WEBVTT 5cb43e98-9e4a-46e5-bd84-6a1b40d5135a-0 00:00:00.360 --> 00:00:03.000 I'm here with my good friend and partner, Alex Xie, who leads our 5cb43e98-9e4a-46e5-bd84-6a1b40d5135a-1 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:04.160 automotive business in China. 3ef15dc8-cc27-46aa-a09f-33831c9b586b-0 00:00:04.480 --> 00:00:05.360 Alex, great to see you. 3d29381f-fe4d-41e5-b18a-acb589f99a7b-0 00:00:05.960 --> 00:00:06.480 We see you here. d448a4fe-1ac4-4bcc-bed3-e4b9cfe925a3-0 00:00:06.720 --> 00:00:10.354 It's been a really exciting time for the China automotive market d448a4fe-1ac4-4bcc-bed3-e4b9cfe925a3-1 00:00:10.354 --> 00:00:13.653 in 2023 with sales ending up more than 12% relative to '22 d448a4fe-1ac4-4bcc-bed3-e4b9cfe925a3-2 00:00:13.653 --> 00:00:17.064 and EVs accounting for more than 30% of new vehicles sold in d448a4fe-1ac4-4bcc-bed3-e4b9cfe925a3-3 00:00:17.064 --> 00:00:17.400 China. 072d300f-0254-4621-9f05-676d09fe81cc-0 00:00:17.720 --> 00:00:20.600 What's behind that success, and what's your outlook for 2024? 6145beb2-78fa-4824-a301-b4efeadbe5f2-0 00:00:21.080 --> 00:00:23.435 Yes, as you know, right. Market is really exciting at the 6145beb2-78fa-4824-a301-b4efeadbe5f2-1 00:00:23.435 --> 00:00:23.720 moment. a0cb4a1d-b843-40c8-9a0e-a10c3a225f29-0 00:00:24.040 --> 00:00:26.200 You will see that economy is not doing so well. 2fe826ca-0abd-4881-a8a1-f0e37fa5b61f-0 00:00:26.200 --> 00:00:28.080 However, the auto market is growing so great, b4fafe38-1b48-4258-8320-ab30295f0b76-0 00:00:28.080 --> 00:00:32.934 especially on EV. I think there are three major factors behind b4fafe38-1b48-4258-8320-ab30295f0b76-1 00:00:32.934 --> 00:00:33.320 that. 2bd8e734-cfa1-4203-b7de-63106612ae61-0 00:00:33.640 --> 00:00:37.035 Number one is that after many years of growth, finally 2bd8e734-cfa1-4203-b7de-63106612ae61-1 00:00:37.035 --> 00:00:38.640 consumers feel EV is good. 28ac3ebf-4585-4d51-9227-7e09adfc85f7-0 00:00:39.040 --> 00:00:42.480 They have no hurdle buying EV at all for most of that, right? fd494b7a-f0a2-47a5-82d4-bbb0e41220bb-0 00:00:42.480 --> 00:00:45.863 They just feel EV is cool, EV is new, and then they want to try fd494b7a-f0a2-47a5-82d4-bbb0e41220bb-1 00:00:45.863 --> 00:00:47.080 EVs. That's number one. e63c82ae-c801-4ded-b0fb-e580e8f0836c-0 00:00:47.480 --> 00:00:51.201 Number two is that I think there are so many new products coming e63c82ae-c801-4ded-b0fb-e580e8f0836c-1 00:00:51.201 --> 00:00:53.720 from all OEMs, new players into the market. de3ac8cf-cbb3-441d-9cf2-60015c126589-0 00:00:54.040 --> 00:00:56.240 They're not just new but also really cool products. d03ecf72-46c4-4aef-a3c4-d6715e0f2f63-0 00:00:56.600 --> 00:00:59.800 But in China, EV is no longer just an E powertrain. be80edf0-1da6-46fd-ae25-ac751ec1b56c-0 00:00:59.800 --> 00:01:03.600 EV means really smart cars with E powertrain. abaa6ef8-f238-4fd6-8b64-528516dd3292-0 