WEBVTT 00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:22.880 - We are here today with As Tempelman, the CEO of Eneco. 00:00:22.880 --> 00:00:25.920 Eneco has just announced its One Planet plan 00:00:25.920 --> 00:00:29.400 to become carbon neutral by 2035. 00:00:29.400 --> 00:00:32.720 As, thanks a lot for hosting me 00:00:32.720 --> 00:00:34.600 in your office in Rotterdam. 00:00:34.600 --> 00:00:36.720 Can you outline what are the main elements 00:00:36.720 --> 00:00:38.080 of this One Planet plan? 00:00:38.080 --> 00:00:40.000 - We set ourselves the ambition 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:43.560 to be climate neutral in 2035 00:00:43.560 --> 00:00:44.680 and that means that we want 00:00:44.680 --> 00:00:46.880 to bring all our emissions to zero 00:00:46.880 --> 00:00:49.040 within the next 15 years. 00:00:49.040 --> 00:00:50.480 And that is not just the emissions 00:00:50.480 --> 00:00:51.600 of our own operations, 00:00:51.600 --> 00:00:53.840 but also the emissions associated with the use 00:00:53.840 --> 00:00:56.400 of our energy products by our customers. 00:00:56.400 --> 00:01:00.120 And we really focus on three main climate actions. 00:01:00.120 --> 00:01:02.960 First one is radical electrification. 00:01:02.960 --> 00:01:05.880 We need to electrify whatever we can electrify 00:01:05.880 --> 00:01:08.400 in the mobility, the industry, 00:01:08.400 --> 00:01:10.200 but also the built environment. 00:01:10.200 --> 00:01:11.480 That's number one. 00:01:11.480 --> 00:01:14.520 And number two is we need to phase out gas, 00:01:14.520 --> 00:01:18.280 and of course, that concerns our own gas-fired power plants 00:01:18.280 --> 00:01:20.560 that we want to bring to zero emissions. 00:01:20.560 --> 00:01:21.560 But more importantly, 00:01:21.560 --> 00:01:25.080 we need to help our customers transition away from gas. 00:01:25.080 --> 00:01:28.880 And that requires a rapid increase 00:01:28.880 --> 00:01:31.840 in the usage and the applications of heat pumps, 00:01:31.840 --> 00:01:33.640 connectivity to heat networks, 00:01:33.640 --> 00:01:37.360 and of course, also a major effort on insulation, 00:01:37.360 --> 00:01:38.240 yeah? 00:01:38.240 --> 00:01:40.600 And thirdly, speaking about the heat networks, 00:01:40.600 --> 00:01:43.280 we have to make sure these heat networks become sustainable 00:01:43.280 --> 00:01:45.720 and that means that we need to start investing 00:01:45.720 --> 00:01:47.480 and developing new heat sources. 00:01:47.480 --> 00:01:49.280 And then you can think of geothermal, 00:01:49.280 --> 00:01:51.000 aquathermal, e-boilers, 00:01:52.480 --> 00:01:55.480 heat-cold solutions, but also sustainable gases, 00:01:55.480 --> 00:01:57.880 like hydrogen and green gas. 00:01:57.880 --> 00:02:00.640 - Why is it so important to do this plan now? 00:02:01.280 --> 00:02:02.600 - Why this was so important to us 00:02:02.600 --> 00:02:05.480 because this is really what Eneco is all about. 00:02:05.480 --> 00:02:08.280 We have this deep intrinsic motivation 00:02:08.280 --> 00:02:11.480 with all 3,000 colleagues here in Eneco 00:02:11.480 --> 00:02:13.760 that really are motivated 00:02:13.760 --> 00:02:16.920 to make a meaningful contribution 00:02:16.920 --> 00:02:20.200 to basically combating climate change 00:02:20.200 --> 00:02:22.120 and making that energy transition happen 00:02:22.120 --> 00:02:24.240 on a much faster path. 00:02:24.240 --> 00:02:26.080 It's also much needed 00:02:26.080 --> 00:02:29.840 because I think most of us are well familiar 00:02:29.840 --> 00:02:32.760 with the Paris Agreement. 00:02:32.760 --> 00:02:35.520 That of course, also aims for a global warming 00:02:35.520 --> 00:02:37.640 below the one-and-a-half to two degrees. 00:02:37.640 --> 00:02:38.640 But many many of the countries 00:02:38.640 --> 00:02:40.720 have set this target of 2050, 00:02:40.720 --> 00:02:46.320 or China even 2060, to get to this carbon-neutral society. 00:02:46.320 --> 00:02:50.360 And what we see from more recent scientific research is also 00:02:50.360 --> 00:02:52.240 that if we continue on that path 00:02:52.240 --> 00:02:55.680 of the pace of society, IPPC says this as well, 00:02:55.680 --> 00:02:57.320 is we will actually surpass 00:02:57.320 --> 00:03:00.200 that one-and-a-half degrees already in 2040. 00:03:00.200 --> 00:03:02.480 So we have to move much faster. 