WEBVTT 95b5a0a2-edfd-4491-bdbb-e289e65e469c-0 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:03.103 Veronica, Gillian. Gillian, to you first. Tell me a bit more 95b5a0a2-edfd-4491-bdbb-e289e65e469c-1 00:00:03.103 --> 00:00:05.680 about the Climate Gender Equity Fund, if you would. a93f5bb6-47cb-4966-b38c-a2a006bc2c45-0 00:00:06.680 --> 00:00:07.080 Sure. 9eb71c10-89ba-4976-8db6-67d5b4ca5db7-0 00:00:07.080 --> 00:00:11.224 So we've got a Climate Gender Equity Fund, which is really 9eb71c10-89ba-4976-8db6-67d5b4ca5db7-1 00:00:11.224 --> 00:00:15.228 focused on empowering and funding women to drive climate 9eb71c10-89ba-4976-8db6-67d5b4ca5db7-2 00:00:15.228 --> 00:00:15.719 action. e0ee64f1-9e38-41e1-b071-9657f31da4ae-0 00:00:15.960 --> 00:00:19.397 Women and girls are actually disproportionately impacted by e0ee64f1-9e38-41e1-b071-9657f31da4ae-1 00:00:19.397 --> 00:00:22.776 the climate crisis and yet they hold the solutions and the e0ee64f1-9e38-41e1-b071-9657f31da4ae-2 00:00:22.776 --> 00:00:25.240 potential to be critical to addressing it. 0471545b-44e3-4462-9291-f0b2309bd248-0 00:00:25.560 --> 00:00:30.249 So, we co-founded the Climate Gender Equity Fund with Amazon 0471545b-44e3-4462-9291-f0b2309bd248-1 00:00:30.249 --> 00:00:34.631 and we have since recruited Visa and Reckitt and the UPS 0471545b-44e3-4462-9291-f0b2309bd248-2 00:00:34.631 --> 00:00:39.474 Foundation to support us in our goal to achieve $60 million. A 0471545b-44e3-4462-9291-f0b2309bd248-3 00:00:39.474 --> 00:00:44.087 fund of 60 million to support female-led and women-oriented 0471545b-44e3-4462-9291-f0b2309bd248-4 00:00:44.087 --> 00:00:46.240 interventions to the crisis. def6eb5c-f171-452e-9925-3e11fecb1d59-0 00:00:46.720 --> 00:00:50.726 Veronica, why are public private partnerships like this so def6eb5c-f171-452e-9925-3e11fecb1d59-1 00:00:50.726 --> 00:00:54.460 useful, so important for leveraging finance for social def6eb5c-f171-452e-9925-3e11fecb1d59-2 00:00:54.460 --> 00:00:54.800 good? ca050b51-e481-42c0-83b4-1e74a1c9a5b1-0 00:00:54.800 --> 00:00:58.722 Yeah, well, the climate crisis is a truly systemic crisis, and ca050b51-e481-42c0-83b4-1e74a1c9a5b1-1 00:00:58.722 --> 00:01:00.840 we need truly systemic solutions. 8aeabd20-38f1-4468-bc0f-fa9f41211fb8-0 00:01:01.120 --> 00:01:04.423 And some of the work that we did with US Aid on the PREPARE 8aeabd20-38f1-4468-bc0f-fa9f41211fb8-1 00:01:04.423 --> 00:01:07.671 partnership looked at the way that companies are financing 8aeabd20-38f1-4468-bc0f-fa9f41211fb8-2 00:01:07.671 --> 00:01:10.809 adaptation and resilience, including the communities and 8aeabd20-38f1-4468-bc0f-fa9f41211fb8-3 00:01:10.809 --> 00:01:11.359 and women. de655f52-3199-41fe-98c5-fc4c6b743d2a-0 00:01:11.680 --> 00:01:14.545 And what we found is when companies collaborate with de655f52-3199-41fe-98c5-fc4c6b743d2a-1 00:01:14.545 --> 00:01:18.005 communities, when they center on those who are most vulnerable, de655f52-3199-41fe-98c5-fc4c6b743d2a-2 00:01:18.005 --> 00:01:20.979 they not only create more effective solutions, there's de655f52-3199-41fe-98c5-fc4c6b743d2a-3 00:01:20.979 --> 00:01:24.061 tremendous business value in that as well. Gillian, what de655f52-3199-41fe-98c5-fc4c6b743d2a-4 00:01:24.061 --> 00:01:26.440 opportunities are there for business value? 