WEBVTT 6588c83a-72ce-49ad-ad50-2ecbbefc48b1-0 00:00:00.160 --> 00:00:03.680 What advice would you have for other players in the industry 6588c83a-72ce-49ad-ad50-2ecbbefc48b1-1 00:00:03.680 --> 00:00:07.200 looking to make quicker progress on low carbon technologies? c7d8f84c-2361-450d-816c-5a723ce00cd4-0 00:00:07.200 --> 00:00:08.880 What, what, what should they be doing more of? ff771b2d-de50-414c-b667-93c3c67995fd-0 00:00:08.880 --> 00:00:10.960 How do they collaborate More for better results? ff473c2e-de68-4cee-9cc5-d9915b94be75-0 00:00:12.880 --> 00:00:16.396 You know Maurice, everyone talks about this as a technological ff473c2e-de68-4cee-9cc5-d9915b94be75-1 00:00:16.396 --> 00:00:19.801 transition, but actually 60% of the technologies we need are ff473c2e-de68-4cee-9cc5-d9915b94be75-2 00:00:19.801 --> 00:00:20.360 available. b79c1e03-60b8-4ce0-9f9a-6e985369110d-0 00:00:20.880 --> 00:00:23.472 The real challenge is it's a human transition, it's a b79c1e03-60b8-4ce0-9f9a-6e985369110d-1 00:00:23.472 --> 00:00:24.720 business model transition. 42038cda-624d-4647-a66c-261925c2d9c6-0 00:00:25.360 --> 00:00:29.546 None of us in the future, none of those who win are going to be 42038cda-624d-4647-a66c-261925c2d9c6-1 00:00:29.546 --> 00:00:32.360 doing business like they were in the past. 16138ddb-b42a-470b-8897-01dc2f611a1e-0 00:00:33.000 --> 00:00:38.630 And so I think yeah, it was a bit messy at times, but all of 16138ddb-b42a-470b-8897-01dc2f611a1e-1 00:00:38.630 --> 00:00:39.000 U.S. 8a124799-7344-42d0-97ae-e467fe0ea246-0 00:00:39.000 --> 00:00:43.107 companies, so we had four working together, BCG, OXY, 8a124799-7344-42d0-97ae-e467fe0ea246-1 00:00:43.107 --> 00:00:44.400 Sensor up and us. 109e481f-a97d-49e2-b579-20d5849c60c0-0 00:00:44.680 --> 00:00:47.000 We all had to work outside our comfort zone. fcaa3fe7-de0a-4fd5-821f-c7f8d65b76fe-0 00:00:47.720 --> 00:00:51.595 We all had to figure out where the gaps were, cover all the fcaa3fe7-de0a-4fd5-821f-c7f8d65b76fe-1 00:00:51.595 --> 00:00:53.920 gaps and build a system that works. a827354a-9f7f-4e5a-84b6-74027c48fec9-0 00:00:54.280 --> 00:00:58.612 And I think we built it in record time right when we first a827354a-9f7f-4e5a-84b6-74027c48fec9-1 00:00:58.612 --> 00:00:59.200 started. 2194b643-80e8-4c86-a0d3-9fa2a635a35c-0 00:00:59.520 --> 00:01:01.680 None of us thought we could get it done this quickly. e4a94542-6af2-4689-aa28-da2fbdd74d84-0 00:01:01.680 --> 00:01:02.400 What do you think, Mike? c0395e26-fa17-4f3b-9f5d-19de344ca8e3-0 00:01:02.600 --> 00:01:03.480 No, it's going great. a588530b-834e-45a1-8f3b-84e8c1ea6ee3-0 00:01:03.480 --> 00:01:06.040 It, it's going quick, quick because it needs to go quick. 673691b7-1959-4edc-abcd-00d19a12839e-0 00:01:06.640 --> 00:01:08.960 You know, these solutions need to be put in place today. fb3faa40-ffce-4aee-8e7a-1ee5565b836c-0 00:01:09.880 --> 00:01:11.480 You know, the projects are being built. 2e7cebd6-2285-411b-9444-3eafe0d0504b-0 00:01:11.760 --> 00:01:13.520 They rely on systems like this. 023101c4-80a8-437b-a7db-75bfa610157f-0 00:01:13.520 --> 00:01:15.600 And so it's vital that they, they do move quickly. 0cdc973d-f14b-4188-8b63-d4428c9c408a-0 00:01:15.840 --> 00:01:16.240 Yeah. edb9f030-0307-43e3-b6f2-fa8db8c47035-0 00:01:16.440 --> 00:01:19.617 And what we heard from operators everywhere is there's all this edb9f030-0307-43e3-b6f2-fa8db8c47035-1 00:01:19.617 --> 00:01:20.760 methane data coming in. d293667a-e9b5-478a-b411-62ec81e2b1ba-0 00:01:20.760 --> 00:01:22.200 They're coming in from different sources. 98438c75-e281-45ee-8875-6a4a3976cd2c-0 00:01:22.200 --> 00:01:24.120 We can't connect it to our operations. bc305dde-5b34-4ace-af4a-f59da98fb86f-0 00:01:24.400 --> 00:01:26.838 We don't know how to connect satellite data to what we're bc305dde-5b34-4ace-af4a-f59da98fb86f-1 00:01:26.838 --> 00:01:28.520 seeing on the ground etcetera etcetera. 