00:03:02.480 --> 00:03:04.840 And lastly, it's good business. 00:03:04.840 --> 00:03:07.640 To transition from fossil energy systems 00:03:07.640 --> 00:03:09.600 towards sustainable energy systems 00:03:09.600 --> 00:03:10.960 is a major effort, 00:03:10.960 --> 00:03:12.240 comes with lots of work 00:03:12.240 --> 00:03:13.560 and lots of investment, 00:03:13.560 --> 00:03:16.440 and we consider that an opportunity for Eneco. 00:03:16.440 --> 00:03:19.080 - You mentioned that you will close 00:03:19.080 --> 00:03:22.040 or convert gas-fired power plants. 00:03:22.040 --> 00:03:26.040 Gas-fired power plants are what keeps the lights on 00:03:26.040 --> 00:03:28.600 when there is no wind or no sun. 00:03:28.600 --> 00:03:30.880 How will you do to make sure that we still have power 00:03:30.880 --> 00:03:32.000 when we need it? 00:03:32.000 --> 00:03:33.680 - For the time being we are okay, 00:03:33.680 --> 00:03:34.600 because like you said, 00:03:34.600 --> 00:03:37.800 we still have a lot of gas-fired power connected 00:03:37.800 --> 00:03:38.920 to the grid. 00:03:38.920 --> 00:03:40.080 But for the future, indeed 00:03:40.080 --> 00:03:41.760 we need alternative solutions. 00:03:41.760 --> 00:03:43.360 And then you really need to think 00:03:43.360 --> 00:03:45.600 around the very short-term solutions, 00:03:45.600 --> 00:03:47.720 the intra-day solutions, 00:03:47.720 --> 00:03:50.200 so you talk within minutes or hours, 00:03:50.200 --> 00:03:53.880 where of course, batteries and flexibility 00:03:53.880 --> 00:03:56.440 in terms of storage can really play an important role 00:03:56.440 --> 00:03:57.880 but also demand steering. 00:03:57.880 --> 00:03:59.520 So in a surplus situation, 00:03:59.520 --> 00:04:00.520 you switch on demand 00:04:00.520 --> 00:04:01.520 and when there's a shortage, 00:04:01.520 --> 00:04:02.560 you switch off demand. 00:04:02.560 --> 00:04:04.080 And that will become increasingly important. 00:04:04.080 --> 00:04:06.760 It's also something we are investing in. 00:04:06.760 --> 00:04:09.520 When it comes to the longer-term balance, 00:04:09.520 --> 00:04:12.200 this is still where there are many open questions, 00:04:12.200 --> 00:04:13.840 and it's also where we have a dialogue 00:04:13.840 --> 00:04:16.680 with the government on what are the best policies 00:04:16.680 --> 00:04:18.440 to incentivize businesses 00:04:18.440 --> 00:04:20.280 to make the right choices and investments. 00:04:20.280 --> 00:04:23.600 - The bulk of the emissions of Eneco 00:04:23.600 --> 00:04:26.680 are the emissions that your clients are making 00:04:26.680 --> 00:04:29.280 with the energy you sell them. 00:04:29.280 --> 00:04:33.400 Why did you include the Scope 3 emissions in your plan 00:04:33.400 --> 00:04:37.320 while most other energy companies are just speaking 00:04:37.320 --> 00:04:40.960 about emissions from their own operations? 00:04:40.960 --> 00:04:42.440 - Yeah indeed, Christophe, 00:04:42.440 --> 00:04:44.640 I think many people stop at Scope 1. 00:04:44.640 --> 00:04:46.120 For us that was never an option 00:04:46.120 --> 00:04:50.320 because like you said, 90% of the emissions associated 00:04:50.320 --> 00:04:52.680 with Eneco are directly related 00:04:52.680 --> 00:04:54.960 to the energy products that our customers use. 00:04:55.040 --> 00:04:56.440 So if you want to make an impact, 00:04:56.440 --> 00:04:57.600 you have to include those. 00:04:57.600 --> 00:04:59.720 And if you think about the planet 00:04:59.720 --> 00:05:00.920 and the atmosphere, 00:05:00.920 --> 00:05:03.280 you can only put so much carbon molecules 00:05:03.280 --> 00:05:04.160 into the atmosphere 00:05:04.160 --> 00:05:06.200 and the planet really couldn't care less 00:05:06.200 --> 00:05:08.120 whether it's Scope 1, 2, or 3. 00:05:08.120 --> 00:05:12.120 So really Scope 3 is, if you want to make an impact, 00:05:12.120 --> 00:05:13.600 Scope 3 needs to be part of it. 00:05:13.600 --> 00:05:17.200 And we do believe that we have solutions 00:05:17.200 --> 00:05:20.600 for customers to move away from fossil 00:05:20.600 --> 00:05:23.720 towards more sustainable solutions. 