WEBVTT 30bd4319-eff3-46af-8691-ab8887a1dc21-0 00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:02.360 Jean-Marie, Adolfo, welcome. Jean-Marie, to you first. 77e108a2-4ccd-43ad-8772-8870c1e8a78f-0 00:00:02.640 --> 00:00:04.960 You recently published a joint white paper. 56e9a37b-9212-437f-97df-ece07486f301-0 00:00:04.960 --> 00:00:07.231 Can you tell me a little bit more about it and what you've 56e9a37b-9212-437f-97df-ece07486f301-1 00:00:07.231 --> 00:00:09.080 been hearing, particularly when it comes to AI? 7b391394-3082-4775-9a47-bd1a3d5c299a-0 00:00:09.520 --> 00:00:10.160 Absolutely. d8d4240b-f8ad-491f-8cdd-e82894d8b058-0 00:00:10.160 --> 00:00:13.372 So first of all, BCG and Salesforce are developing a d8d4240b-f8ad-491f-8cdd-e82894d8b058-1 00:00:13.372 --> 00:00:16.040 strong partnership, I think, in the market. 3866faf4-e8a8-4f2f-b782-b279a6817c4d-0 00:00:16.040 --> 00:00:20.304 So obviously, AI has been an opportunity to set up a first 3866faf4-e8a8-4f2f-b782-b279a6817c4d-1 00:00:20.304 --> 00:00:24.280 stage in our, basically, partnership and relationship. d2889d3e-168c-499a-9f3c-9a6f7982e679-0 00:00:24.920 --> 00:00:27.040 Mobile Congress, it's a big place. 7d137c4e-c43d-42c5-9498-e0d3e942d90c-0 00:00:27.040 --> 00:00:31.243 So we decided with Adolfo to create something for Mobile 7d137c4e-c43d-42c5-9498-e0d3e942d90c-1 00:00:31.243 --> 00:00:35.520 Congress, and we think that definitely AI is a key topic— 89b3c7c6-40f2-4202-b590-ee175a0461f2-0 00:00:35.520 --> 00:00:39.908 I think that a great interest for many, many telco. And I 89b3c7c6-40f2-4202-b590-ee175a0461f2-1 00:00:39.908 --> 00:00:43.843 think we can bring, on each side, our value and our 89b3c7c6-40f2-4202-b590-ee175a0461f2-2 00:00:43.843 --> 00:00:44.600 strengths, b19a3331-bd28-4822-95fd-e64616c96247-0 00:00:44.600 --> 00:00:48.171 I think, together. And the white paper we publish, I think, b19a3331-bd28-4822-95fd-e64616c96247-1 00:00:48.171 --> 00:00:51.624 target mainly B2B, I think on sales transformation. And I b19a3331-bd28-4822-95fd-e64616c96247-2 00:00:51.624 --> 00:00:54.958 think it's a strong piece of work, I think, to help our b19a3331-bd28-4822-95fd-e64616c96247-3 00:00:54.958 --> 00:00:57.280 customer find the horizon and journey, e9bced4a-8a07-4050-832c-2f920bb6b2b8-0 00:00:57.320 --> 00:01:01.947 I think, in this AI topic. Adolfo, a big question, but how e9bced4a-8a07-4050-832c-2f920bb6b2b8-1 00:01:01.947 --> 00:01:06.495 can businesses or how can companies capture real business e9bced4a-8a07-4050-832c-2f920bb6b2b8-2 00:01:06.495 --> 00:01:07.280 value with 789c61e4-b996-4799-b8fe-ebbdb0eae38c-0 00:01:07.320 --> 00:01:08.120 GenAI and AI? aae36e76-62e1-47e5-8959-fc8e65b85970-0 00:01:08.600 --> 00:01:12.730 Sure. With any technology, we've observed that 70% of the effort aae36e76-62e1-47e5-8959-fc8e65b85970-1 00:01:12.730 --> 00:01:15.400 goes into transformation of the business. 383dbd02-1869-4b28-9248-f8c774deffe2-0 00:01:15.400 --> 00:01:17.550 So not real implementation work, but more like the 383dbd02-1869-4b28-9248-f8c774deffe2-1 00:01:17.550 --> 00:01:19.280 transformational work in their business. 