WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:02.100 (upbeat music) 2 00:00:02.100 --> 00:00:05.570 Founded by President Mandela in 1995, 3 00:00:05.570 --> 00:00:10.020 the NBI is a membership-based organization, 4 00:00:10.020 --> 00:00:11.490 and essentially, our mission 5 00:00:11.490 --> 00:00:14.960 is around responsible corporate citizenship. 6 00:00:14.960 --> 00:00:19.960 We focus on issues such as environment, climate, water, 7 00:00:20.010 --> 00:00:23.920 and energy, youth employability, as well as, 8 00:00:23.920 --> 00:00:27.240 work to support the capacity of government. 9 00:00:27.240 --> 00:00:28.890 A couple of years ago, we started to look 10 00:00:28.890 --> 00:00:31.330 into the economic impacts of climate change, 11 00:00:31.330 --> 00:00:33.390 and we found that people were asking the wrong questions. 12 00:00:33.390 --> 00:00:36.970 They were asking, can we afford to transition? 13 00:00:36.970 --> 00:00:41.250 And the reality was, can we afford not to transition? 14 00:00:41.250 --> 00:00:43.330 A just transition in South Africa is critical. 15 00:00:43.330 --> 00:00:46.400 We can't just talk about net zero by 2050, 16 00:00:46.400 --> 00:00:49.150 and think about climate transitions as purely technical. 17 00:00:49.150 --> 00:00:51.980 South Africa's unique triple bottom line of poverty, 18 00:00:51.980 --> 00:00:54.960 inequality, and unemployment really drives the kinds 19 00:00:54.960 --> 00:00:56.513 of analysis that we need to do. 20 00:00:59.540 --> 00:01:01.430 It was critical to establish a fact base, 21 00:01:01.430 --> 00:01:04.780 so that we could really address the key issues around 22 00:01:04.780 --> 00:01:07.470 what it's gonna take for South Africa to get to net zero, 23 00:01:07.470 --> 00:01:09.670 and how can we ensure a just transition. 24 00:01:09.670 --> 00:01:12.180 For example, do we just need to solve 25 00:01:12.180 --> 00:01:15.280 for creating net-positive jobs, or do we actually also need 26 00:01:15.280 --> 00:01:17.088 to solve for moving people from 27 00:01:17.088 --> 00:01:18.438 the northeast of the country, 28 00:01:18.438 --> 00:01:20.800 where we have a lot of the coal value chain jobs, 29 00:01:20.800 --> 00:01:22.080 to the southwest of the country, 30 00:01:22.080 --> 00:01:24.680 where we may have better renewable energy resources? 31 00:01:26.580 --> 00:01:28.450 Number two, it helped us address what are some 32 00:01:28.450 --> 00:01:31.890 of the solutions for actually addressing these key issues, 33 00:01:31.890 --> 00:01:34.330 and solutions that are not just theoretical in nature, 34 00:01:34.330 --> 00:01:36.550 but actually have practical implementation. 35 00:01:36.550 --> 00:01:39.710 For example, what sort of policy regulations do we need 36 00:01:39.710 --> 00:01:42.920 in our energy landscape in order to encourage investment 37 00:01:42.920 --> 00:01:45.200 in more renewables? 38 00:01:45.200 --> 00:01:46.730 And lastly, it helped us move away 39 00:01:46.730 --> 00:01:48.400 from ideological discussions. 40 00:01:48.400 --> 00:01:50.070 It allowed us to start from a position 41 00:01:50.070 --> 00:01:52.610 of common understanding and really helps us drive 42 00:01:52.610 --> 00:01:56.301 towards a collaborative way of working towards a solution. 43 00:01:56.301 --> 00:01:58.440 NBI and BCG have worked very well together 44 00:01:58.440 --> 00:02:02.000 on this project, combining our respective skill sets 45 00:02:02.000 --> 00:02:05.410 and the deep analytics of BCG and the expert views, 46 00:02:05.410 --> 00:02:09.780 and the local context and political specialty of the MBI. 47 00:02:09.780 --> 00:02:12.030 In South Africa, we tend to think that everything 48 00:02:12.030 --> 00:02:14.040 that happens in South Africa is unique. 49 00:02:14.040 --> 00:02:17.070 Being able to benefit from thinking, 50 00:02:17.070 --> 00:02:20.560 and comparative experience, and what has worked 51 00:02:20.560 --> 00:02:23.330 or not worked in other places has been really important. 52 00:02:23.330 --> 00:02:25.940 And one amazing moment in the project was we had all 53 00:02:25.940 --> 00:02:27.810 of our CEO champions around the room saying, 54 00:02:27.810 --> 00:02:28.920 look, this work is great. 55 00:02:28.920 --> 00:02:29.753 We all agree. 56 00:02:29.753 --> 00:02:30.950 This is the right way forward. 57 00:02:30.950 --> 00:02:33.230 How do we have this conversation with government? 58 00:02:33.230 --> 00:02:35.340 And at the same time, we had the chair 59 00:02:35.340 --> 00:02:37.080 of the Presidential Coordinating Commission 60 00:02:37.080 --> 00:02:39.410 on Climate Change sitting in the room saying, 61 00:02:39.410 --> 00:02:41.120 look, I've seen the analysis. 62 00:02:41.120 --> 00:02:42.340 It's amazing work. 63 00:02:42.340 --> 00:02:44.357 I'm gonna make sure that I take this to government. 64 00:02:44.357 --> 00:02:47.090 I'm gonna make sure we can drive a cohesive discussion 65 00:02:47.090 --> 00:02:48.490 between business and industry. 66 00:02:48.490 --> 00:02:51.950 Reaching that point where we realized that decarbonizing, 67 00:02:51.950 --> 00:02:53.670 in particular the power sector, was something 68 00:02:53.670 --> 00:02:55.840 that was really possible, something that we could do 69 00:02:55.840 --> 00:02:58.390 inside the timelines required by science, 70 00:02:58.390 --> 00:03:00.500 and at very low cost to the economy. 71 00:03:00.500 --> 00:03:03.622 And seeing how stakeholders responded and how positively 72 00:03:03.622 --> 00:03:05.620 they responded was a really exciting moment. 73 00:03:05.620 --> 00:03:08.310 When we started this work, I wasn't certain 74 00:03:08.310 --> 00:03:12.370 that South Africa could in fact get to net zero by 2050. 75 00:03:12.370 --> 00:03:13.203 And I think for me, 76 00:03:13.203 --> 00:03:16.940 that has been the most fundamental change, to realize 77 00:03:16.940 --> 00:03:18.700 that actually there are pathways. 78 00:03:18.700 --> 00:03:20.820 They're not simple, they're not easy, 79 00:03:20.820 --> 00:03:22.800 there are very big challenges in the way 80 00:03:22.800 --> 00:03:25.810 of the implementation, but in actual fact, 81 00:03:25.810 --> 00:03:27.510 there is a way that one can do it.