468ef21f-9e2b-47c4-9a0e-fddf55c31f94-0 00:01:29.080 --> 00:01:31.840 This technology bridges all those gaps. e21fab5d-f14b-498a-bae1-d4a006591f34-0 00:01:31.960 --> 00:01:35.517 So it should allow other operators to uptake and use it e21fab5d-f14b-498a-bae1-d4a006591f34-1 00:01:35.517 --> 00:01:37.360 much more seamlessly in that. 3c71e4a5-1da9-48e9-933f-fe104193e465-0 00:01:37.360 --> 00:01:38.960 Let's just finish on that then. f53628b4-52a7-4dc5-8f9b-5fd433ce5c36-0 00:01:38.960 --> 00:01:42.076 I mean what would it take for other operators to benefit from f53628b4-52a7-4dc5-8f9b-5fd433ce5c36-1 00:01:42.076 --> 00:01:45.393 this methane platform as well to in a sense get the same benefits f53628b4-52a7-4dc5-8f9b-5fd433ce5c36-2 00:01:45.393 --> 00:01:46.600 that that you're seeing. 4f8b910e-15ad-4455-bbc4-7e55e48b3bc6-0 00:01:48.280 --> 00:01:52.494 Well, I think that you know the the key here is that this is a 4f8b910e-15ad-4455-bbc4-7e55e48b3bc6-1 00:01:52.494 --> 00:01:56.507 tool and and a thought process and a sort of cultural shift 4f8b910e-15ad-4455-bbc4-7e55e48b3bc6-2 00:01:56.507 --> 00:02:00.722 that sometimes needs a project to to crystallize it and to you 4f8b910e-15ad-4455-bbc4-7e55e48b3bc6-3 00:02:00.722 --> 00:02:04.000 know, form it, define it and put it into motion. e059c229-61e4-40df-af08-88aeede5495c-0 00:02:04.880 --> 00:02:08.114 And what we're hoping of course here is that we're able to use e059c229-61e4-40df-af08-88aeede5495c-1 00:02:08.114 --> 00:02:11.195 this as a sort of leadership tool, put it out there, get it e059c229-61e4-40df-af08-88aeede5495c-2 00:02:11.195 --> 00:02:14.482 ready, but it really solves the same objectives that many other e059c229-61e4-40df-af08-88aeede5495c-3 00:02:14.482 --> 00:02:15.919 operators are going to have. ea05bf08-a6a6-4c6d-84fe-d0126212ef52-0 00:02:16.640 --> 00:02:19.487 And so I think that it's it's great that we're able to ea05bf08-a6a6-4c6d-84fe-d0126212ef52-1 00:02:19.487 --> 00:02:22.594 collaborate like this to build something and then make sure ea05bf08-a6a6-4c6d-84fe-d0126212ef52-2 00:02:22.594 --> 00:02:25.080 that it is available for others to use as well. 7a36a0b9-68b7-4767-9536-83a4054cb145-0 00:02:25.680 --> 00:02:31.140 Yeah, I think the the tool itself as we complete it which 7a36a0b9-68b7-4767-9536-83a4054cb145-1 00:02:31.140 --> 00:02:36.884 close is going to be able to adjust into different operators 7a36a0b9-68b7-4767-9536-83a4054cb145-2 00:02:36.884 --> 00:02:37.920 ecosystems. 4ff676ff-55f2-47ba-a0a1-6be19665da34-0 00:02:38.440 --> 00:02:42.402 However, they might have to do some clean up work and I know 4ff676ff-55f2-47ba-a0a1-6be19665da34-1 00:02:42.402 --> 00:02:46.365 BCG helped Oxy with that to set it up so that it can operate 4ff676ff-55f2-47ba-a0a1-6be19665da34-2 00:02:46.365 --> 00:02:50.068 because most operators have a blend of so many different 4ff676ff-55f2-47ba-a0a1-6be19665da34-3 00:02:50.068 --> 00:02:53.965 systems that they put together over the years, acquisitions 4ff676ff-55f2-47ba-a0a1-6be19665da34-4 00:02:53.965 --> 00:02:55.200 etcetera, etcetera. 6f74b719-6e0f-42ff-9563-834eeb1886fc-0 00:02:55.200 --> 00:02:57.882 So there's going to be a little bit of clean up work and then 6f74b719-6e0f-42ff-9563-834eeb1886fc-1 00:02:57.882 --> 00:03:00.304 you should be they should be able to use this tool in a 6f74b719-6e0f-42ff-9563-834eeb1886fc-2 00:03:00.304 --> 00:03:01.040 seamless fashion. 8b36638a-ccab-4b20-a879-754808fcb928-0 00:03:01.040 --> 00:03:01.840 Do you think so, Mike? 8cf3c94c-6d5f-4b97-bd6a-fdd4f08bff4f-0 00:03:01.920 --> 00:03:02.440 Yeah, I do. 2e1b8d7a-d164-4dfb-be92-e78320a01d37-0 00:03:03.280 --> 00:03:04.360 Excellent, Fatima. e008b3ce-3689-48b3-b3b5-3ce829eef571-0 00:03:04.400 --> 00:03:05.560 Mike, thank you so much.