85fd5d7c-1146-46b6-b92a-7e690d5b9295-0 00:01:19.280 --> 00:01:23.720 So we created a framework, like an approach, to doing GenAI 8578715b-fe91-4113-9593-e0faa3c58e13-0 00:01:23.720 --> 00:01:28.006 transformation for B2B sales. And this consists of three 8578715b-fe91-4113-9593-e0faa3c58e13-1 00:01:28.006 --> 00:01:29.360 distinct horizons. 368299c2-8c5f-4a38-ab00-8a90f864da3c-0 00:01:29.760 --> 00:01:33.394 So a first horizon is basically activating the technology and 368299c2-8c5f-4a38-ab00-8a90f864da3c-1 00:01:33.394 --> 00:01:36.853 giving it to sales agents who will be able to increase the 368299c2-8c5f-4a38-ab00-8a90f864da3c-2 00:01:36.853 --> 00:01:39.960 productivity with day-to-day activities very easily. 9562a4c6-6d47-42ff-b935-398e74946a91-0 00:01:40.640 --> 00:01:43.624 A second horizon is where you reimagine your flows, your 9562a4c6-6d47-42ff-b935-398e74946a91-1 00:01:43.624 --> 00:01:46.818 processes, and by doing so, you increase the productivity of 9562a4c6-6d47-42ff-b935-398e74946a91-2 00:01:46.818 --> 00:01:50.170 entire teams in the back office because you reduce the time the 9562a4c6-6d47-42ff-b935-398e74946a91-3 00:01:50.170 --> 00:01:52.160 end-to-end process takes to complete. 6b1ed2f1-d997-47dd-b662-fec872e1ca69-0 00:01:53.080 --> 00:01:56.221 And then the third horizon is more the transformation of your 6b1ed2f1-d997-47dd-b662-fec872e1ca69-1 00:01:56.221 --> 00:01:56.880 go to market. 32fa09d8-b9db-410e-993d-14a1551880d2-0 00:01:56.880 --> 00:01:57.760 It's very ambitious. 59044ff8-c921-4460-8bf8-09d1e1c43f50-0 00:01:57.760 --> 00:02:01.372 You have to change your go-to-market approach enabled by 59044ff8-c921-4460-8bf8-09d1e1c43f50-1 00:02:01.372 --> 00:02:03.400 predictive AI and generative AI. f6689908-cb8c-4ba3-93c3-5bf385b3001e-0 00:02:03.720 --> 00:02:06.935 And with that, we believe that it's going to change completely f6689908-cb8c-4ba3-93c3-5bf385b3001e-1 00:02:06.935 --> 00:02:09.947 the way the service providers interact with their clients. f6689908-cb8c-4ba3-93c3-5bf385b3001e-2 00:02:09.947 --> 00:02:10.560 Jean-Marie, 4ed49a8f-18a3-41f2-99d9-9977096e9b5b-0 00:02:10.560 --> 00:02:12.840 what's more important for telcos, AI or GenAI? 77e35ad5-8cde-42ed-abb6-20721f581208-0 00:02:12.960 --> 00:02:19.120 I think, first of all, I believe AI is a real game-changer, 23cc2781-bcdd-4c80-ae41-e4e4bba65c5e-0 00:02:19.120 --> 00:02:22.235 I think, for the telco operator. I think it's not just a word, I 23cc2781-bcdd-4c80-ae41-e4e4bba65c5e-1 00:02:22.235 --> 00:02:24.200 think it's basically the vision we have. a887b76c-9552-4561-9ed0-bbc0de6875c1-0 00:02:24.800 --> 00:02:28.333 I think especially if you look at sales transformation by a887b76c-9552-4561-9ed0-bbc0de6875c1-1 00:02:28.333 --> 00:02:32.294 itself, I think we did—obviously we are a CRM company—so we have a887b76c-9552-4561-9ed0-bbc0de6875c1-2 00:02:32.294 --> 00:02:35.280 a lot of customers using our software for sales. 6b40c71b-6a70-40d3-aa6f-660a669a8206-0 00:02:35.280 --> 00:02:39.455 But what we observe is the majority of the time spent by 6b40c71b-6a70-40d3-aa6f-660a669a8206-1 00:02:39.455 --> 00:02:41.800 sales rep are not with customer. 