WEBVTT a3a2f30e-247e-4200-9ed9-d1bca40d94aa-0 00:00:00.600 --> 00:00:02.880 Jingdong, this is a fast moving space. 09bd79e0-899d-447d-af87-b32571059bc8-0 00:00:03.120 --> 00:00:05.000 What are the priorities of ISSB? f243fc70-3dcc-4590-a686-c80ef8c3a614-0 00:00:05.200 --> 00:00:10.121 So first, our priorities to support the adoption of our f243fc70-3dcc-4590-a686-c80ef8c3a614-1 00:00:10.121 --> 00:00:15.921 standards, making sure that many companies of different sizes and f243fc70-3dcc-4590-a686-c80ef8c3a614-2 00:00:15.921 --> 00:00:20.578 capabilities feel comfortable adopting which we call f243fc70-3dcc-4590-a686-c80ef8c3a614-3 00:00:20.578 --> 00:00:22.600 proportionality, right. 33022051-284d-42e8-b8cc-f790ee97bb8c-0 00:00:22.600 --> 00:00:26.077 If you are sophisticated, you already have the capability and 33022051-284d-42e8-b8cc-f790ee97bb8c-1 00:00:26.077 --> 00:00:27.760 you have been reporting great. 8f14f1ca-9795-4fc5-aede-2c86d7c08173-0 00:00:28.160 --> 00:00:31.080 But there are companies who are starting the journey new. 860cd74d-5c0a-41fa-b2b7-65c0d7ed5630-0 00:00:31.400 --> 00:00:34.463 We have to make sure that we provide capacity building, 860cd74d-5c0a-41fa-b2b7-65c0d7ed5630-1 00:00:34.463 --> 00:00:37.800 knowledge sharing so that they feel comfortable on one hand. 2889cd01-5b1e-4e88-8795-84ff0e73335d-0 00:00:38.080 --> 00:00:42.018 On the other obviously is working with regulators to make 2889cd01-5b1e-4e88-8795-84ff0e73335d-1 00:00:42.018 --> 00:00:45.346 sure that our international standard are adopted 2889cd01-5b1e-4e88-8795-84ff0e73335d-2 00:00:45.346 --> 00:00:47.520 appropriately at national level. 1d1a35fb-1809-4255-aa99-52e8702ee121-0 00:00:47.920 --> 00:00:52.053 So that at the end of the day, we create a global baseline of 1d1a35fb-1809-4255-aa99-52e8702ee121-1 00:00:52.053 --> 00:00:54.520 language that everybody understands.