WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.419 (gentle music) 00:00:15.181 --> 00:00:18.018 - So Mike, you joined Gates Ventures in 2016 00:00:18.018 --> 00:00:20.145 and helped establish Breakthrough Energy. 00:00:20.145 --> 00:00:22.522 What is Breakthrough Energy and what is unique 00:00:22.522 --> 00:00:25.275 about their approach to tackling climate change? 00:00:25.275 --> 00:00:29.195 - Sure, Bill Gates, my boss, started Breakthrough Energy 00:00:29.195 --> 00:00:32.741 in 2015 around the time of the Paris climate talks 00:00:32.741 --> 00:00:35.702 really as a way to inject the notion 00:00:35.702 --> 00:00:39.831 of innovation and the need for innovation 00:00:39.831 --> 00:00:42.876 in the climate conversation in a much bigger way. 00:00:43.460 --> 00:00:47.213 Breakthrough started with a venture fund back in the day, 00:00:47.213 --> 00:00:50.550 which has now grown to more than a few billion dollars 00:00:50.550 --> 00:00:54.095 and investing in more than a hundred portfolio companies. 00:00:54.095 --> 00:00:56.056 But it also has a few other platforms 00:00:56.056 --> 00:00:59.142 that have stood up over time to really think 00:00:59.142 --> 00:01:01.853 about the end-to-end innovation cycle, 00:01:01.853 --> 00:01:05.106 from the very earliest sort of discovery science 00:01:05.106 --> 00:01:10.111 and early research side of things through the development 00:01:10.278 --> 00:01:13.573 and demonstration of some of that technology 00:01:13.573 --> 00:01:16.409 in the venture context or as you're doing company building. 00:01:16.659 --> 00:01:19.954 And then the Catalyst program is our attempt to say: 00:01:19.954 --> 00:01:22.082 Great, we've got lots of those innovations. 00:01:22.082 --> 00:01:24.626 We've got companies out there, some within Breakthrough, 00:01:24.626 --> 00:01:28.338 many not, who are making really good progress, 00:01:28.338 --> 00:01:31.549 but they need to build their first hydrogen facility. 00:01:31.549 --> 00:01:35.053 They need to build their first large-scale demonstration 00:01:35.053 --> 00:01:37.430 sustainable aviation fuel facility. 00:01:37.680 --> 00:01:41.059 And that is not a place that traditional capital 00:01:41.059 --> 00:01:42.143 is flocking. 00:01:42.143 --> 00:01:43.770 Part of what we're trying to do is 00:01:43.770 --> 00:01:46.439 to incent people to be first movers in this 00:01:46.439 --> 00:01:50.318 and to really come out with some level of creativity 00:01:50.318 --> 00:01:53.113 and some level of boldness to be able to say, 00:01:53.321 --> 00:01:54.864 "I know this might cost me a little bit more 00:01:54.864 --> 00:01:55.824 in the short term. 00:01:55.824 --> 00:01:57.617 I know there's risk associated with this 00:01:57.617 --> 00:01:59.035 but it's worth doing." 00:01:59.035 --> 00:02:01.204 - Can you tell me a little more about that distinction 00:02:01.204 --> 00:02:04.582 between the Ventures operating as a for-profit entity 00:02:04.582 --> 00:02:08.128 and Catalyst operating as a non-profit philanthropic entity 00:02:08.128 --> 00:02:10.171 and how that is helping accelerate 00:02:10.171 --> 00:02:11.881 these climate technologies? 00:02:11.881 --> 00:02:13.883 - Well, when you think about that innovation arc 00:02:13.883 --> 00:02:14.717 that I was talking about 00:02:14.717 --> 00:02:17.220 from early discovery through to deployment and scale, 00:02:17.762 --> 00:02:19.889 the reality is you need all flavors 00:02:19.889 --> 00:02:21.224 of money to be able to do that. 00:02:21.224 --> 00:02:24.394 And so actually across that platform, there's a great mix. 00:02:25.728 --> 00:02:27.313 Our Fellows program right now 00:02:27.313 --> 00:02:29.774 is 100% philanthropic as well. 00:02:29.774 --> 00:02:33.862 We're putting super patient, non-expectant return capital 00:02:33.862 --> 00:02:37.365 into those Fellows and their projects to see 00:02:37.365 --> 00:02:39.742 if we can accelerate them to a commercial place. 00:02:40.785 --> 00:02:44.205 The Ventures side of things is purely private capital, 00:02:44.205 --> 00:02:46.958 putting equity dollars into startups and companies. 00:02:46.958 --> 00:02:50.086 There's more than a hundred of those that we've invested in 00:02:50.086 --> 00:02:52.922 really across all of the highest emitting sectors. 00:02:52.922 --> 00:02:54.966 And then on the Catalyst side, what we tried to do 00:02:54.966 --> 00:02:56.843 is actually bring a blend. 00:02:56.843 --> 00:02:59.429 What we have is a Breakthrough Energy Catalyst Foundation 00:02:59.429 --> 00:03:01.764 where those philanthropic dollars sit and then we have 00:03:01.764 --> 00:03:05.185 a private fund where the private capital sits. 00:03:06.519 --> 00:03:07.437 Depending on the needs 00:03:07.437 --> 00:03:09.355 of the project and the project developer, 00:03:09.355 --> 00:03:11.608 we'll bring that different flavor of money to it. 00:03:11.608 --> 00:03:14.068 And so we decided to focus initially 00:03:14.068 --> 00:03:18.448 on four main technology areas: green hydrogen, 00:03:18.448 --> 00:03:21.743 direct air carbon capture, long-duration energy storage, 00:03:21.743 --> 00:03:23.661 and sustainable aviation fuel. 00:03:23.661 --> 00:03:26.664 We've since expanded that to a fifth area 00:03:26.664 --> 00:03:31.669 around industrial uses, so steel, cement, plastics. 