00:01:03.760 --> 00:01:07.173 So given that was really very smart cabbing, smart driving, EV abaa6ef8-f238-4fd6-8b64-528516dd3292-1 00:01:07.173 --> 00:01:10.153 is really having very good products for the consumers. abaa6ef8-f238-4fd6-8b64-528516dd3292-2 00:01:10.153 --> 00:01:13.459 Number three is that price. You know, yes, the market volume abaa6ef8-f238-4fd6-8b64-528516dd3292-3 00:01:13.459 --> 00:01:16.764 growing, but as price is going down, we have so many players abaa6ef8-f238-4fd6-8b64-528516dd3292-4 00:01:16.764 --> 00:01:20.015 build up factories, platforms they need to scale up so that abaa6ef8-f238-4fd6-8b64-528516dd3292-5 00:01:20.015 --> 00:01:23.158 they offer their product at a very low price, competitive abaa6ef8-f238-4fd6-8b64-528516dd3292-6 00:01:23.158 --> 00:01:26.679 price, which actually making it really affordable for everybody. 58ec7382-8d9c-4d4c-a611-d5b3ad8f66b3-0 00:01:26.880 --> 00:01:30.120 So, you know in China, normally EV is selling at similar price 58ec7382-8d9c-4d4c-a611-d5b3ad8f66b3-1 00:01:30.120 --> 00:01:30.480 to ICE. a1be4823-ceb5-4b92-88f4-a6712a902e23-0 00:01:31.040 --> 00:01:34.254 So that's also making customer feel like, "why not?" It's a1be4823-ceb5-4b92-88f4-a6712a902e23-1 00:01:34.254 --> 00:01:36.360 better products, cheaper and greener. 5e5b6df7-26c6-4219-9869-0f29c0b7193f-0 00:01:36.520 --> 00:01:39.281 So that's actually driving the whole EV boom in China. Wow, 5e5b6df7-26c6-4219-9869-0f29c0b7193f-1 00:01:39.281 --> 00:01:39.880 that's great. 5f127fce-a929-4240-912c-9a4fa01fca9c-0 00:01:39.880 --> 00:01:42.145 So with so many strong competitors, naturally a number 5f127fce-a929-4240-912c-9a4fa01fca9c-1 00:01:42.145 --> 00:01:44.698 of these players are looking to move abroad, whether it be to 5f127fce-a929-4240-912c-9a4fa01fca9c-2 00:01:44.698 --> 00:01:46.840 North America, whether it be Europe, South America. 3f566528-6454-496c-a395-9b9f48e4cfa7-0 00:01:47.440 --> 00:01:50.077 From your vantage leading the China automotive business, what 3f566528-6454-496c-a395-9b9f48e4cfa7-1 00:01:50.077 --> 00:01:52.672 are some of the things you're seeing with those players that 3f566528-6454-496c-a395-9b9f48e4cfa7-2 00:01:52.672 --> 00:01:54.800 gives you confidence that they can be successful? 5b5151d7-4264-47e7-a409-733fa06fda86-0 00:01:55.160 --> 00:01:56.682 And what are some of the challenges, the hurdles you 5b5151d7-4264-47e7-a409-733fa06fda86-1 00:01:56.682 --> 00:01:58.376 think they're going to have to navigate here in the coming 5b5151d7-4264-47e7-a409-733fa06fda86-2 00:01:58.376 --> 00:01:58.520 year? abdf5692-792c-476b-8654-f4741e61e299-0 00:01:58.640 --> 00:02:01.791 Yeah, I think the strengths they have three, I think unique, abdf5692-792c-476b-8654-f4741e61e299-1 00:02:01.791 --> 00:02:04.995 strengths they should further, you know, leverage. Number one abdf5692-792c-476b-8654-f4741e61e299-2 00:02:04.995 --> 00:02:06.080 is technology, right? 