3c193ff5-f6c8-43cb-b2dd-ec9241d67845-0 00:01:27.040 --> 00:01:30.564 Well, BCG did a really important report as part of the PREPARE 3c193ff5-f6c8-43cb-b2dd-ec9241d67845-1 00:01:30.564 --> 00:01:33.864 Call to Action, which was focused on the business case for 3c193ff5-f6c8-43cb-b2dd-ec9241d67845-2 00:01:33.864 --> 00:01:34.479 adaptation. ea76d38f-580f-4da1-8d79-571fce93fb07-0 00:01:34.880 --> 00:01:38.221 The situation we're in now is that only 2% of private sector ea76d38f-580f-4da1-8d79-571fce93fb07-1 00:01:38.221 --> 00:01:41.563 investment in climate action is oriented towards adaptation, ea76d38f-580f-4da1-8d79-571fce93fb07-2 00:01:41.563 --> 00:01:44.466 which of course is supporting people to adapt to the ea76d38f-580f-4da1-8d79-571fce93fb07-3 00:01:44.466 --> 00:01:47.480 consequences of the crisis, which are only escalating. 2c8df309-fbcd-4d3a-b48f-0001f8c44b98-0 00:01:47.720 --> 00:01:51.722 And what BCG found through this very comprehensive study is that 2c8df309-fbcd-4d3a-b48f-0001f8c44b98-1 00:01:51.722 --> 00:01:55.663 more and more companies actually are making that investment and 2c8df309-fbcd-4d3a-b48f-0001f8c44b98-2 00:01:55.663 --> 00:01:59.543 yielding a median return of $9 for every dollar they invest in 2c8df309-fbcd-4d3a-b48f-0001f8c44b98-3 00:01:59.543 --> 00:02:02.806 strengthening their supply chains, in addressing the 2c8df309-fbcd-4d3a-b48f-0001f8c44b98-4 00:02:02.806 --> 00:02:06.316 resilience of their workforce, and in adapting their own 2c8df309-fbcd-4d3a-b48f-0001f8c44b98-5 00:02:06.316 --> 00:02:10.196 products and services to respond to the new normal that is the 2c8df309-fbcd-4d3a-b48f-0001f8c44b98-6 00:02:10.196 --> 00:02:11.120 climate crisis. 95b90524-b7ca-4516-81a4-019b7109bb4f-0 00:02:11.360 --> 00:02:16.520 What are the next steps, Gillian for you, for this fund? dc50190a-9cfa-432f-a800-85958e4baa20-0 00:02:16.520 --> 00:02:18.629 For the Climate Gender Equity Fund, the next step is really to dc50190a-9cfa-432f-a800-85958e4baa20-1 00:02:18.629 --> 00:02:19.400 recruit more investors. db7972c6-577b-41d9-8af7-9e7ea56b43bb-0 00:02:19.960 --> 00:02:24.156 We've got an amazing partner that actually helps us shape the db7972c6-577b-41d9-8af7-9e7ea56b43bb-1 00:02:24.156 --> 00:02:25.240 calls to action. 5b9e62ca-563c-43ce-889d-a2825c8648e0-0 00:02:25.240 --> 00:02:28.912 So all of the funds that our co-investors contribute to the 5b9e62ca-563c-43ce-889d-a2825c8648e0-1 00:02:28.912 --> 00:02:32.647 Climate Gender Equity Fund go direct to supporting women and 5b9e62ca-563c-43ce-889d-a2825c8648e0-2 00:02:32.647 --> 00:02:36.320 these critical interventions around adaptation, resilience. 90a759c2-752b-414e-beef-4be52000abc9-0 00:02:36.320 --> 00:02:39.376 And we have a new window coming up regarding health 90a759c2-752b-414e-beef-4be52000abc9-1 00:02:39.376 --> 00:02:40.200 interventions. 351764a5-0d9d-4d5a-aea7-9c0f8d7c3986-0 00:02:40.560 --> 00:02:42.440 Gillian, Veronica, thank you so much. 21416ec7-5285-4bf7-a8f4-ce96931f0a15-0 00:02:42.760 --> 00:02:43.040 Thank you. 0db8ab53-82ab-4d9d-b00c-b637a056460d-0 00:02:43.040 --> 00:02:43.440 Thank you.