WEBVTT 00:00:00.500 --> 00:00:01.334 Barry, welcome. 00:00:01.668 --> 00:00:04.546 Talk to me, if you would, about the current state of health care 00:00:04.546 --> 00:00:05.463 in the US right now. 00:00:06.798 --> 00:00:10.885 When I think about the current state of health care in the US, 00:00:10.885 --> 00:00:14.597 the words that come to mind for me are cautious optimism. 00:00:14.597 --> 00:00:17.976 Optimism because as a health care industry, there's 00:00:17.976 --> 00:00:21.855 tremendous unmet needs to get after--whether that's cancer, 00:00:21.855 --> 00:00:25.066 whether that's obesity, whether that's, 00:00:25.066 --> 00:00:26.901 neurodegenerative disorders. 00:00:26.901 --> 00:00:30.196 And I think there's a growing recognition of society of the 00:00:30.196 --> 00:00:32.282 critical role that pharmaceutical companies, 00:00:32.282 --> 00:00:35.577 medtech companies, doctors, hospitals play in trying to get 00:00:35.577 --> 00:00:36.703 after that unmet need. 00:00:36.703 --> 00:00:41.624 So optimism around, innovations for clinical value 00:00:41.624 --> 00:00:42.917 as well as economic value. 00:00:42.917 --> 00:00:46.004 What do you think, with all of that in mind, will be the key 00:00:46.004 --> 00:00:49.674 trends and themes of 2025 when it comes to health care? 00:00:49.674 --> 00:00:51.926 First thing that comes to mind is M&A. 00:00:52.135 --> 00:00:57.348 It feels like we're going to see an uptick in tuck-in M&A 00:00:57.348 --> 00:01:00.477 from our pharmaceutical and medtech clients as well as some 00:01:00.477 --> 00:01:02.479 openness to more transformative M&A. 00:01:03.605 --> 00:01:06.775 I also expect some M&A continued M&A in the payer 00:01:06.775 --> 00:01:07.859 and provider sector. 00:01:07.859 --> 00:01:09.152 So M&A for sure. 00:01:09.861 --> 00:01:12.697 You know a second trend that I think about, I mentioned sort of 00:01:12.697 --> 00:01:15.366 innovating for value and I think we're all really comfortable 00:01:15.366 --> 00:01:18.036 with clinical value, meaning, like, "I'm going to work to 00:01:18.036 --> 00:01:19.746 extend life or to reduce disability." 00:01:20.038 --> 00:01:22.540 I think we're seeing a trend around what we will call 00:01:22.540 --> 00:01:26.711 economic value, which is: think about workflow. 00:01:26.711 --> 00:01:30.215 So not just does this surgery save your life, but can I do 00:01:30.215 --> 00:01:31.424 this surgery faster? 00:01:31.424 --> 00:01:32.509 Can I do it more efficiently? 00:01:32.509 --> 00:01:33.843 Can I do it with less labor? 00:01:34.594 --> 00:01:36.096 Can I do it with less resource? 00:01:36.096 --> 00:01:41.017 And so I think innovation for both clinical and economic value 00:01:41.017 --> 00:01:44.562 is something that we're going to continue to see efforts on in 2025. 00:01:45.438 --> 00:01:48.983 What should be top of mind for leaders, industry leaders right 00:01:48.983 --> 00:01:50.026 now, do you think? 00:01:50.610 --> 00:01:54.447 As BCG, sometimes we'll talk about the head, the heart, and 00:01:54.447 --> 00:01:55.115 the hands. 00:01:55.115 --> 00:01:57.784 And I feel like that kind of resonates with me, the head 00:01:57.784 --> 00:02:01.079 being as a leader, what's your vision? 00:02:01.079 --> 00:02:04.624 What's the big rocks that you're trying to go after in 2025? 00:02:06.167 --> 00:02:12.966 The heart, really inspiring and empowering your people, both 00:02:12.966 --> 00:02:15.510 your employees as well as your customers and the patients that 00:02:15.510 --> 00:02:16.636 you're serving. 00:02:17.053 --> 00:02:20.473 And then the hands, meaning getting after it and doing it. 00:02:20.473 --> 00:02:22.767 So not just being up in the clouds, but actually being at 00:02:22.767 --> 00:02:26.312 the rock face where activity is happening with customers. 00:02:26.312 --> 00:02:28.648 Barry, thank you so much for your time.