00:05:23.720 --> 00:05:26.440 So the real complexity is more on the heat side 00:05:26.440 --> 00:05:29.520 where you need to make a change behind the front door, 00:05:29.520 --> 00:05:32.400 and this is where we need to recognise 00:05:32.400 --> 00:05:34.800 that the energy transition is not just a technical challenge 00:05:34.800 --> 00:05:36.640 but very much a social transition 00:05:36.640 --> 00:05:38.880 because houses are different, 00:05:38.880 --> 00:05:41.000 energy levels are different, 00:05:41.000 --> 00:05:43.560 different households have different buying power. 00:05:43.560 --> 00:05:44.800 Now ideally what you would want 00:05:44.800 --> 00:05:48.280 is that people start with insulation, 00:05:48.280 --> 00:05:51.360 making sure their homes are more energy efficient, 00:05:51.360 --> 00:05:53.000 and they immediately make a big step 00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:56.000 towards connecting their homes to a heat network 00:05:56.000 --> 00:05:58.760 or a full electric heat pump as a solution. 00:05:58.760 --> 00:06:02.160 - What are the policies that need to change 00:06:02.160 --> 00:06:07.960 to help you, help your clients change the way they consume energy. 00:06:07.960 --> 00:06:12.440 - The right climate and energy polices are a really important success factor 00:06:12.440 --> 00:06:14.400 for the delivery of our plan. 00:06:14.400 --> 00:06:17.440 That said, when you look at the cost side, 00:06:17.440 --> 00:06:19.600 wind and solar are so much cheaper 00:06:19.600 --> 00:06:23.160 that electrification already pays off today. 00:06:23.160 --> 00:06:25.560 But there are still barriers for customers. 00:06:25.560 --> 00:06:28.720 For example the upfront investment in a heat pump. 00:06:28.720 --> 00:06:31.320 And that stops them from actually making the change. 00:06:31.320 --> 00:06:33.320 And we want to take those barriers away 00:06:33.320 --> 00:06:34.800 and help customers 00:06:34.800 --> 00:06:37.560 through a solution on funding 00:06:37.560 --> 00:06:39.800 or we do a leasing concept. 00:06:39.800 --> 00:06:42.280 There are different ways to go about that. 00:06:42.280 --> 00:06:43.520 But to your point, indeed, 00:06:43.520 --> 00:06:44.840 we also need the government 00:06:44.840 --> 00:06:47.840 to keep incentivizing the markets 00:06:47.840 --> 00:06:51.160 to change towards sustainable solutions. 00:06:51.160 --> 00:06:54.240 That means we need to put a fair price on carbon 00:06:54.240 --> 00:06:56.640 and we have to really move energy taxes 00:06:56.640 --> 00:06:59.400 from electricity towards gas and oil. 00:06:59.400 --> 00:07:02.160 So really start to tax fossil a lot more 00:07:02.160 --> 00:07:03.360 than we do today. 00:07:03.360 --> 00:07:06.120 - You have many business leaders in your industry 00:07:06.120 --> 00:07:07.160 or in other industries, 00:07:07.160 --> 00:07:09.240 which are also facing this type of challenge 00:07:09.240 --> 00:07:13.920 how to steer their company through these climate challenges. 00:07:13.920 --> 00:07:17.360 What would be your personal advices to them? 00:07:17.360 --> 00:07:19.040 - Well, twofold. 00:07:19.040 --> 00:07:23.080 Firstly, I would say join us on an accelerated journey. 00:07:23.080 --> 00:07:26.040 I see too many companies saying we follow the pace 00:07:26.040 --> 00:07:30.080 of society, and that is just not fast enough. 00:07:30.080 --> 00:07:32.120 And we run the risk that we are waiting 00:07:32.120 --> 00:07:33.880 for one another to move. 00:07:33.880 --> 00:07:35.240 And I would say take leadership 00:07:35.240 --> 00:07:37.360 and step up and just accelerate your pace. 00:07:37.360 --> 00:07:38.880 That's the first one. 00:07:38.880 --> 00:07:41.280 The second one, I see many of my colleagues 00:07:41.280 --> 00:07:44.640 who basically perceive the energy transition 00:07:44.640 --> 00:07:47.680 as a threat to established interests, 00:07:47.680 --> 00:07:50.480 as opposed to a space full 00:07:50.480 --> 00:07:52.280 of new business opportunities. 00:07:52.280 --> 00:07:54.000 And I think if you change your mindset, 00:07:54.000 --> 00:07:57.720 you'll find new ways, new business models, 00:07:57.720 --> 00:07:59.080 new revenue opportunities 00:07:59.080 --> 00:08:00.920 that are actually very exciting. 00:08:00.920 --> 00:08:02.640 So those would be my advices. 00:08:02.640 --> 00:08:05.800 Go faster and see it as an opportunity. 00:08:05.800 --> 00:08:09.720 - Thanks a lot and I hope many other business leaders 00:08:09.720 --> 00:08:11.240 will follow your example. 00:08:11.240 --> 00:08:11.920 - Thank you, Christophe.