WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.400 --> 00:00:02.640 If you look at the history of how companies 2 00:00:02.640 --> 00:00:04.850 have grown over the last century, 3 00:00:04.850 --> 00:00:09.280 the primary driver has been to create sustained shareholder 4 00:00:09.280 --> 00:00:13.470 returns in a world with predictable rules to the game. 5 00:00:13.470 --> 00:00:15.980 That world no longer exists. 6 00:00:15.980 --> 00:00:19.260 Today, social tension, economic nationalism, 7 00:00:19.260 --> 00:00:22.480 and technological revolutions are reshaping business, 8 00:00:22.480 --> 00:00:25.080 and the bar that once defined top performance 9 00:00:25.080 --> 00:00:27.770 has not only risen, but it has transformed. 10 00:00:27.770 --> 00:00:30.520 It's becoming clear that being great 11 00:00:30.520 --> 00:00:31.970 is no longer good enough. 12 00:00:31.970 --> 00:00:33.730 To lead in this new reality, 13 00:00:33.730 --> 00:00:36.100 you'll need a new playbook of strategies 14 00:00:36.100 --> 00:00:38.920 that delivers value, not only for your shareholders, 15 00:00:38.920 --> 00:00:41.360 but to all stakeholders. 16 00:00:41.360 --> 00:00:45.017 To thrive, you'll need to go beyond great. 17 00:00:45.017 --> 00:00:48.434 (lively music concludes) 18 00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:51.130 In an increasingly fragmented 19 00:00:51.130 --> 00:00:54.170 but digitally-connected world, leading-edge companies 20 00:00:54.170 --> 00:00:57.330 line:15% are redefining what great growth looks like. 21 00:00:57.330 --> 00:00:59.490 line:15% These companies are integrating doing good 22 00:00:59.490 --> 00:01:02.360 line:15% into the business and operating model. 23 00:01:02.360 --> 00:01:05.770 They're unlocking profitable growth by smartly focusing 24 00:01:05.770 --> 00:01:08.570 on countries and growing deeply local, 25 00:01:08.570 --> 00:01:11.863 rather than depending on their scale to win globally. 26 00:01:13.080 --> 00:01:15.320 And they are pioneering new propositions 27 00:01:15.320 --> 00:01:19.150 for connected customers by layering digital solutions 28 00:01:19.150 --> 00:01:21.230 onto their physical products. 29 00:01:21.230 --> 00:01:23.053 Take the example of agriculture. 30 00:01:24.420 --> 00:01:26.350 Humanity's oldest, and perhaps 31 00:01:26.350 --> 00:01:29.090 one of its most complex industry. 32 00:01:29.090 --> 00:01:32.900 Fortunately, data and smart algorithms can help. 33 00:01:32.900 --> 00:01:34.760 John Deere recognized this. 34 00:01:34.760 --> 00:01:38.080 In 2012, the world's number one tractor manufacturer 35 00:01:38.080 --> 00:01:40.750 launched a digital platform, combining data 36 00:01:40.750 --> 00:01:44.730 from IOT-connected farm equipment with globally collected 37 00:01:44.730 --> 00:01:46.850 data on variables like weather, 38 00:01:46.850 --> 00:01:49.940 crop prices, and soil conditions. 39 00:01:49.940 --> 00:01:52.850 The platform gave farmers the ability to make 40 00:01:52.850 --> 00:01:56.290 data-driven decisions down to the individual acre, 41 00:01:56.290 --> 00:02:00.370 helping them boost crop yield and reduce costs. 42 00:02:00.370 --> 00:02:03.220 John Deere's strategy of delivering digital solutions 43 00:02:03.220 --> 00:02:05.410 through their physical products has been 44 00:02:05.410 --> 00:02:07.140 an overwhelming success. 45 00:02:07.140 --> 00:02:09.720 It's unlocked new growth opportunities 46 00:02:09.720 --> 00:02:11.870 and reinforced the company's position 47 00:02:11.870 --> 00:02:15.303 as the world's number one farm equipment manufacturer. 48 00:02:17.850 --> 00:02:22.290 What happens when a global pandemic shuts down 49 00:02:22.290 --> 00:02:23.980 your global supply chain? 50 00:02:23.980 --> 00:02:26.870 It's a question that left many leaders scrambling 51 00:02:26.870 --> 00:02:28.460 when COVID-19 hit. 52 00:02:28.460 --> 00:02:31.280 line:15% To succeed in an era defined by shocks, 53 00:02:31.280 --> 00:02:34.510 line:15% companies are fundamentally rethinking their operations. 54 00:02:34.510 --> 00:02:38.070 They're moving past low-cost delivery models 55 00:02:38.070 --> 00:02:40.510 to embrace flexible delivery networks. 56 00:02:40.510 --> 00:02:43.020 They see data not as an exhaust, 57 00:02:43.020 --> 00:02:45.810 but a fuel to drive new value propositions, 58 00:02:45.810 --> 00:02:49.090 and they're complimenting their intra-industry supply chains 59 00:02:49.090 --> 00:02:52.463 with digital ecosystems of cross-industry partners. 