WEBVTT 01:00:00.000 --> 01:00:02.599 (gentle music) 01:00:03.519 --> 01:00:04.360 - [Narrator] Health equity 01:00:04.360 --> 01:00:06.800 is no longer just a human-rights issue. 01:00:06.800 --> 01:00:10.320 Today, it's become a business imperative. 01:00:10.320 --> 01:00:13.480 Growing pressure from investors, civil society, 01:00:13.480 --> 01:00:17.360 healthcare providers, and patients is inspiring public- 01:00:17.360 --> 01:00:21.079 and private-sector organizations to address inequities. 01:00:22.559 --> 01:00:25.280 (dramatic music) 01:00:29.239 --> 01:00:32.079 - Drugs are available in high-income countries, 01:00:32.079 --> 01:00:34.519 drugs that save lives. 01:00:34.519 --> 01:00:37.079 Those same drugs are not available or they're 01:00:37.079 --> 01:00:40.760 too expensive in low- and middle-income countries, 01:00:40.760 --> 01:00:42.400 and so people are dying 01:00:42.400 --> 01:00:45.639 simply because they do not have access. 01:00:45.639 --> 01:00:50.519 The Medicines Patent Pool was set up in 2010 by Unitaid. 01:00:50.519 --> 01:00:54.599 So, at the time, there were new patented drugs for HIV, 01:00:54.599 --> 01:00:56.239 but they were too expensive 01:00:56.239 --> 01:00:58.880 for most low- and middle-income countries, 01:00:58.880 --> 01:01:00.320 and the concept was 01:01:00.320 --> 01:01:03.760 that if we could persuade pharmaceutical companies 01:01:03.760 --> 01:01:06.920 to give us licenses on their patented drugs, 01:01:06.920 --> 01:01:10.480 we could sublicense it to generic manufacturers 01:01:10.480 --> 01:01:14.280 who could produce affordable but high-quality versions. 01:01:14.280 --> 01:01:17.559 - Then this mandate evolved in TB and Hep-C 01:01:17.559 --> 01:01:19.840 and other infectious disease spaces. 01:01:21.679 --> 01:01:24.559 Once COVID showed up, what happened is 01:01:24.559 --> 01:01:27.960 that the world recognized the mechanism 01:01:27.960 --> 01:01:31.880 of voluntary licensing through MPP as an excellent way 01:01:31.880 --> 01:01:35.039 to have global access to the medicines. 01:01:35.039 --> 01:01:38.320 - So in 2021, this was set up 01:01:38.320 --> 01:01:42.559 as the mRNA Technology Transfer Programme, 01:01:42.559 --> 01:01:47.079 and the idea was to establish vaccine manufacturing 01:01:47.079 --> 01:01:49.840 in a way that was sustainable 01:01:49.840 --> 01:01:54.320 to make sure that the companies that receive the technology 01:01:54.320 --> 01:01:57.480 will be in a position to respond to the next pandemic. 01:01:58.760 --> 01:02:00.920 The interest is in the platform 01:02:00.920 --> 01:02:03.559 that can then be used for other diseases. 01:02:06.280 --> 01:02:09.880 The key concept behind this is empowerment, 01:02:09.880 --> 01:02:14.880 so what MPP are doing is supporting the growth 01:02:15.280 --> 01:02:19.320 of this capability in low- and middle-income countries. 01:02:20.519 --> 01:02:22.320 This program is different 01:02:22.320 --> 01:02:26.280 to anything really that's been tried before. 01:02:26.760 --> 01:02:29.320 - [Narrator] The Medicines Patent Pool and partners 01:02:29.320 --> 01:02:31.920 established a Technology Transfer Programme 01:02:31.920 --> 01:02:34.639 for mRNA vaccines in South Africa. 01:02:37.880 --> 01:02:39.480 - You have to remember that at the beginning 01:02:39.480 --> 01:02:43.840 it was just a concept and it needed a lot of shaping, 01:02:43.840 --> 01:02:47.760 and BCG were extremely helpful in doing that. 01:02:47.760 --> 01:02:50.000 BCG stepped into the gap 01:02:50.000 --> 01:02:53.440 and really provided the project management 01:02:53.440 --> 01:02:55.679 and a lot of the legs, if you like, 01:02:55.679 --> 01:02:57.519 to really get this off the ground. 01:02:57.519 --> 01:02:59.559 - Once it comes to put a structure 01:02:59.559 --> 01:03:01.880 and align stakeholders around the table 01:03:01.880 --> 01:03:03.719 and make them speak at one voice, 01:03:03.719 --> 01:03:06.920 this is one of the things I think BCG did 01:03:06.920 --> 01:03:09.880 that was strongly contributing to the success 01:03:09.880 --> 01:03:13.679 of the mRNA program from scratch. 01:03:13.679 --> 01:03:15.360 - [Narrator] The program successfully developed 01:03:15.360 --> 01:03:18.800 the first mRNA vaccine candidate, AfriVac 2121. 01:03:20.239 --> 01:03:23.239 To date, all but one of the 15 program partners 01:03:23.239 --> 01:03:24.760 received the introduction training 01:03:24.760 --> 01:03:28.039 for developing the mRNA platform at country level. 01:03:29.119 --> 01:03:33.519 - What COVID has done is really focus people's attention 01:03:33.519 --> 01:03:38.480 on the critical nature of health inequalities 01:03:38.480 --> 01:03:40.960 and making sure that we address them. 01:03:40.960 --> 01:03:45.920 That means that there need to be a lot more licenses given 01:03:45.920 --> 01:03:49.639 to us, in our opinion, to ensure health equity. 01:03:52.039 --> 01:03:55.039 - This, of course, increased the visibility 01:03:55.039 --> 01:03:56.320 of MPP in the world, 01:03:56.320 --> 01:03:59.599 and our mandate would then expand it, 01:03:59.599 --> 01:04:02.440 including the NCD space. 01:04:04.000 --> 01:04:09.000 - Licensing too often has been thought of as a PR activity 01:04:09.559 --> 01:04:12.119 or a CSR activity, 01:04:12.119 --> 01:04:16.639 and so we're delighted to be partnering with BCG 01:04:16.639 --> 01:04:21.639 to look at how we can quantify the dollar value 01:04:21.760 --> 01:04:23.400 of doing licensing. 01:04:23.400 --> 01:04:25.480 If we can do this successfully, 01:04:25.480 --> 01:04:29.719 this could completely change the mindset in industry, 01:04:29.719 --> 01:04:33.400 and that could revolutionize access. 01:04:33.400 --> 01:04:36.159 (dramatic music)