00:01:25.200 So what are those five enablers? 67b2a412-9449-41a2-8be4-cae19c46b432-0 00:01:25.360 --> 00:01:28.640 First of all, data: we need to unlock the value from data. e03df61d-f7ec-4998-8b35-85aa7df8a20b-0 00:01:28.720 --> 00:01:31.680 We need standardized data and we need to be interoperable. d72deae0-9a6c-4793-9600-25ea696be80f-0 00:01:31.920 --> 00:01:34.600 We need to combine health data with other types of data. b1e9a96b-b5c1-41f5-9627-607d20932a98-0 00:01:35.600 --> 00:01:39.132 Second, we need technology and analytics to come together to b1e9a96b-b5c1-41f5-9627-607d20932a98-1 00:01:39.132 --> 00:01:42.549 provide the platform to leverage those data and we need to b1e9a96b-b5c1-41f5-9627-607d20932a98-2 00:01:42.549 --> 00:01:45.039 implement things like a unique patient ID. de60f319-86ce-4dca-b28d-8df47c240fdb-0 00:01:45.480 --> 00:01:48.360 Third, we need better funding and incentives for digital. df536867-cede-461e-bd61-832583a6f4c2-0 00:01:48.840 --> 00:01:52.300 That means we need to stop paying for digital on top of df536867-cede-461e-bd61-832583a6f4c2-1 00:01:52.300 --> 00:01:56.131 other care and instead pay for digital as part of of combined df536867-cede-461e-bd61-832583a6f4c2-2 00:01:56.131 --> 00:01:58.480 hybrid digital physical care pathway. d96b0d05-7409-4091-9b1d-22b69539a65f-0 00:01:59.080 --> 00:02:02.936 Fourth, we need better hybrid care pathways with patients and d96b0d05-7409-4091-9b1d-22b69539a65f-1 00:02:02.936 --> 00:02:06.855 implementation capabilities to take the best digital solutions d96b0d05-7409-4091-9b1d-22b69539a65f-2 00:02:06.855 --> 00:02:10.524 and transform them from point solutions into an integrated d96b0d05-7409-4091-9b1d-22b69539a65f-3 00:02:10.524 --> 00:02:12.080 pathway for the patients. 4873c4d6-4d30-4f56-a72f-7b59b0878759-0 00:02:12.840 --> 00:02:16.119 And fifth, and finally, we need better regulations and policies 4873c4d6-4d30-4f56-a72f-7b59b0878759-1 00:02:16.119 --> 00:02:17.400 that are fit for purpose. daef5749-f8e0-4d88-ba07-c485089aad37-0 00:02:17.920 --> 00:02:21.528 Regulations and policies will always lag the innovation, but daef5749-f8e0-4d88-ba07-c485089aad37-1 00:02:21.528 --> 00:02:24.603 what we need to do is increasingly move to innovate daef5749-f8e0-4d88-ba07-c485089aad37-2 00:02:24.603 --> 00:02:28.271 and collect better data on the regulations and policies. It's daef5749-f8e0-4d88-ba07-c485089aad37-3 00:02:28.271 --> 00:02:29.040 going to take 7a2d7c05-c778-4a2c-8373-90457da91545-0 00:02:29.200 --> 00:02:33.266 working across both governments and private providers together 7a2d7c05-c778-4a2c-8373-90457da91545-1 00:02:33.266 --> 00:02:37.527 have come up with solutions that address whole pathways, not just 7a2d7c05-c778-4a2c-8373-90457da91545-2 00:02:37.527 --> 00:02:38.560 point solutions. bd0cd750-d0e7-47e2-95c7-cce63dcba008-0 00:02:38.760 --> 00:02:42.151 We're starting to see some of that also developing, but it bd0cd750-d0e7-47e2-95c7-cce63dcba008-1 00:02:42.151 --> 00:02:45.369 will require a change in incentives as well as the data bd0cd750-d0e7-47e2-95c7-cce63dcba008-2 00:02:45.369 --> 00:02:48.818 that we're collecting, how it's analyzed, and taking a very bd0cd750-d0e7-47e2-95c7-cce63dcba008-3 00:02:48.818 --> 00:02:50.600 consumer centric approach to it 4b0b5eff-1efe-47c3-a490-48021979a683-0 00:02:50.840 --> 00:02:54.397 to do this. We can then think about how we can fully digitize 4b0b5eff-1efe-47c3-a490-48021979a683-1 00:02:54.397 --> 00:02:57.668 the front end and augment the back end of health care to 4b0b5eff-1efe-47c3-a490-48021979a683-2 00:02:57.668 --> 00:03:00.480 provide a new way to deliver care for the future