60 00:02:53.740 --> 00:02:55.570 For example, when Volkswagen 61 00:02:55.570 --> 00:02:59.190 set out to create its digital mobility platform, 62 00:02:59.190 --> 00:03:01.480 it understood it needed a diverse set 63 00:03:01.480 --> 00:03:04.810 of digital capabilities to bring the offering to life. 64 00:03:04.810 --> 00:03:06.820 Going beyond the conventional strategies 65 00:03:06.820 --> 00:03:09.270 of trying to build the platform itself, 66 00:03:09.270 --> 00:03:13.950 Volkswagen orchestrated a complex ecosystem of 58 partners 67 00:03:13.950 --> 00:03:16.020 across six different industries. 68 00:03:16.020 --> 00:03:20.420 By breaking down the borders of traditional closed systems, 69 00:03:20.420 --> 00:03:24.180 Volkswagen was able to deliver a new, cutting-edge 70 00:03:24.180 --> 00:03:26.810 digital experience to its customers. 71 00:03:26.810 --> 00:03:30.630 Great companies once perfected the art and science 72 00:03:30.630 --> 00:03:32.250 of efficient supply chains. 73 00:03:32.250 --> 00:03:35.270 Companies that go beyond will master 74 00:03:35.270 --> 00:03:38.240 the art and science of ecosystems. 75 00:03:38.240 --> 00:03:41.330 Those that do will unlock growth in ways 76 00:03:41.330 --> 00:03:43.307 they could never achieve on their own. 77 00:03:44.515 --> 00:03:46.400 In a time of revolutionary change, 78 00:03:46.400 --> 00:03:48.970 it's not enough for companies to transform themselves 79 00:03:48.970 --> 00:03:50.370 once every few years. 80 00:03:50.370 --> 00:03:53.240 line:15% To thrive, companies must reinvent 81 00:03:53.240 --> 00:03:55.870 line:15% their organizations constantly. 82 00:03:55.870 --> 00:03:58.710 They'll need to liquefy themselves into focused, 83 00:03:58.710 --> 00:04:01.160 fast, flat organizations. 84 00:04:01.160 --> 00:04:03.440 They'll have to reimagine how they find and inspire 85 00:04:03.440 --> 00:04:05.840 top talent, and they'll need to change 86 00:04:05.840 --> 00:04:08.360 the very cadence of change. 87 00:04:08.360 --> 00:04:11.630 A company that stands out to me as a remarkable example 88 00:04:11.630 --> 00:04:14.286 of this is Microsoft. 89 00:04:14.286 --> 00:04:15.119 (mellow music) 90 00:04:15.119 --> 00:04:17.220 In 2014, Microsoft's 91 00:04:17.220 --> 00:04:19.610 historically great performance had stalled. 92 00:04:19.610 --> 00:04:20.890 The company needed to change, 93 00:04:20.890 --> 00:04:22.660 and no one understood this better 94 00:04:22.660 --> 00:04:25.080 than the new CEO, Satya Nadella. 95 00:04:25.080 --> 00:04:26.770 Over the next six years, 96 00:04:26.770 --> 00:04:30.420 Nadella led the company through a fundamental transformation 97 00:04:30.420 --> 00:04:32.470 that included a new organization, 98 00:04:32.470 --> 00:04:36.250 culture, and approach to leadership and talent. 99 00:04:36.250 --> 00:04:38.530 The results were remarkable. 100 00:04:38.530 --> 00:04:41.698 Since 2014, Microsoft's market cap has grown 101 00:04:41.698 --> 00:04:46.698 to over $1.5 trillion, but even more importantly, 102 00:04:46.725 --> 00:04:49.000 they have fully embraced their purpose. 103 00:04:49.000 --> 00:04:51.460 But as remarkable as it was, Microsoft's transformation 104 00:04:51.460 --> 00:04:54.260 wasn't a single break from the past. 105 00:04:54.260 --> 00:04:57.080 It was the culmination of a number of change efforts 106 00:04:57.080 --> 00:04:58.170 taken over time. 107 00:04:58.170 --> 00:05:01.160 Like Microsoft, you must move beyond 108 00:05:01.160 --> 00:05:05.880 one-and-done change efforts to embrace an always-on 109 00:05:05.880 --> 00:05:07.540 approach to transformation. 110 00:05:07.540 --> 00:05:10.140 Companies that make change a constant preoccupation 111 00:05:10.140 --> 00:05:13.700 will dramatically hasten their ability to compete, 112 00:05:13.700 --> 00:05:16.930 grow, and thrive in the years ahead. 113 00:05:16.930 --> 00:05:20.330 In "Beyond Great," you'll discover the rules of success 114 00:05:20.330 --> 00:05:21.840 in the 21st century 115 00:05:21.840 --> 00:05:24.840 that any firm, local or global, 116 00:05:24.840 --> 00:05:28.205 can deploy to not just survive, 117 00:05:28.205 --> 00:05:31.170 but to thrive, not just to please, 118 00:05:31.170 --> 00:05:34.460 but inspire, and not just to profit, 119 00:05:34.460 --> 00:05:36.413 but to heal and grow.