WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.166 --> 00:00:03.712 We are here at AWS re:Invent and one of the topics 2 00:00:03.712 --> 00:00:06.798 that we're focused on is the industrial metaverse. 3 00:00:06.798 --> 00:00:11.511 With me two experts to discuss it from Siemens, Stuart McCutcheon. 4 00:00:11.511 --> 00:00:14.764 He is the VP of Global Sales and Customer Success. 5 00:00:14.806 --> 00:00:19.352 He is focused on the industrial metaverse and right beside me BCG’s Dr. 6 00:00:19.352 --> 00:00:20.687 Tilman Buchner. 7 00:00:20.687 --> 00:00:23.815 He is a global leader at the Innovation Center for Operations 8 00:00:23.815 --> 00:00:26.818 and Partner and Director at BCG. 9 00:00:26.985 --> 00:00:27.402 So, Mr. 10 00:00:27.402 --> 00:00:28.820 McCutcheon, I'm starting with you. 11 00:00:28.820 --> 00:00:31.406 What is the industrial metaverse? 12 00:00:31.406 --> 00:00:34.617 So the industrial metaverse- let's start off with Siemens. 13 00:00:34.617 --> 00:00:38.580 So Siemens are a leader in virtual design and simulation. 14 00:00:38.663 --> 00:00:42.042 We have lots of software that designs many products and simulates products. 15 00:00:42.125 --> 00:00:46.588 We're also a leader in manufacturing and factory automation 16 00:00:46.671 --> 00:00:49.340 and really bringing together the virtual 17 00:00:49.340 --> 00:00:53.762 and the physical worlds together to create a digital twin. 18 00:00:53.845 --> 00:00:56.890 And then experiencing that digital twin in an environment 19 00:00:56.931 --> 00:00:59.934 is really what the industrial metaverse is about. 20 00:00:59.934 --> 00:01:03.688 And being able to make decisions in a simple way. 21 00:01:03.688 --> 00:01:06.983 Looking at a single pane of glass over a multitude of different 22 00:01:06.983 --> 00:01:09.069 pieces of information 23 00:01:09.110 --> 00:01:11.988 and making those decisions faster. 24 00:01:11.988 --> 00:01:13.239 That's what it's really all about. 25 00:01:13.239 --> 00:01:15.784 So, Doctor, we're picking up on what Mr. 26 00:01:15.784 --> 00:01:19.204 McCutcheon just said. Why do we need it? 27 00:01:19.245 --> 00:01:22.707 I first, fully agree with what Stuart said, and the reason 28 00:01:22.707 --> 00:01:27.962 why is just think of designing, building, and operating a manufacturing plant 29 00:01:27.962 --> 00:01:31.257 in today's world means you need to coordinate work across 30 00:01:31.257 --> 00:01:35.261 thousands of people, across organizational boundaries. 31 00:01:35.261 --> 00:01:37.639 And these people are working with software applications. 32 00:01:37.639 --> 00:01:40.308 And these software applications generate data. 33 00:01:40.308 --> 00:01:42.560 And this is a very complex process, 34 00:01:42.560 --> 00:01:45.772 and this is where the industrial metaverse comes into play. 35 00:01:45.855 --> 00:01:50.985 It offers you a leap frog in four areas, which is collaboration, 36 00:01:51.152 --> 00:01:55.365 simulation, virtualization, and synchronization. 37 00:01:55.448 --> 00:01:59.536 So you mentioned a little bit how Siemens sees this, 38 00:01:59.536 --> 00:02:03.456 but how does Siemens play in this ecosystem? 39 00:02:03.540 --> 00:02:07.710 So it's- We have a Siemens Accelerator is our platform. 40 00:02:07.836 --> 00:02:10.046 It's an open ecosystem platform. 41 00:02:10.046 --> 00:02:14.342 And basically we have to be able to bring together 42 00:02:14.425 --> 00:02:17.971 lots of different types of data into this single environment. 43 00:02:18.054 --> 00:02:18.721 Right? 44 00:02:18.721 --> 00:02:22.642 We connect to this data from a relationships perspective, 45 00:02:22.725 --> 00:02:28.648 really, in order to synchronize and extract this information from it. 46 00:02:28.731 --> 00:02:30.984 So this sounds fascinating. 47 00:02:30.984 --> 00:02:34.154 What I want to know, Dr. Buchner, is what are the hurdles? 48 00:02:34.154 --> 00:02:39.325 Why do companies maybe resist adopting this technology? 49 00:02:39.409 --> 00:02:42.453 Well, generally speaking, there are actually three things 50 00:02:42.453 --> 00:02:43.997 which prevents companies today. 51 00:02:43.997 --> 00:02:46.166 One is actually people and organizations. 52 00:02:46.166 --> 00:02:48.168 So kind of the digital capabilities 53 00:02:48.168 --> 00:02:51.921 you need to really benefit from the industrial metaverse. 