00:03:31.669 --> 00:03:34.464 And our hope is that we're really trying to break the kind 00:03:34.464 --> 00:03:37.926 of chicken-and-egg problem that exists where, you know, 00:03:37.926 --> 00:03:40.595 there's technologies that are available, 00:03:40.595 --> 00:03:42.513 but they're still too expensive 00:03:42.513 --> 00:03:44.849 and so they never quite lift off. 00:03:44.849 --> 00:03:46.768 But the blend of both private capital 00:03:46.768 --> 00:03:48.353 and philanthropic capital, 00:03:48.353 --> 00:03:50.730 with the other dollars that are available, 00:03:50.730 --> 00:03:52.315 is starting to accelerate those 00:03:52.315 --> 00:03:53.816 more than they otherwise would. 00:03:53.983 --> 00:03:56.444 - Which climate technologies do you think would drive 00:03:56.444 --> 00:04:00.114 the biggest climate impact towards a low-carbon economy? 00:04:00.114 --> 00:04:02.951 - The truth is we need all of them, right? 00:04:02.951 --> 00:04:05.495 I mean, we really are hoping to be a voice 00:04:05.495 --> 00:04:09.916 in this climate conversation that is super inclusive 00:04:09.916 --> 00:04:12.043 about the solutions that we need out there. 00:04:12.293 --> 00:04:16.381 We think about things like from the power side 00:04:16.381 --> 00:04:20.885 of advanced geothermal or advanced nuclear fission 00:04:20.885 --> 00:04:22.262 and fusion. 00:04:22.262 --> 00:04:23.930 We think about things like hydrogen, 00:04:23.930 --> 00:04:26.599 all of the many applications for hydrogen. 00:04:27.433 --> 00:04:30.979 We think about removal of carbon from the atmosphere 00:04:30.979 --> 00:04:32.397 and direct air capture and other tools. 00:04:32.397 --> 00:04:36.192 But there are a whole host of those technologies with lots 00:04:36.192 --> 00:04:38.695 of people trying to tackle that from different angles. 00:04:38.695 --> 00:04:40.989 And we're making bets on lots of those 00:04:40.989 --> 00:04:45.660 because the truth is there isn't one great silver bullet for this. 00:04:45.660 --> 00:04:48.121 We really feel like we need to be sort 00:04:48.121 --> 00:04:50.623 of looking under every rock at the possibilities. 00:04:50.623 --> 00:04:53.459 - At BCG, we get our clients asking us all the time 00:04:53.459 --> 00:04:55.169 how does Breakthrough Energy do it? 00:04:55.169 --> 00:04:57.297 What would you have to tell them in terms of 00:04:57.297 --> 00:04:58.965 how they can approach the problem 00:04:58.965 --> 00:05:00.675 and be part of the solution? 00:05:00.675 --> 00:05:04.262 - One of the things we really try to get people focused on 00:05:04.387 --> 00:05:06.639 is to remain optimistic, right? 00:05:06.639 --> 00:05:10.893 It is not easy, as you said, and it's also not impossible. 00:05:10.935 --> 00:05:12.562 We approach this by thinking about: 00:05:12.562 --> 00:05:15.857 How do we increase the supply of innovation? 00:05:15.857 --> 00:05:19.360 In a world that is trying to tackle climate and clean energy 00:05:19.360 --> 00:05:21.070 from a whole bunch of angles, 00:05:21.070 --> 00:05:24.032 how do we maximize the opportunities 00:05:24.032 --> 00:05:25.366 and shots on goal? 00:05:25.366 --> 00:05:29.996 And so there's lots of opportunity for others outside 00:05:29.996 --> 00:05:33.041 of Breakthrough to do the same and to join us on that. 00:05:33.041 --> 00:05:35.251 - Breakthrough Energy and BCG have been partnering 00:05:35.251 --> 00:05:36.961 for the last couple of years. 00:05:36.961 --> 00:05:38.713 I'm curious to hear from your perspective, 00:05:38.713 --> 00:05:41.466 how has BCG's collaboration helped Breakthrough 00:05:41.466 --> 00:05:42.759 on its mission? 00:05:42.759 --> 00:05:45.386 - BCG has been a phenomenal partner for us. 00:05:45.470 --> 00:05:48.473 The level of expertise and the depth 00:05:48.473 --> 00:05:50.266 and the kind of nuanced understanding 00:05:50.266 --> 00:05:52.894 of what is it that these companies need, right? 00:05:52.894 --> 00:05:56.481 What is it across these geographies that is different 00:05:56.481 --> 00:05:59.359 and bespoke that we need to be sure we're navigating? 00:05:59.359 --> 00:06:00.693 What are the economic 00:06:00.693 --> 00:06:04.530 and financial geopolitical considerations 00:06:04.530 --> 00:06:07.033 that we need to be mindful of? Just given the range 00:06:07.033 --> 00:06:09.327 of folks you have around the table at BCG, 00:06:09.327 --> 00:06:10.703 that expertise has, I think, 00:06:10.703 --> 00:06:12.663 made particularly our Catalyst program 00:06:12.663 --> 00:06:15.124 but across the Breakthrough Energy platform, 00:06:15.792 --> 00:06:17.960 a deeper level of understanding that makes us smarter 00:06:17.960 --> 00:06:20.755 about how to navigate some of these industries. 00:06:20.797 --> 00:06:22.548 (calm music)