1d4f9bf6-506d-45cf-808a-3953265318bf-0 00:02:06.080 --> 00:02:09.480 They're really having differentiating technology in 1d4f9bf6-506d-45cf-808a-3953265318bf-1 00:02:09.480 --> 00:02:13.208 ecosystem, in smart cabin, and also in battery, and also 1d4f9bf6-506d-45cf-808a-3953265318bf-2 00:02:13.208 --> 00:02:14.319 somewhat in ADAS. 5e0f1229-dffd-4323-9539-dfc15b65741d-0 00:02:14.400 --> 00:02:15.040 That's important. d985a8ee-13fc-42a7-898c-5f02aebf5858-0 00:02:15.440 --> 00:02:17.680 Technology. Number two is the cost base. f2693b58-7474-4b22-a285-2e0687a10de5-0 00:02:17.880 --> 00:02:20.488 You know Chinese players, they're strong in cost. Also f2693b58-7474-4b22-a285-2e0687a10de5-1 00:02:20.488 --> 00:02:23.475 they have actually a very strong particularly integrated value f2693b58-7474-4b22-a285-2e0687a10de5-2 00:02:23.475 --> 00:02:23.760 chain. be668f99-fc19-46c7-931b-aa2e82c5e7c2-0 00:02:23.920 --> 00:02:25.880 Many of them own battery companies, right? 48611dfd-fc7e-4f20-bd43-683f54524dea-0 00:02:25.880 --> 00:02:28.960 By that they can also offer very cost-competitive products. d2c7b6fb-9dea-4b2a-a2d6-46601b5c435e-0 00:02:29.400 --> 00:02:33.447 Number three is that on cost on a product portfolio, they don't d2c7b6fb-9dea-4b2a-a2d6-46601b5c435e-1 00:02:33.447 --> 00:02:36.040 only have BEV but also have PHEV, right. fc7a47d9-8aca-4288-ba75-e9c491810c33-0 00:02:36.040 --> 00:02:37.800 The PHEV is actually quite unique in China. 6ca811f9-eb8f-4fe1-8ed2-4cb0aa1244a0-0 00:02:38.120 --> 00:02:41.142 The PHEV can actually drive on battery for one hundred, two 6ca811f9-eb8f-4fe1-8ed2-4cb0aa1244a0-1 00:02:41.142 --> 00:02:44.367 hundred kilometers, but at the same time also be using the rest 6ca811f9-eb8f-4fe1-8ed2-4cb0aa1244a0-2 00:02:44.367 --> 00:02:44.720 on gas. 8122b1e9-54d0-4fa7-ab5b-e8c8e5818c01-0 00:02:44.920 --> 00:02:45.880 That's quite unique as well. 69766310-0aac-43de-9581-56c2f94ad4d4-0 00:02:46.040 --> 00:02:48.400 So these three are some things making them different. a3daaa21-b226-4dcc-be62-cf8846949b5b-0 00:02:48.920 --> 00:02:50.640 However, still there are challenges for sure. d9e5d5dc-cbb9-4532-887a-a5cf2b793d60-0 00:02:50.920 --> 00:02:53.513 I think a few things they have to do: number one is that, you d9e5d5dc-cbb9-4532-887a-a5cf2b793d60-1 00:02:53.513 --> 00:02:55.480 know, customers across the world is different. 4205ed75-0557-4721-8d37-8e64ed70c2c0-0 00:02:55.760 --> 00:02:58.571 They have to understand the different customers in different 4205ed75-0557-4721-8d37-8e64ed70c2c0-1 00:02:58.571 --> 00:03:01.428 countries and then offer them the best thing they have to fit 4205ed75-0557-4721-8d37-8e64ed70c2c0-2 00:03:01.428 --> 00:03:02.119 in their needs. 