179a3fc5-eabd-4abe-aad3-b18ba70b8684-0 00:02:41.920 --> 00:02:45.688 They spend most of their time in admin task, internal 179a3fc5-eabd-4abe-aad3-b18ba70b8684-1 00:02:45.688 --> 00:02:48.200 collaboration, and stuff like that. b9c0a240-4dda-4a0c-ab99-eb562f472bd3-0 00:02:48.480 --> 00:02:51.766 And according to the survey we conducted last year, I think b9c0a240-4dda-4a0c-ab99-eb562f472bd3-1 00:02:51.766 --> 00:02:54.560 they spend less than 30% in front of the customer. 77fb4ec6-014d-414e-b70c-16c170ece3c2-0 00:02:54.920 --> 00:02:59.102 So the main idea that we have is how can we use AI in order to 77fb4ec6-014d-414e-b70c-16c170ece3c2-1 00:02:59.102 --> 00:03:02.820 free time of sales rep, you know, to spend more time, I 77fb4ec6-014d-414e-b70c-16c170ece3c2-2 00:03:02.820 --> 00:03:04.480 think, with our customer. 1ef309e0-ef85-4b4e-be6b-0208eeaa20a9-0 00:03:04.800 --> 00:03:07.400 And we believe this is where AI could help. GenAI 41baa89c-9dba-4a73-9dde-1e6e10fd37d1-0 00:03:07.400 --> 00:03:11.224 and predictive AI, I think, automate tasks and enable the 41baa89c-9dba-4a73-9dde-1e6e10fd37d1-1 00:03:11.224 --> 00:03:15.113 sales rep to do a better job, I think, with this customer. 41baa89c-9dba-4a73-9dde-1e6e10fd37d1-2 00:03:15.113 --> 00:03:16.960 Adolfo for you, AI or GenAI? 5bea3e96-b9af-46bd-8794-e0c187c5bcc4-0 00:03:17.560 --> 00:03:19.920 Well, if you look at the human mind, we have two sides. 07d4932d-4bff-486e-b1b2-679cbe7b6287-0 00:03:19.920 --> 00:03:23.338 One is more the analytical tasks type of, you know, mentality. 07d4932d-4bff-486e-b1b2-679cbe7b6287-1 00:03:23.338 --> 00:03:25.400 The other one is more for creativity. fe0c2a33-0892-4d7e-9e3d-338118675ab1-0 00:03:25.720 --> 00:03:29.659 So with artificial intelligence, we have similar paradigms, which fe0c2a33-0892-4d7e-9e3d-338118675ab1-1 00:03:29.659 --> 00:03:33.480 is basically you have predictive AI analyzing lots of data from fe0c2a33-0892-4d7e-9e3d-338118675ab1-2 00:03:33.480 --> 00:03:37.062 past history that you will use to give you insight into the fe0c2a33-0892-4d7e-9e3d-338118675ab1-3 00:03:37.062 --> 00:03:37.480 future. cec00ea4-a6e5-4634-9a72-05538cc6bd74-0 00:03:37.880 --> 00:03:41.747 And then you have generative AI, which is what you use for cec00ea4-a6e5-4634-9a72-05538cc6bd74-1 00:03:41.747 --> 00:03:44.960 synthesizing knowledge and creating new content. 4d839c93-1fae-4d59-b3b5-efb027aaa4e5-0 00:03:45.120 --> 00:03:47.994 And we believe that both together in combination with 4d839c93-1fae-4d59-b3b5-efb027aaa4e5-1 00:03:47.994 --> 00:03:51.242 sales agents—you know, their experience, their know-how, the 4d839c93-1fae-4d59-b3b5-efb027aaa4e5-2 00:03:51.242 --> 00:03:52.519 human factor, basically. 73873bd6-3dc9-4520-8808-03a2380b66be-0 00:03:52.800 --> 00:03:54.280 So, it's a very powerful trio. 1cd28802-ea30-4eb9-b757-61d80ab6296b-0 00:03:54.800 --> 00:03:56.480 Adolfo, Jean-Marie, thank you so much. 106e0876-39f1-401a-a47c-3be7aafbf089-0 00:03:56.960 --> 00:03:57.400 Thank you.