WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.032 --> 00:00:05.032 (gentle upbeat music) (birds singing) 2 00:00:16.050 --> 00:00:17.040 It's an exciting time 3 00:00:17.040 --> 00:00:18.810 for climate investing in North America. 4 00:00:18.810 --> 00:00:20.700 The capital we need is large. 5 00:00:20.700 --> 00:00:23.340 By 2030, we're talking about $6 trillion 6 00:00:23.340 --> 00:00:26.190 and private investors will be a big source of that funding. 7 00:00:26.190 --> 00:00:28.890 And what's happening is policymakers recognize this 8 00:00:28.890 --> 00:00:30.630 and are beginning to provide the incentives 9 00:00:30.630 --> 00:00:32.190 to make that money flow. 10 00:00:32.190 --> 00:00:35.040 In the USA we have the IRA and the IIJA. 11 00:00:35.040 --> 00:00:38.490 Together, they represent about 500 billion in funding 12 00:00:38.490 --> 00:00:40.740 for climate and energy over the next decades. 13 00:00:40.740 --> 00:00:42.810 Canada is in a similar spot. 14 00:00:42.810 --> 00:00:46.050 2023 incentives provide over 110 billion 15 00:00:46.050 --> 00:00:48.540 in federal funding for the climate transition. 16 00:00:48.540 --> 00:00:50.580 And what this means is climate technologies 17 00:00:50.580 --> 00:00:52.080 that were once out of the money 18 00:00:52.080 --> 00:00:53.310 are now in the money, 19 00:00:53.310 --> 00:00:54.720 creating opportunity for those 20 00:00:54.720 --> 00:00:56.100 that want to deploy capital. 21 00:00:56.100 --> 00:00:57.810 In the US alone, 22 00:00:57.810 --> 00:00:59.790 and this stat is an exemplar 23 00:00:59.790 --> 00:01:01.950 of the kind of opportunity we're talking about, 24 00:01:01.950 --> 00:01:04.440 the volume of in-the-money emissions 25 00:01:04.440 --> 00:01:08.100 for carbon capture is now over 300 million tons. 26 00:01:08.100 --> 00:01:10.860 That's 15 times the current US capacity. 27 00:01:10.860 --> 00:01:12.900 That capacity needs to come online. 28 00:01:12.900 --> 00:01:14.160 In low-carbon hydrogen, 29 00:01:14.160 --> 00:01:16.200 a maximized tax credit can quickly bring 30 00:01:16.200 --> 00:01:18.120 most use cases into the money. 31 00:01:18.120 --> 00:01:20.790 And the new investment tax credit for utility scale storage 32 00:01:20.790 --> 00:01:23.550 can bring returns of 20% or more. 33 00:01:23.550 --> 00:01:26.280 What's happening is investors are moving, 34 00:01:26.280 --> 00:01:29.340 they're acting, they're going after these opportunities, 35 00:01:29.340 --> 00:01:31.680 and the fundraising market 36 00:01:31.680 --> 00:01:33.720 is a great proxy for this activity. 37 00:01:33.720 --> 00:01:35.490 2022 was a tough year for fundraising. 38 00:01:35.490 --> 00:01:39.330 Overall fundraising was down 12% in the private markets, 39 00:01:39.330 --> 00:01:41.959 while climate fundraising was up 30%. 40 00:01:41.959 --> 00:01:46.959 (gentle upbeat music) (waterfall flowing) 41 00:01:47.310 --> 00:01:49.680 Many of these climate related sub-sectors 42 00:01:49.680 --> 00:01:52.350 offer investment opportunities across asset classes, 43 00:01:52.350 --> 00:01:54.600 including infrastructure, private equity, 44 00:01:54.600 --> 00:01:56.220 growth and venture capital. 45 00:01:56.220 --> 00:01:57.990 Each one has a complex value chain 46 00:01:57.990 --> 00:01:59.670 with a unique set of opportunities. 47 00:01:59.670 --> 00:02:01.110 To navigate this complexity, 48 00:02:01.110 --> 00:02:03.390 we've profiled several near-term opportunities 49 00:02:03.390 --> 00:02:05.400 across eight industries of interest. 50 00:02:05.400 --> 00:02:07.980 These opportunities are supported by sector tailwinds 51 00:02:07.980 --> 00:02:10.890 including policy incentives that support economics, 52 00:02:10.890 --> 00:02:13.470 new and maturing tech that is rapidly closing costs 53 00:02:13.470 --> 00:02:14.760 and performance gaps, 54 00:02:14.760 --> 00:02:17.880 and rising investor interest and confidence in the sector. 55 00:02:17.880 --> 00:02:18.967 People ask me, 56 00:02:18.967 --> 00:02:21.900 "Is this climate investing thing here to stay?" 57 00:02:21.900 --> 00:02:24.120 And I tell them, "Yes, it is here to stay." 58 00:02:24.120 --> 00:02:26.040 This is the early innings 59 00:02:26.040 --> 00:02:29.310 and there is a long runway of capital deployment needed 60 00:02:29.310 --> 00:02:31.320 to build the infrastructure, 61 00:02:31.320 --> 00:02:32.850 scale the technologies, 62 00:02:32.850 --> 00:02:34.650 and provide the enabling services 63 00:02:34.650 --> 00:02:38.190 that will be needed for us to collectively achieve 64 00:02:38.190 --> 00:02:40.480 our global climate and sustainability goals. 65 00:02:40.480 --> 00:02:45.480 (upbeat gentle music) (water rushing)