WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.670 (Upbeat music) 2 00:00:07.340 --> 00:00:10.093 - There's a lot of small and large bets you're placing. 3 00:00:10.093 --> 00:00:11.886 Not all bets will succeed. 4 00:00:11.886 --> 00:00:13.888 So how is the organization, 5 00:00:13.888 --> 00:00:17.183 the leadership, thinking about managing failure 6 00:00:17.183 --> 00:00:20.061 to get the organization to embrace risk? 7 00:00:20.061 --> 00:00:22.063 - Well, I'd say first of all from my strategy lens 8 00:00:22.063 --> 00:00:23.773 when I think about that, 9 00:00:23.773 --> 00:00:26.860 if I think about what we've announced on AI or if I think 10 00:00:26.860 --> 00:00:31.531 about the core hybrid strategy, first, we kind of, 11 00:00:31.531 --> 00:00:34.576 I think all good strategy leaders are paranoid optimists. 12 00:00:34.576 --> 00:00:37.871 So it's this combination of setting a bold direction, 13 00:00:37.871 --> 00:00:41.458 but almost with like the same energy, having the paranoia 14 00:00:41.458 --> 00:00:43.668 of unpacking where it could go wrong, 15 00:00:43.668 --> 00:00:47.714 so I think everything we're doing, 16 00:00:47.714 --> 00:00:50.592 I've got high conviction in our ability to succeed. 17 00:00:50.592 --> 00:00:51.968 It's on us to execute. 18 00:00:51.968 --> 00:00:54.804 And then I think it's, the rest of it really relates 19 00:00:54.804 --> 00:00:57.390 to the contingencies you put in different plans 20 00:00:57.390 --> 00:01:00.727 so that you do have the financial flexibility 21 00:01:00.727 --> 00:01:03.480 to allow some level of underachievement versus your plans 22 00:01:03.480 --> 00:01:06.107 without jeopardizing the rest of the business. 23 00:01:06.107 --> 00:01:07.859 I will say, I also run our ventures unit, 24 00:01:07.859 --> 00:01:09.486 and so you see it in real time there. 25 00:01:09.486 --> 00:01:10.695 You have some home runs 26 00:01:10.695 --> 00:01:12.822 and you have some that are strikeouts, 27 00:01:12.822 --> 00:01:16.868 and so you have to have a financial objective 28 00:01:16.868 --> 00:01:20.205 that kind of takes all of those outcomes into play 29 00:01:20.205 --> 00:01:21.998 and not be a pessimist, 30 00:01:21.998 --> 00:01:23.583 because I think if you plan on pessimism, 31 00:01:23.583 --> 00:01:25.293 you're going to actually deliver to it 32 00:01:25.293 --> 00:01:27.337 and underachieve the business, 33 00:01:27.337 --> 00:01:29.464 but not have irrational exuberance, 34 00:01:29.464 --> 00:01:33.009 because you know, if you're betting, frankly, 35 00:01:33.009 --> 00:01:35.595 the business, our client outcomes, and the careers 36 00:01:35.595 --> 00:01:37.180 of our employees on that, you know, 37 00:01:37.180 --> 00:01:39.015 you're doing everybody there a disservice. 38 00:01:39.015 --> 00:01:42.644 (Upbeat music)