54 00:02:52.005 --> 00:02:54.340 Secondly, is we're talking about tech, yeah. 55 00:02:54.340 --> 00:02:58.219 So the legacy data and technology backbone in companies might be a reason. 56 00:02:58.219 --> 00:03:01.890 So you really need to invest into an ITOT system 57 00:03:01.890 --> 00:03:06.060 architecture to be ready to integrate and benefit from the industrial metaverse. 58 00:03:06.144 --> 00:03:10.190 And last but not least, it's strategy because the industrial metaverse offers 59 00:03:10.190 --> 00:03:13.985 you a huge range of opportunities and you will need to figure out 60 00:03:13.985 --> 00:03:16.070 what are the high priority use cases 61 00:03:16.070 --> 00:03:19.824 which really generate impact on your particular individual site. 62 00:03:19.908 --> 00:03:21.618 So picking up on that Mr. 63 00:03:21.618 --> 00:03:25.830 McCutcheon, do you see these same hurdles, let's call them? 64 00:03:25.914 --> 00:03:28.166 Yes, I see the same hurdles, very similar. 65 00:03:28.166 --> 00:03:31.169 The- and again, defining those use cases is the key. 66 00:03:31.211 --> 00:03:31.753 Right. 67 00:03:31.753 --> 00:03:34.797 We can start today with industrial metaverse use cases today 68 00:03:34.964 --> 00:03:35.924 and implement them. 69 00:03:35.924 --> 00:03:39.719 And over time, as you build your network of information, 70 00:03:39.802 --> 00:03:42.430 those use cases get more and more complex. 71 00:03:42.430 --> 00:03:46.935 So if we talked about the hurdles, I also have to ask you both what is possible. 72 00:03:46.935 --> 00:03:47.977 So Dr. Buchner, 73 00:03:47.977 --> 00:03:50.980 what's possible? Let me give you a concrete example. 74 00:03:51.064 --> 00:03:54.525 For example, today at the start of production, companies 75 00:03:54.525 --> 00:03:58.363 lack the ability to use the full power of artificial intelligence. Why? 76 00:03:58.363 --> 00:04:02.367 Because at start of production, you don't have training datasets. 77 00:04:02.450 --> 00:04:06.371 Now, the industrial metaverse, and especially the idea of synthetic data 78 00:04:06.371 --> 00:04:09.540 generation and photorealistic rendering comes into play because 79 00:04:09.624 --> 00:04:14.671 now we can in simulation, generate training datasets, 80 00:04:14.754 --> 00:04:17.590 thanks to the enhancements in photorealistic rendering 81 00:04:17.590 --> 00:04:21.594 so that we can train the inferior model in simulation and deploy 82 00:04:21.803 --> 00:04:23.263 reality. Concrete speaking 83 00:04:23.263 --> 00:04:27.517 this means now you can, for example, identify a quality defect 84 00:04:27.767 --> 00:04:30.520 at part number one, and this reduces 85 00:04:30.520 --> 00:04:33.648 actually, the scrap rate and gives us the ability to save costs. 86 00:04:33.773 --> 00:04:39.153 That's only possible since 3 to 5 years because of the industrial metaverse. 87 00:04:39.320 --> 00:04:43.449 So it has this potential to help a business run much more efficiently. 88 00:04:43.658 --> 00:04:47.495 Yes. And today, you know, products are getting a lot more complex, right? 89 00:04:47.537 --> 00:04:49.497 You got mechanical electrical software. 90 00:04:49.497 --> 00:04:50.957 Everything's got software in it now. 91 00:04:50.957 --> 00:04:53.793 There is a lot more variation in these products 92 00:04:53.876 --> 00:04:56.504 and you want to be able to produce them really quickly. 93 00:04:56.504 --> 00:04:56.963 All right. 94 00:04:56.963 --> 00:04:59.966 And we're onboarding a lot of factories to different 95 00:05:00.174 --> 00:05:04.137 local locations for environmental reasons. 96 00:05:04.345 --> 00:05:06.389 And so we build plants quicker. 97 00:05:06.389 --> 00:05:08.933 So we have examples where we can now help 98 00:05:08.933 --> 00:05:13.146 customers build a plant design virtually 99 00:05:13.146 --> 00:05:17.233 optimize it and launch it, comission it 100 00:05:17.317 --> 00:05:20.320 within 50% of the time they used to be able to. 101 00:05:20.445 --> 00:05:23.448 Well, that's a pretty good headline. And that's the sort of value 102 00:05:23.448 --> 00:05:27.118 the industrial metaverse can bring to our customers. Stuart McCutcheon and Dr. 103 00:05:27.118 --> 00:05:30.038 Tilman Buchner, thank you both for your time. Thank you.