WEBVTT 00:00:11.553 --> 00:00:15.098 The Power Game in general is defined by being in a market 00:00:15.098 --> 00:00:18.059 where suppliers are concentrated, so you tend to 00:00:18.059 --> 00:00:20.520 find the same competitors over and over. 00:00:21.187 --> 00:00:24.441 Customers are concentrated, so you will negotiate with the same 00:00:24.441 --> 00:00:27.318 companies multiple times in a series of repeated games. 00:00:28.236 --> 00:00:31.906 The Power Game applies to industries such as component 00:00:31.906 --> 00:00:35.827 manufacturers in the technology sector, 00:00:35.827 --> 00:00:41.541 or heavy equipment manufacturers in heavily concentrated industries such as oil and gas. 00:00:41.875 --> 00:00:45.879 To do well in the Power Game from a pricing strategy and model perspective – 00:00:45.879 --> 00:00:49.215 to stay in the game – you need to understand the market, 00:00:49.215 --> 00:00:51.801 how it works, and how your competitors behave. 00:00:52.052 --> 00:00:53.595 So good market intel. 00:00:54.179 --> 00:00:55.764 You want to have strategy. 00:00:56.473 --> 00:01:00.477 You want to apply game theory concepts to how you negotiate 00:01:00.477 --> 00:01:04.189 and play the game over multiple rounds of negotiations. 00:01:04.522 --> 00:01:07.233 I can think of two main challenges companies face when 00:01:07.233 --> 00:01:08.318 playing the Power Game. 00:01:08.485 --> 00:01:13.323 The first one is not succumbing to the pressure of sales targets 00:01:13.323 --> 00:01:17.285 and the need we have to win against our competitors. 00:01:17.577 --> 00:01:21.539 The second one, especially when there's more supply than demand, 00:01:21.539 --> 00:01:25.293 it's then easy to try to take advantage of the situation and 00:01:25.293 --> 00:01:28.630 take more value from your customers than you should in 00:01:28.630 --> 00:01:31.549 order to build that long standing relationship. 00:01:32.217 --> 00:01:35.720 Three things to build and maintain competitive advantage 00:01:35.720 --> 00:01:37.430 when playing the Power Game. 00:01:38.264 --> 00:01:41.309 First, you want to differentiate yourself against your 00:01:41.309 --> 00:01:43.269 competitors at the customer level. 00:01:43.937 --> 00:01:47.899 Second, you want to develop good negotiation skills, stay calm 00:01:47.899 --> 00:01:52.195 under pressure, and have tools that allow you to see the big picture. 00:01:52.320 --> 00:01:54.405 And third, good pricing governance. 00:01:54.823 --> 00:01:59.369 It's very easy to get drawn into a price war just to win this deal.