WEBVTT 00:00:00.041 --> 00:00:02.585 We are here at AWS reinvent. 00:00:02.585 --> 00:00:06.965 And one of the guests that we're delighted to connect with is Edward Calvesbert. 00:00:07.173 --> 00:00:12.303 He is the VP of product management for IBM Watson X, And we're great to see you. 00:00:12.387 --> 00:00:17.017 This has been an absolutely standout year in generative AI. 00:00:17.100 --> 00:00:19.936 What stands out to you, as an expert? 00:00:19.936 --> 00:00:22.605 Yeah, I think the fact that every conversations about GenAI 00:00:22.605 --> 00:00:26.317 right? Every conversation I have at least, and not just here 00:00:26.401 --> 00:00:29.779 at the conference, but even at the dining room table over Thanksgiving. 00:00:29.863 --> 00:00:30.780 People are talking about it. 00:00:30.780 --> 00:00:33.867 People are thinking about how it's going to change the world. 00:00:33.908 --> 00:00:36.911 I think we're all very optimistic about its potential, 00:00:37.078 --> 00:00:38.621 but obviously we're still in the early days. 00:00:38.621 --> 00:00:39.831 So we'll see how it evolves. 00:00:39.831 --> 00:00:41.583 We're still in the early days. 00:00:41.583 --> 00:00:47.088 So, so far, share one element that moved a lot faster than you thought 00:00:47.088 --> 00:00:50.800 it would and one element that moved a lot slower than you thought it would. 00:00:50.884 --> 00:00:54.429 Yeah, I think the rate and pace of experimentation 00:00:54.429 --> 00:00:57.807 within the enterprise is incredibly fast, right? 00:00:57.891 --> 00:00:59.684 Companies have mobilized. 00:00:59.684 --> 00:01:02.687 They have gotten their hands on the technology. 00:01:02.771 --> 00:01:03.897 They are experimenting. 00:01:03.897 --> 00:01:05.857 They're looking to see where they can apply it. 00:01:05.857 --> 00:01:09.652 So it is really impressive to see how rapidly 00:01:09.652 --> 00:01:14.657 and how broad based the rate of experimentation has been. Now, 00:01:14.699 --> 00:01:15.366 I think one of the things 00:01:15.366 --> 00:01:18.620 that maybe is a little bit slower is production implementations. 00:01:18.703 --> 00:01:22.791 And I think partially that's because of all the concerns about governance 00:01:22.874 --> 00:01:25.418 and maybe the lack of clarity in the regulatory environment. 00:01:25.418 --> 00:01:29.881 So it's really starting in some less regulated, less sensitive areas. 00:01:29.964 --> 00:01:34.761 But really, you know, the technology getting adopted in finance, 00:01:34.761 --> 00:01:38.181 or health insurance, or those kinds of use cases is taking a little bit longer. 00:01:38.264 --> 00:01:43.520 So when you think about next year, what are you most excited about for 2024? 00:01:43.603 --> 00:01:47.774 Yeah, I think the the innovation is happening so quickly. 00:01:47.857 --> 00:01:52.654 There's so many partnerships and ecosystem dynamics that are emerging. At WatsonX, 00:01:52.737 --> 00:01:54.447 we're incorporating 00:01:54.447 --> 00:01:56.991 a lot of that innovation that comes from inside of IBM 00:01:56.991 --> 00:01:59.619 as well as outside of IBM, the open source community, 00:01:59.619 --> 00:02:02.288 our business partners, and some of our competitors even. 00:02:02.288 --> 00:02:07.627 So it's- I'm really excited to see just how the ecosystem emerges. 00:02:07.710 --> 00:02:09.879 Some winners and losers maybe 00:02:09.879 --> 00:02:13.091 starting to get allocated as the market starts to consolidate. 00:02:13.174 --> 00:02:17.137 Any hints as to what makes a winner? 00:02:17.220 --> 00:02:18.429 It's always about value, right? 00:02:18.429 --> 00:02:21.349 Business value, delivering 00:02:21.349 --> 00:02:26.354 a great experience to customers and doing it at a price performance, right? 00:02:26.396 --> 00:02:29.774 That produces tangible business results for enterprises. 00:02:29.774 --> 00:02:29.983 Right. 00:02:29.983 --> 00:02:35.155 So, experimentation to that business value oriented 00:02:35.196 --> 00:02:37.532 proof point, I think that's what we're going to start seeing happening next year. 00:02:37.532 --> 00:02:38.908 That's the magic formula. 00:02:38.908 --> 00:02:39.909 Edward, thank you very much. 00:02:39.909 --> 00:02:42.120 Edward Calvesbert with us there. Thank you.