73d7d8b8-5afb-4694-9146-f7869301189b-0 00:03:02.320 --> 00:03:03.000 That's not easy. 82bec021-624e-40a1-ba0e-112237c8fd64-0 00:03:03.160 --> 00:03:03.840 That's number one. 53793794-24ee-4914-b30b-fdf28b6217a6-0 00:03:04.200 --> 00:03:06.831 Number two is that you know they cannot keep exporting all the 53793794-24ee-4914-b30b-fdf28b6217a6-1 00:03:06.831 --> 00:03:07.040 time. fceb45fc-06ad-496d-930b-d311b748c6e9-0 00:03:07.040 --> 00:03:10.715 They have somehow localization their manufacturing supply chain fceb45fc-06ad-496d-930b-d311b748c6e9-1 00:03:10.715 --> 00:03:14.047 and by doing that how they can sustain their strengths or fceb45fc-06ad-496d-930b-d311b748c6e9-2 00:03:14.047 --> 00:03:17.723 advantage in cost that's also a challenge for them to overcome. fceb45fc-06ad-496d-930b-d311b748c6e9-3 00:03:17.723 --> 00:03:20.480 Number three is, you know, organization, right? c5d89562-9c64-4814-beb1-72759b297b33-0 00:03:20.480 --> 00:03:23.820 It's not like just sitting have a very big organization in China c5d89562-9c64-4814-beb1-72759b297b33-1 00:03:23.820 --> 00:03:27.212 and then having all the cars set into other markets. They have to c5d89562-9c64-4814-beb1-72759b297b33-2 00:03:27.212 --> 00:03:28.960 localizing also the organization. 06f497cb-1d9b-4d61-8e4d-1d9e62e7e666-0 00:03:29.120 --> 00:03:31.925 So how they can really have the best talents locally, best 06f497cb-1d9b-4d61-8e4d-1d9e62e7e666-1 00:03:31.925 --> 00:03:34.493 culture locally to support a business, that's another 06f497cb-1d9b-4d61-8e4d-1d9e62e7e666-2 00:03:34.493 --> 00:03:35.920 challenge to have to overcome. 1f91a3c7-20ac-4c4e-91a2-40ad6369a137-0 00:03:36.760 --> 00:03:39.725 So overall, right, I mean I think the market is there, some 1f91a3c7-20ac-4c4e-91a2-40ad6369a137-1 00:03:39.725 --> 00:03:42.691 market even better, some is more difficult, but they have a 1f91a3c7-20ac-4c4e-91a2-40ad6369a137-2 00:03:42.691 --> 00:03:43.680 chance to win there. 09a37681-5cce-46e1-b28d-6727bfb808c4-0 00:03:43.880 --> 00:03:46.956 However, to do that, they have to overcome a couple of core 09a37681-5cce-46e1-b28d-6727bfb808c4-1 00:03:46.956 --> 00:03:47.520 challenges. 711dc473-441a-4dd0-8534-9ed84fb925f5-0 00:03:47.640 --> 00:03:48.200 It's not easy. a9888322-da11-4bcc-8d65-7d74841c7131-0 00:03:48.200 --> 00:03:50.410 Well, it's certainly an incredibly exciting time for the a9888322-da11-4bcc-8d65-7d74841c7131-1 00:03:50.410 --> 00:03:50.760 industry. bc568b85-34bc-4b7a-b90a-90bbadd53a4c-0 00:03:50.960 --> 00:03:53.553 We're no doubt in for tremendous disruption here in the coming bc568b85-34bc-4b7a-b90a-90bbadd53a4c-1 00:03:53.553 --> 00:03:53.800 years. 5b4d03f0-db6a-475d-a783-97e981c24e0d-0 00:03:54.440 --> 00:03:57.276 I've never seen competition be more fierce, but with fierce 5b4d03f0-db6a-475d-a783-97e981c24e0d-1 00:03:57.276 --> 00:03:59.120 competition, ultimately consumers win. 0e5558d0-1294-4181-914c-94fd94dd124c-0 00:03:59.640 --> 00:03:59.960 Thanks. 0e24ec10-8146-4894-a3ce-5a576f7a4516-0 00:04:00.200 --> 00:04:00.800 Thank you very much.