WEBVTT 00:00:09.520 --> 00:00:12.240 In a world on the brink of transformative change, 00:00:12.240 --> 00:00:15.200 imagine a future where every journey, 00:00:15.200 --> 00:00:16.840 where each step we take 00:00:16.840 --> 00:00:18.920 is a stride towards a greener tomorrow. 00:00:19.680 --> 00:00:21.880 As the world speeds ahead, 00:00:21.880 --> 00:00:25.160 climate change from fossil fuels looms large, 00:00:25.800 --> 00:00:28.800 and the transport sector plays a significant role. 00:00:29.520 --> 00:00:32.520 Did you know? Transportation is responsible 00:00:32.520 --> 00:00:35.880 for over a quarter of emissions in many global economies. 00:00:36.480 --> 00:00:39.280 Yet, only a mere 23 nations 00:00:39.280 --> 00:00:42.480 have precise emission targets for this sector. 00:00:42.760 --> 00:00:44.600 Time is of the essence. 00:00:44.600 --> 00:00:47.480 By 2030, we’re poised to deplete 00:00:47.480 --> 00:00:52.680 86% of our carbon budget unless we act now. 00:00:52.680 --> 00:00:56.200 Rising transport demands, economic growth, 00:00:56.200 --> 00:01:00.600 and high initial cost of sustainable technologies are among our challenges. 00:01:01.040 --> 00:01:02.720 But there's a silver lining. 00:01:02.720 --> 00:01:07.560 'Green premiums' are falling as a result of economies of scale, 00:01:07.560 --> 00:01:11.240 technological advancements, and government incentives. 00:01:11.240 --> 00:01:13.800 This means sustainable transport is becoming 00:01:13.800 --> 00:01:17.920 not only more viable but also affordable. 00:01:17.920 --> 00:01:21.720 Collaboration and determined policies can pave the way. 00:01:21.840 --> 00:01:25.960 Initiatives from countries like the UK, US, 00:01:25.960 --> 00:01:29.800 KSA, and UAE are illuminating the path, 00:01:29.800 --> 00:01:33.840 showcasing how transformative actions can make a difference. 00:01:34.240 --> 00:01:38.680 Smart mobility strategies in the region are structured 00:01:38.680 --> 00:01:43.520 around compatible infrastructure, integrated mobility systems, 00:01:43.520 --> 00:01:46.560 and regulations, promoting sustainability. 00:01:46.960 --> 00:01:50.160 Our strategy for a green transport future? 00:01:50.360 --> 00:01:55.000 Enter the ASI framework - a compass 00:01:55.000 --> 00:01:58.280 guiding us to a sustainable transport future. 00:01:58.280 --> 00:02:03.640 This approach not only combats climate change but fosters cleaner air, 00:02:03.640 --> 00:02:08.160 equitable transportation access and more livable cities. 00:02:08.680 --> 00:02:13.400 The 'Avoid' strategy recognizes our 'car pride'. 00:02:13.400 --> 00:02:17.920 As more countries prosper, the allure of personal vehicle increases. 00:02:17.920 --> 00:02:23.160 By reshaping urban environment, promoting remote work, reducing unnecessary travel, 00:02:23.160 --> 00:02:25.320 we can change this narrative. 00:02:25.320 --> 00:02:30.040 One day of remote working worldwide could reduce greenhouse gas emissions 00:02:30.040 --> 00:02:35.360 by 24 million tonnes, equivalent to Greater London's emissions annually. 00:02:35.360 --> 00:02:38.280 In the region, Saudi Arabia and the UAE 00:02:38.280 --> 00:02:42.160 has approved work-from-home options in the government sector, 00:02:42.160 --> 00:02:46.800 to reduce transportation demand and thereby lower emissions. 00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:48.760 Next, we 'Shift'. 00:02:48.760 --> 00:02:53.880 Imagine swapping car trips with train rides or sharing vehicles. 00:02:53.880 --> 00:02:56.320 Less emissions, more connection. 00:02:57.000 --> 00:03:00.480 The EU's ambition to double freight rail’s share 00:03:00.480 --> 00:03:04.880 by 2030, and the upcoming GCC Railway Project 00:03:04.880 --> 00:03:08.760 are testament to the shift in global transport priorities. 00:03:09.440 --> 00:03:11.560 Lastly, 'Improve'. 00:03:12.000 --> 00:03:16.080 By innovating vehicle designs, sourcing renewable energy, 00:03:16.080 --> 00:03:20.360 and fostering a productive ecosystem for clean vehicles, 00:03:20.360 --> 00:03:23.360 we set the stage for a greener future. 00:03:23.560 --> 00:03:28.160 The rapid surge in electric car models, with more than 500 in the market, 00:03:28.160 --> 00:03:32.560 and ambitious goals set by global leaders, underpin this vision. 00:03:33.120 --> 00:03:36.840 For successful decarbonization, we need tools. 00:03:37.280 --> 00:03:41.600 Advanced analytics can provide valuable insights, 00:03:41.600 --> 00:03:46.760 while coupling transport with power sector maximizes the benefits of electrification. 00:03:47.200 --> 00:03:50.200 However, the journey must be inclusive. 00:03:50.680 --> 00:03:52.120 As the world transitions, 00:03:52.120 --> 00:03:55.280 not country or community should be left behind. 00:03:55.960 --> 00:04:00.560 From Vienna's transport policy resulting in 37% of all journeys 00:04:00.560 --> 00:04:03.560 being made on public transport, to global funds, 00:04:03.920 --> 00:04:07.600 the drive for an equitable green transition is gathering pace. 00:04:08.000 --> 00:04:10.120 Coordination is key. 00:04:10.120 --> 00:04:14.320 The vast governance behind transportation requires a united front. 00:04:14.720 --> 00:04:19.400 The US National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization, launched in 2023, 00:04:19.400 --> 00:04:22.840 is a great example of a whole-of-government approach 00:04:23.160 --> 00:04:26.280 to building cleaner transportation, led by 4 agencies, 00:04:26.280 --> 00:04:29.680 the Department of Energy (DoE), Department transport (DoT), 00:04:29.680 --> 00:04:34.040 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 00:04:34.120 --> 00:04:37.960 This is not just another environmental strategy. 00:04:38.200 --> 00:04:41.320 Remember, every journey has a footprint. 00:04:42.440 --> 00:04:45.440 We have the power to ensure it's a green one. 00:04:45.640 --> 00:04:47.280 The clock is ticking, 00:04:47.280 --> 00:04:49.800 the hour of action is now. 00:04:50.320 --> 00:04:55.520 BCG was proud to serve as a Principal Strategy and Action Partner to COP28, 00:04:56.080 --> 00:04:58.080 where we worked alongside 00:04:58.080 --> 00:05:02.480 public, private and social sector leaders on priority issues 00:05:02.480 --> 00:05:07.600 to accelerate climate action and advance adaptation and resilience. 00:05:07.600 --> 00:05:12.400 One of the main outcomes of The Conference is the consensus to accelerate 00:05:12.400 --> 00:05:16.080 the reduction of emissions from road transport through a diverse pathway, 00:05:16.080 --> 00:05:21.040 including the rapid deployment of zero-and low-emission vehicles. 00:05:21.800 --> 00:05:23.720 Net zero isn't our target. 00:05:23.720 --> 00:05:25.200 It's our launchpad. 00:05:25.200 --> 00:05:28.040 We're driving beyond zero in the GCC 00:05:28.040 --> 00:05:30.520 by harnessing the power of sustainable transport.